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Chapter 7

  • MARK
  • "Fuck..." I muttered under my breath. She was on her feet, hot and ready to throw fists. So feisty! "Why am I here?" I growled.
  • She screamed something at Eric. I could hear her. It wasn't surprising to see her getting in fights with men after all she did in the store.
  • She suddenly crouched, ready, poised to strike like a deadly viper. My control snapped.
  • "What the hell is going on here?!" I yelled. Everybody turned to me. When our eyes locked and she scoffed, I knew what was running through her head...
  • *~*~*~*~*~*
  • I furrowed my brows as I stared out of my balcony. That lady got on my nerves every fucking time we stumbled into each other!
  • And of course, she wasn't going to agree that the unforeseen coincidence wasn't planned.
  • She had made another show in the club, screaming with visuals of how I, in her words, "grabbed her arse."
  • That sounded so funny... and fucking annoying.
  • I had ladies who were ready to let me fuck them from dusk till dawn for free. And I had women in Madrid who had begged for just a night in my bed. One even pleaded for just a session of French kissing.
  • Hearing a stranger saying I was trying to take a feel of her body wasn't only surprising, but infuriating as well!
  • I scoffed as I remembered how she had stood up to Eric and the other men.
  • Eric had never been one to make use of his brain, and that was the reason he always landed himself in police cases. How could he grab a stranger as his own without making findings??
  • With her demeanour and fierce attitude, she could be an underground detective or something of that sort — though young.
  • I palmed my face. I was allowing her to take up much of my thoughts, and that was the last thing I wanted for myself.
  • After collecting a little air from my position on the balcony, I went in and grabbed my phone, instantly leading myself to a folder...
  • There she was, smiling into the camera with her brown eyes and dark hair... JUNE... My June...
  • We would have been so good together, I swear... But sometimes, you have to sacrifice your happiness for love.
  • I did that. And I don't regret it one bit.
  • *~*~*~*~*~*
  • "BOSS..."
  • "Hmm?" I said half-asleep and groggy. What was with Kenzo and early rising? I couldn't remember how many times I'd killed the idea of spiking his drink with some 15-hour slumber drug and going to bed with a smile on my face.
  • "Boss, it's morning."
  • I know!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • "Ah fuck," I grunted and flung the pillow over my face. Gosh, I sincerely thought I would never feel maternal care again. Wtf??!
  • "Sorry, boss," his voice came again, soft and understanding. You'd think he was a shy high school student begging his dad for some money. But I know better because I've seen him twist a man's neck, snuffing out life, like a chiropractor without any iota of experience."You told me to wake you up early this morning."
  • Of course, I did, but I didn't expect him to come knocking very early!
  • "Shut the fuck up. You do this almost every day, Kenzo. Last night's instruction just aided your motivation."
  • I heard a small chuckle before he said, "You have a meeting with Eric this morning. Those goods must come in this week max."
  • "Get the fuck outta my room and let me rest some more."
  • "No, boss. It's already ten."
  • "What??!" I jumped to a sitting position and blinked. "I swear if you said that to make me get up, I'll kill you!" I checked my phone, and the time was as he said.
  • Kenzo shrugged and gave me an I-told-you-so look.
  • "I even let you sleep in, boss."
  • I shuffled out of bed before remembering that I had taken a partner for the night.
  • Kenzo must have understood because he immediately brought it up.
  • "You sent her away after you were done. She didn't sleep in your bed."
  • I had a meeting with that idiot concerning the supply his boys were yet to get from our Russian partners. Knowing that Eric was just nothing but one of my boys who was now running a small cartel, I could sleep as much as I wanted and go when I wanted to, but I always taught the importance of timing in business.
  • I had to live by example...
  • *~*~*~*~*~*
  • "The men are not responding as they should."
  • "Then make them." I leaned into my chair and took another puff of my blunt, blowing the fumes into the air, and drowning it with a bottle of whiskey beside me.
  • Eric did a very poor job organizing his men. How can you be surrounded by people you don't even trust?
  • "Errm... Boss, you know, not everyone is as brutal as you are," he said and chuckled nervously.
  • I blew the chewy gum I bought with me, relaxing on the chair with no care in the world. Eric watched me the entire time, waiting to see if I had anything to say before he continued.
  • "I can hear you," I said before lifting the glass of whiskey to my lips again and taking a sip. "By now, I expect your men to be under your control."
  • "They are crackheads." His eyes suddenly lit up. "Boss, did I tell you that I got that girl from last night? I got her from an auction!"
  • "What girl are you talking—"
  • The sound of a yell stopped me. It was soon followed by more yells, then the sound of a triggered gun.
  • With a frown, I got up and briskly walked to the window. There was a lady on the floor, dragging her body towards the gate. The entire premises were in chaos.
  • I ran after Eric who was sprinting downstairs to see what was going on.
  • I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw who was being dragged back to the house with a gunshot wound in her thigh, dripping blood to the ground.
  • That same lady from last night... What the fuck?!
  • Why does this keep happening?!!!
  • She was making a great scene despite her injury. When she opened her mouth to speak and rained hot sentences on me, I wasn't surprised or shocked like I was supposed to. I was already getting used to it.
  • Used to it?! That was a very wrong choice of words. I just met her the previous night.
  • I turned to Eric with a confusing glare.
  • “Oh?” the foolish man nervously chuckled, with his green-as-hell suit reflecting the clown genes in him. “This was the girl I got from the auction yesterday. A virgin, I tell you. The men were vying to have her.”
  • The redhead seemed to be getting the information for the first time because she screamed in shock.
  • "What do you intend to do with her?" I demanded and folded my arms across my chest. I looked at her again. She was seriously bleeding, and I didn't care, but...
  • “What else? She's a virgin. What else will I do with her?”
  • She screamed obscenities again.
  • I palmed my face.
  • She had June's eyes, honey-brown and expressive. But June was never this feisty... okay, a bit.
  • "I will buy her," I said without thinking.
  • "What?!"
  • "What?!"
  • Eric and the lady screamed at the same time.
  • Oh yes, I wasn't backing down now…