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Chapter 6 Liam's Mansion

  • "Oh, you're awake? Good. Come. Sit here with me." Liam was stunned. His smile widened. He examined Alessia's face intensely. He prepared a plate for Ally, who was still shocked.
  • "Don't just stand right there. You have to eat. You haven't eaten anything since yesterday, have you? I don't want you to get sick. Oh, yes. Sorry, I forgot. Welcome, Ally. It's my Mansion, and meet my butler, Sir Windsor."
  • Sir Windsor greeted Ally with a respectful bow. "How are you, Lady? Please sit; join us for breakfast. Eat a lot. Hope you like my cooking, Miss Dawn," and said Windsor excitedly.
  • Alessia has not been able to act when she is hungry. In her heart, her anger grew. However, this hunger that hurts her stomach cannot be compromised.
  • Ally nodded, smiling sweetly. "Nice to meet you, sir. I hope my arrival doesn't bother you."
  • Windsor laughed broadly. Shaking his hand. "Annoying? Of course not, Miss Dawn. I'm happy. There you are here. The Mansion is huge and quiet. Precisely your presence brings new colors and also pleasant warmth. Of course, Mr. Coltrane will soon get married and have a wife."
  • Alessia choked on her breakfast.
  • Liam hurriedly presented a glass of water to the Alessia’s hand. "Slow down, baby. Here, have a drink. Sir Windsor, stop joking with her. She choked like this out of surprise."
  • Windsor laughed even wider. "I'm not joking, Mr. Coltrane. Besides, you are a great couple."
  • "I'm working on it, Sir Windsor. A challenge to me softened the Queen's heart." Liam joked without taking his eyes off Alessia's gorgeous face.
  • Alessia sighed with relief. She glanced at Liam fiercely. Wipe her lips using a napkin.
  • Liam and Windsor's laughter broke out loud. Ally don't know why she’s pretty face is now even blushing. Blood rose to her cheekbones. She continued her meal.
  • "Shut up, Liam!" Ally growled in a half-whisper.
  • Liam nodded. Just chuckle. "Yes. Sorry. Don't be so mad. Do you want me to continue eating, or do you want me to feed you?"
  • "No need!" replied Alessia vexedly. Slightly slamming the spoon.
  • Liam guffawed again.
  • Alessia noticed Liam and Windsor's familiarity. Does Sir Windsor know how terrible Liam is? They look so familiar and warm? As if nothing happened? Liam's attitude was different from his. Like any normal human being. Caring, kind, friendly, and full of laughter and joy. Liam is skilled and good at hiding his identity. Does he always act like that to everyone he meets? I was trapped myself. Unless Sir Windsor, too – a Hitman like Liam?! Impossible!
  • All of a sudden, Alessia was staring. Her face was deathly pale. She loses her appetite when her mind is filled with opposing ideas. Since yesterday there was nothing for Ally to think about but death.
  • What if they want to kill me here?
  • Alessia gasped. Her reverie dispersed when Liam gently grasped her fingers. Liam leaned over and said in a whisper. "Put aside your bad thoughts about Sir Windsor. He's my cleanest, kindest, and most honest Butler. He doesn't know anything other than taking care of the Mansion. I told you I protect and take care of you. I want you to feel safe and comfortable here. It's him and you that keeps me sane."
  • "I don't think about anything." Alessia pulled her fingers. Her eyes flickered nervously. She decided to finish her breakfast.
  • Liam laughed. "My Queen is lovely. When you're angry, you look really sexy, you know?"
  • Alessia rolled her eyes lazily. "You seduce me? You think I can forget all that stuff?!"
  • "For now. You're gonna fight me a lot, Ally. But slowly. You must understand everything about me. My ideal. When that time comes, tell me what you think. I can't wait to hear it, baby." Liam is full of confidence.
  • Alessia clapped eyes on Liam's handsome face with judgment and various expressions. Liam is perfect. There are no flaws in him. Ally still does not understand why the charismatic man went through another terrible side of life? He is handsome, charming. Sharp stern jaws like hewn from an angry alabaster. His golden shade eyes are captive and alluring, and he has an attractive smile.
  • No one can deny his level of confidence. Alessia even imagined their hot and intense struggle in a cold Swiss bed a few months ago.
  • It was a great experience and a great reminder of her life.
  • Alessia cursed herself. Shook her head vigorously. [ What was I thinking, anyway?! ]
  • "You know what, Miss Dawn? Mr. Coltrane rarely brought women to this Mansion. When he brought you here. That means he really and truly loves you. I've been waiting a long time for this miracle to happen. I hope you guys can go on to the wedding, huh?" Windsor is full of hope. He smiled broadly.
  • Ally bowed deeper to hide her heated cheek tinge. Liam just chortled while busy pressing the tablet in his hand.
  • "I think you're exaggerating, Sir Windsor. Liam is so annoying and a jerk!" Alessia's counterpart suppressed her words. Liam glared furiously.
  • Liam put on a cool face. Her eyes lit up, intensely scrutinizing Alessia. By whatever is in the heavens and the Earth. The glare of those sharp eyes is really trapping. It makes anyone drift away.
