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Chapter 3

  • (Cara POV)
  • “What the hell Cara?, there better be a very good reason to why you made me miss that night I was day dreaming to have with Ken” Sophia said with an unmistakable edge to her voice, she really was furious that I spoiled the fun for her, I bet she was regretting bringing me over to the club.
  • “So you even remember his name, that means you did like this dude”
  • “Of course, good thing I was able to get his phone number. So tell me you at least got hottie's number to at least”
  • “No, I didn’t... when I was like lap dancing I think he growled”
  • “That’s a good thing.. some do that,” Sophia argued, “It means he likes it”
  • “No, he growled like some kind of animal. He did it the first time and then the second”
  • “Darling, that’s why is not advisable to drink that so much you know, considering that you don’t drink a lot... or at all, but I’m glad you seemed to have forgotten about Jake even if it was for this few hours”
  • “No, I knew what I heard, and he was like ‘mine’. He actually called me his, like who does that?”
  • “Maybe a freak, but he’s a hot one though, and that did sound sexy, so was that what got into your pants, I thought he had done something else to scare you?”
  • “You don’t get it Sophia, I didn’t know why I had to pick him, he felt... strange, all of them did and when I wanted to get up and leave, he didn’t allow me at first”
  • “Well, that’s no big deal, the plan was that you would end up banging him and you only managed a lap dance, you turned him on maybe he enjoyed it that’s why he didn’t want you to go, he did finally let you go after all”
  • She was right. Maybe it could have been the alcohol messing with my mind. I wasn’t even sure he growled; it was definitely the alcohol.
  • “I’m sorry for messing up your time,” I say as I lean against the car seat.
  • “I did this for you, so it’s totally okay and you did have a pleasant time with Mr. Hot Freak, didn’t you?”
  • My cheeks reddened and, of course, Sophia didn’t miss that either. “Okay, maybe he was very hot, and the dance was sexy and all... but that’s how far I can go through the crazy road, So i'll be going right back to my usual life, but this time of course it won’t be with Jake”
  • “You know you can stay at my place, just in case you feel lonely”
  • “Oh, there is no need for that, I’ll just stay the night and by tommorow I’ll be right back at my house”
  • “Would you be okay?” she asked, but I wasn’t even thinking about Jake anymore, all I thought about was the guy at the club, the way his hands felt against my skin, running up my thigh...
  • ~
  • In the morning I woke up with a hangover. After taking some pills, I took a quick cold shower to clear my head.
  • “Are you sure you want to go back to your house now?, all alone?”
  • “Yes, Sophia, but I would still visit though I might be facing a very angry boss by tomorrow as I would be skipping work today”.
  • “I don’t know why you still work in that shabby place, you got the skills to open your own business and stuff”
  • “Well, I got the skills, but without the money is effortless. I gotta go and don’t forget to call Ken. I only hope maybe you could try him out and not just have a single fuck with him and that’s it”
  • “Well, I lose interest in them after sex, so you can’t really blame me,” she muttered, going back to sleep. Sophia wasn’t an early riser.
  • I hadn’t been to my own personal house for two months, so there would be a shitload of cleaning and arranging to do, but then I walked into the house. I had this strange feeling, like someone was inside.
  • “Hello” I called out as I walked in. “Anybody?”
  • No response.
  • I felt like a fool, of course there was nobody in the house, I walk to the fridge which was empty except from a single carton of milk; I took it out, drinking it directly from the carton when I heard the voice, the same voice that sent chills down my body.
  • “Cara, what a beautiful name" he said, his voice so low and yet filled with so much power that It didn't feel normal. It was the Hottie freak from the club, sitting on one of the dinning chairs like he owned the damn house.
  • "You left so fast, even before I could tell you my name” his voice was deep and rich, just his voice alone was able to bring back the strange feeling in me, that strange want.
  • “What do you want from me?, how did you find me and how do you know my name? I never told you that,” I asked, my heart pounding, maybe he had always been stalking me, I was sure it wasn't Sophy to tell him.
  • “I don’t want anything from you, I only want you”
  • “I’m not interested,” I say as I reach desperately for my phone. It was on the table just a few steps away.
  • “Don't do that" he said without looking at me, "It would take me less than a second to get to the table and pick up the phone" he said as he stared at a picture I never noticed he held, a picture I left in my room.
  • "Who is this?” he asked, turning the picture to me, I recognised it even without looking, this was a pic of Jake and I, I had many pictures of him in my room but still it was strange, the Hot freak going through my stuff, standing in my house and asking me who the guy in a pic he found in my room was.
  • “Is none of your business, leave or I would call the police”
  • “Who is this?” he growled out, ignoring my question and I heard it again, the animalistic sound. This time I was sure it hadn’t been some alcohol playing with my head.
  • “That was my boyfriend,” I say.
