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Chapter 4

  • Chapter Four
  • But amidst all the happiness, there was one person who looked so worried and unhappy. She was dressed in Gold colored satin gown, the top was armless, and the skirt was free below, she wore a pair of silver earrings, and a silver colored bead necklace, her Golden hair was also supported by a Gold colored Hairpin.
  • She was none other than Cassie Ryan, Lucas wife and the only daughter of Jonathan Ryan and Maria. Jonathan was actually Lady Ryan first child, he was a filial child, he was actually the director of the family business until Mr. Ryan died five years ago, and the family was demoted to the Transport Department with just less than 20,000 per month.
  • Actually he alone volunteered to marry her daughter off during the crises about seven years ago, thus Mr. Ryan loved him most, but Lady Ryan disliked her son more anything, thus immediately Mr. Ryan died, she demoted Jonathan to an ordinary head of the transport department.
  • Meanwhile Cassie was actually worried about her husband, because she actually sent him to get some gift for Lady Ryan, and it’s been over two hours that he was gone.
  • “Cassie, where is Lucas? He should be back already.” Jonathan said silently.
  • “Dad. I am worried too.” Cassie replied, she looked too worried because her expression also changed.
  • “Maybe you should call him then.” Jonathan said too.
  • “Ain’t you going to present your gift to grandmother?” That was Harold; he was behind Lady Ryan all the time, he knew all who presented gift to Lady Ryan.
  • “Harold, stop talking like that.” Cassie said back at Harold.
  • “But Harold was right by asking you. You haven’t present gift to Grandma.” A lady said, she was Harold brother, she was named Micky.
  • If Jonathan was Lady Ryan first son, then Harold mother named Margret was the second child of Lady Ryan, she married into a wealthy family, thus her husband pumped more money into the family business, thereby making her family to be Lady Ryan favorite.
  • Immediately all eyes are on Cassie and her father, to the family, Jonathan was the dreg of the family, since his demotion about five years ago; his family became an object of contempt for the whole Ryan family.
  • Cassie was no different too, since she married Lucas, the whole of City J had make jest of her, few people knew about the inside story and the reason behind the sudden marriage, the Ryan family who knew about it don’t even take any precaution to curb the rumor, in fact they became a means for the information to travelled faster.
  • “But we prepared a gift.” Cassie said in a panic tone.
  • “Then bring it forward.” Micky said in contempt.
  • “Or maybe the gift was too shabby that you feel so dejected to bring it forward.” Harold also said in contempt.
  • Immediately the whole hall burst to laughter, they all began to make jest of Jonathan and his daughter, they all pointed a mocking fingers at the father and daughter duo.
  • Meanwhile Jonathan and Cassie became so ashamed of their selves, if they could find a hole to hide, they would have jumped in the hole immediately, but it is just wish, and nothing can save them from the reality staring at them.
  • “My father and I really brought something.” Cassie said still in panic.
  • Even though her voice was in low tone, yet Harold heard her clearly, because his attention was on Cassie all the time, his aim was to pressure Cassie till she gave into marrying whom Lady Ryan wanted.
  • “Then what did you bring for Grandma then?” Harold asked again.
  • “We actually forget it at home, but Lucas went back for it.” Jonathan said sharply to save Cassie from embarrassment.
  • “You mean that useless brat with nothing good to offer the family.” Lady Ryan said scornfully.
  • “Lucas was not good for nothing, he was my husband.” Cassis always became angry whenever Lucas was called a good for nothing.
  • “That husband of yours who only knew how to eat and drink at your home. Does he even know how to make money?” Lady Ryan said again.
  • “But Grandma, you missed to add something very important and crucial to it, her husband knew to how wash her cloth, sweep the house and cook food for her wife.” Harold said looking very serious in which he was actually trying to make jest of Lucas.
  • “That still boils down to the fact that, he was good for nothing.” Micky also add in contempt.
  • Immediately Harold and Micky voice out, the whole crowd in the hall burst to a big round of laughter. Most of the crowd don’t know whom Lucas was, but the way he was described by those who knew him, it was enough for others to imagine a grown up man who was useless as a white crayon on white paper, they can imagine a grown up man dressed up in a woman cloth, a man useless as the P in Psychology.
  • Cassie lost her temper immediately. “Does not matter, at least he was different from everyone here.” Cassie said angrily, she stood up to walked away from the party.
  • “If your take one more step from there, then consider yourself no longer a member of this family.” Lady Ryan said angrily.
  • Cassie leg was stuck on the floor, she was caught between her duty to the family; and her passion for Lucas, she looked up in the sky with her face squeezed together, and she was actually trying to make up the odds.
  • “What do I do now Lucas?” Cassie said, she looked at the entrance and prayed that Lucas appeared from the door.
  • Actually every woman wanted a man who can be like their guardian angel, to appear as a Knight in shining armour when they are in trouble, to sooth them when they are in pain, to be a motivational when their soul was troubled, to joke with them when they are sad. But all this attribute were all what Lucas was far from.
  • Cassie make up her mind to walked away without looking back, though it was difficult, yet between Lucas and the Ryan family, she would choose Lucas.
  • “This is your last warning Cassie.” Lady Ryan stern voice was heard from afar.
  • “You don’t have to follow anybody coercion, you must do whatever your heart tell you to do.” A male voice said from outside.
  • Cassie knew that voice note than anyone, even though the confidence from that voice was new to her, yet that moment, it was like a soothing balm to her.
  • Lucas walked into the hall, his white shirt was having sign of blood; that probably was where he was shot by Harold, he can actually heal the wound immediately, but he didn’t, he left it bleeding, he also held a white paper bag in his hand.
  • “Between I and them, whom will you choose?” Lucas stopped right in front of Cassie and he pointed to himself first, and then back at the Ryan family.
  • Cassie blinked first. “Off course I would choose you first.” She swallowed her saliva and she continued. “But if I do that, we will suffer.”
  • “Then follow your heart Wife, you are independent and hardworking than anyone here, if not for you, that family business would have crumbled down.” Lucas said as he was looking down at Cassie in the face.
  • Cassie smiled, because she felt that Lucas had change, and that he looked far more confident than before, well she was a woman too, and she also wished to be protected by her husband more than anything.
  • Finally after a moment, she asked. “Did you bring it?”
  • Lucas knew what Cassie was asking for, she handed over the paper bag to Cassie, she also took it and walked back towards Lady Ryan, Lucas also sat down beside Jonathan.
  • “What took you so long?” Jonathan asked worriedly. Not that he hated his son-in-law, yet he didn’t love him too.
  • Lucas wanted to replied to Jonathan question, but Harold voice came over from behind Lady Ryan.
  • “Lucas, how are you able to make it here?” Harold tone held shock; even his expression showed that he was shocked.
  • A wise man would be able to discern the meaning behind Harold question, even his expression betrayed him. Lucas scoffed first.
  • “Off course some people wanted me dead, so they shot me in the stomach.” Lucas stood up for others to see, he also raised his cloth for others to see.
  • Everybody in the hall all gasp in surprise seeing that gunshot wound, even Cassie who only wanted to present her gift also stopped on her track and turned back, she actually saw that blood before, but her mind was not in it, she only recollect herself right now.
  • “Are you saying I tried to kill you?” Harold said angrily.
  • Lucas scoffed again. “I have not even mentioned any name, I only said they shot me and pushed me off Gory cliff.”