  • It's easy for Liam to attract the attention of any woman. Ally is deeply in love with him.
  • Alessia sizzled inwardly. [ See? That hot look sucks! ]
  • "Oh, I've heard. The couple often quarreled. Tend to be an eternal love, Mr. Coltrane." Windsor clapped his hands, enthusiastic himself. He said it in a joking tone.
  • Liam refused to take his eyes off Alessia. "Yeah. I really like women who are grumpy and chatty anyway. That's sexy to me."
  • Ally screamed in her heart. You are a lunatic! Who said I wanted to live with you? I have to find a way to get out of here!
  • ***
  • "The view is cool. This Mansion stands alone on a cliff? Crazy. But it's incredible." Alessia muttered, approaching the balcony, whose barrier was clear glass.
  • There is a transparent swimming pool that shows the beauty of the steep cliffs. A cold wind blows Ally's hair, and cold fog descends the mountains, a shady gray cloud bed that breathes fresh air.
  • The sky looks like it could be touched. As far as the eye can see, there is only a panorama of the pine forest, the soothing scent of pine blossoms. The clarity of the waterfall with the upper reaches of the river stretches. Mountain peaks behind the thick fog.
  • The legs of the valley are impeccably elongated. Alessia's eyes were spoiled by the extraordinary beauty of nature.
  • The Mansion was very magnificent and spacious. Ally has seen all of its luxurious interiors and exteriors. Modern, sophisticated furniture, shimmering chrome color, crystal chandelier.
  • The finest granite floors, silk-soft maroon curtains, and extravagant tapestries with soft fur.
  • Alessia's fingers touched the icy clear pool water. She could clearly see the steep cliffs below from its upper surface. It felt like she was on the other side of the world. It was very different from her life in London.
  • [ Wait a minute. I'm still on Earth, right? ]
  • "You like it?"
  • Alessia was startled when Liam suddenly appeared behind her.
  • "What is this place?" asked Ally. Plain and much quieter. Windsor's presence here softened her anger.
  • "My private Mansion. Take it easy; you're still on Earth. It's in place, Fell." it was as if Liam could read Alessia's mind. He sipped his cup of coffee.
  • Liam's sharp golden shaded eyes gazed away.
  • It's getting awkward. Ally needed to figure out how to behave. Because so far, Liam has treated her well. More than Alessia appreciates herself.
  • Ally even tends to self-destruct often, especially since Kayla's death. She realized that her life was no longer worth living.
  • At least Liam didn't take her away from Great Britain.
  • "You have to explain the situation to me. Why are those mercenaries after me? What exactly am I in the middle of? Who are they? Everyone I meet is after that thing. They fought over it. Did you steal it? To the point of upsetting them?" Alessia asked, examining Liam's handsome face intensely. She demanded a definite answer. "You discussed the agency with Officer Austin last night. What does that all mean?"
  • Liam smiled charmingly. His sexy athletic body is perfectly sculpted. Behind basic navy tees, a chest as muscular as steel stands out. Sturdy legs wrapped in matching cargo pants.
  • Ally grunted vexedly. Whatever the man is wearing. Everything is always perfect.
  • "Can you trust me, Ally?"
  • Ally’s eyebrows narrowed. She giggled bitterly. "Trust you?! Stare at me? Twice I almost died. How can I just sit quietly? Should I still trust you?!"
  • Liam crossed his arms across his chest without wasting his perfect smile. He examined Alessia in admiration. "I just want you to trust me from now on. You know what? See you in Switzerland. It changed most of my life. I didn't think twice about leaving this side of my life. I want to live a normal life with you, Ally. Really. But, as long as I'm in this job. We will not be happy and safe. Never free to run. They're gonna find us and kill us both. No one can stop them but me. I will lose anything as long as I'm with you."
  • Alessia listened intently. The seriousness of Liam's words melted her heart. Her blood flow swishes warm up to the cheeks.
  • Liam clasped Alessia's fingers softly. He demanded in a deep voice. "You changed me. Give me a chance to finish this. Do exactly what I said. I need you to trust me. As time goes by. You'll understand why I was able to walk that dark path. I'm risking everything so I can stay with you. It's going to be hard. I'm not saying it's going to be easy. Stay by my side. Whatever happens, Ally."
  • Alessia's heart was pounding furiously as Liam grabbed her hips. She couldn't resist Liam's touch. They're as close as a pulse. Ally has been crazy about him since they had sex in Switzerland.
  • "Do not turn or leave. Because I can't live without you. If you refuse. We'd better die together. Whatever you want to call me, devil, monster, or vile. Yes. I'm a monster, and I’m the perfect Devil. From hell to heaven; I love you, Alessia."
  • It's hard for Alessia to swallow her saliva. She's breathing hard. She was unable to resist Liam Coltrane's charm.
  • Liam was expecting an intelligent answer. He stroked Alessia's cheeks gently. Waiting for the woman's comment. Liam smiled fabulously.
  • [ Trust to perfect Monster and Devil… ]
  • "Fine." Ally retorted without hesitation. She challenged Liam. "I still doubt you, Liam. Make my thoughts and views change about you. If you can do it. I'm willing to be by your side until I die."
  • ***