  • I watch in fear as his eyes darkened. I could swear that the colour had sparks of gold in that once completely emerald eyes. What the hell was happening and why was it making me scared and at the same time turned on?
  • He walked closer to me, like a predator. With each step forward he took, I took one backward till my back was against the wall.
  • “You are mine, no one else” he whispered to me again.
  • “I don’t belong to anyone, now get the hell out of my house”
  • “I can perceive your lust in the air, your body seems to disagree with you,” he says with a smirk that looked... wolfish.
  • Okay, now this was getting worse. How does he know what I was feeling right now? What exactly is he?
  • “How did you know my name?” I ask for the second time.
  • “I heard your friend call you... Cara. It is a beautiful name”
  • For some strange reasons, I loved the way my voice sounded against his lips and I wanted to hear it again, over and over.
  • “But how could you?..”
  • He cuts off my words with a rough kiss against my lips; I try pushing him away but it was only halfheartedly, my body seemed to have a mind of his own and finally I gave in, kissing him back as I wonder what the hell is going on with me and why he affected me in this way, like some kind mind racking addiction.
  • “I scent him on you. No other person should have what belongs to me, might as well kill him”
  • “Wait, what?” I mumbled, my brain still not able to process his words.
  • “You know what I want to do right now?, I want to fuck him off you. I want you to know that no other person could fuck you like I would and I want to prove that to you every single day”
  • His words should scare me, so unfiltered, but instead it only caused me to shiver in anticipation, here I was, still against the wall, I had given up on trying to push him away; it didn’t make sense that a total stranger could believe he owned me, I must really be bad at picking guys, Jake was a cheater and I just never knew, this hottie making me feel different things all at once was a freak.
  • His hands traced up my thigh again, just like last night and my knees were all weak my breath were coming out like pants.
  • “You want this, don’t you?” He asks, his voice taunting. He kisses my neck down to my expose cleavages, but then he halted.
  • “Your scent,” he says looking a bit troubled, “Why do you scent so strongly like a human?”
  • “Wait what do you mean?, you are freaking me out now” I say finally pushing myself off him, “Why are you calling ‘human’ like you from another planet”
  • “I don’t scent your wolf, I thought it was my senses last night”
  • Okay, it’s official, this hottie is crazy, and he got to leave, what the hell was he talking about wolves and humans, this was beyond crazy, if he wouldn’t leave then maybe I would. I picked up my jacket hurrying out of the house, but just in a second, he was right in front of me, he had been beside me a second ago he was some feet away, my jaw was literally on the floor.
  • “What the hell was that?”
  • “Where are you going Cara?” he asks, ignoring my question, it wasn’t just him alone but his aurora, there was something strong, domineering and dark about it.
  • “I’m going... home” I stutter, trying to walk past him, but this time he don’t let me.
  • “This is not your home, this places you go to, they aren't home, what pack did you come from?, you can’t possibly be a human” he said and I could see a little irritation pass through his eyes and that maddens me even if i was completely lost with all the strange words.
  • “I don’t know what you are and I really don’t want to, but I am human, now please just let me go and I promise no one would know about any of these” I say trying to plead with him, but he wasn’t even listening to me.
  • “I can't possibly be given me a human as a mate. How is that even possible? A weak human. You can't be their Luna. A simple Omega would easily over power you," he said, intensely watching me as if waiting for me to say something. However, I had nothing to say because the words "Luna," "Omega," "mate," "pack," and "wolf" were the words I had encountered in stories about werewolves. I wasn't much of a reader, but I had come across those names... titles like these.
  • “Let me get this straight. I am your mate and the supposed Luna of a pack?”
  • “Yes, but never in history have a werewolf been given a human as a mate”
  • “Maybe... that’s because you have been mistaken” I say with a nervous laugh, “I’m not the girl you’re looking for, your...” the words felt weird in my mouth, “Mate, she’s somewhere out there, maybe in the woods..”
  • “You think this is some kind of joke?” he asks, his eyes darkening. He looked furious, scary, and when he spoke, I thought I saw fangs peaking out of his mouth. He slams me against the wall and his touch alone sent that strange sparks ringing through me. “Don’t you feel the sparks?, When I’m close to you, don’t you feel the sexual energy?” he asks and I’m surprised, how the hell did he know, but the question on my mind was did he feel everything I felt too, did he feel the sparks and the sexual energy?.
  • “Yes,” he answers, like he could read my mind. Did I mistakenly say those things out?
  • “Did I say that... out loud?”
  • “No, you said it through the mind link”
  • “The mind link... okay, that’s another weird word. I really did have a fun time with you, but I need to go to work now and I would love it if you just let me go”, that was a lie, I wasn't planning on going to work today, what I really want to do was run away, anywhere far away from the weirdo and maybe straight to the police.
  • “No,” he said like I had asked the world most stupid question.
  • “What do you mean by no?”
  • “You would be coming home with me, to my pack as my mate”