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Chapter 6

  • There were seven in the group, and they were divided into three groups.
  • Along with Kurt and Leo, their mission is to disconnect the missile. The two groups are assigned to intercept the terrorist leader.
  • One holds a device, which detects heat coming from the opponent's body. It will also serve as their informant where their target is.
  • Kurt's group was careful with every move.
  • Because it was dark, they used a night vision to see the opponents.
  • "Eagle one, there are two on your right." informed by their lookout.
  • They approached carefully to the right, holding their guns firmly with silencers.
  • The opponents could only hear the silent dead when it fell with a blow to the head.
  • Kurt and Leo advanced quickly, as did their group. They immediately tracked down the building. This is where the terrorists fortify themselves.
  • "Eagle one, the missile is near you, but there is ten guards." explanation of their lookout.
  • Kurt looked at Leo and motioned for him to separate.
  • He quickly followed and went to the back of the building. Kurt carefully enters the front and moves cautiously as he enters the building.
  • "Eagle one, there's a problem with the radar ..." he didn't finish what he was going to say, and he disappeared from the line.
  • "Damn !!!" Kurt cursed because of what happened. He no longer knew where the opponent was. When he entered a room, someone immediately fired at him.
  • The opponent fired a series of shots in his direction.
  • Kurt dashed and jumped to the other side of the wall to hide. He immediately retaliated with a gunshot when the opponent stopped.
  • Because of the amount of shooting at Kurt, he picked up the grenade and threw it hard at the opponent's area.
  • Two powerful explosions were created by the grenade he fired.
  • This created the collapse of other parts of the building.
  • Kurt quickly came out of hiding and fired a series of shots at the opponents, unable to retaliate due to the damage sustained by the exploded grenade.
  • Silence followed.
  • Kurt exits the room and leaves the opponents lifeless.
  • He encountered several other members of the terrorist in the building.
  • He reached the top of the building and looked at the sky. The king's sun was already shining, and it was a sign that they had run out of time.
  • The exchange of gunfire can still be heard throughout the Island, a sign that his group continues to encounter terrorists.
  • He wasted no time and quickly ran to the very top of the building where the missile was.
  • When he arrived at the destination, he immediately saw the missile. He quickly shot the two terrorists who were there. Kurt noticed that the rocket was ready to launch. He aimed the gun at the man in front of the missile.
  • "Stop whatever you're doing!" he commands him,
  • "Stay away from the missile!". The man followed him and stepped back with both hands raised.
  • Kurt immediately approached the missile,
  • "READY TO LAUNCH" is written on the monitor.
  • "You! Cancel the launching!" he calls the man.
  • The man approached immediately but hesitated to obey his command.
  • "Disarm the missile, or I'll blow your head!" he threatened as he stuck the tip of the gun to the man's head.
  • Out of fear, trembling, the man followed him and disarmed the missile.
  • Because Kurt is busy with the disarming of the missile, he does not notice the two armed men arrive. It immediately fired at him.
  • He felt a bullet penetrate his right arm as a shot touched his thigh. He quickly pointed the gun at the newcomer and pulled the trigger.
  • Before Kurt collapsed...
  • Two terrorists preceded him in the fall.
  • Both were hit in the head.
  • He immediately returned the gun to the man in front of the missile.
  • As he stood, his eyes and gun were focused on the man.
  • Soon the missile was disarmed. At the same time, the signal returns to their communication device.
  • They immediately contacted each other and gave their status.
  • "The missile is disarmed," Kurt Collin informed his comrades.
  • "We already have the leader in our hands." he heard the language of one of his group.
  • "Kurt!!!" Leo approached him.
  • "Where did you go?" he complained. Kurt saw Leo full of wounds.
  • "You've sent me to the back of the building, but the opponent there is 20 people! I almost died!" Leo complained back.
  • "Take him!" He handed the man to Leo and walked ahead.
  • Unexpectedly what happened next.
  • The man quickly pulled out Leo's gun and shot Kurt. The bullet entered his back to his heart, he immediately collapsed and lost consciousness.
  • Leo snatched the gun from the man, hit him on the head, and quickly ran to Kurt.
  • Leo quickly ran and checked Kurt.
  • He quickly called the base and informed them of what had happened. Soon a helicopter with the medical team arrived and started to revive him.
  • Arriving at the hospital, they send him straight to the operating room.
  • The operation lasted about five hours. The general and his father arrived. His entire group was also there and full of concern waiting for the operation to end.
  • When the door opened, and the doctor came out.
  • They immediately approached the doctor.
  • "How's my son?" Kurt's father asked.
  • "Your son is lucky. The bullet hit his bone, blocking his heart. If it deviates a little, we will surely not save him. But he is safe now. Your son is a fighter, and he just needs to rest. " They breathed a sigh of relief when the doctor said he was safe from danger. He stayed in the hospital for one week before being allowed to discharge.
  • Because of what happened, his father no longer agreed to accept a mission.
  • His father agreed to his request...
  • To live on the Island...
  • And Thomas, his father, never mentioned the engagement again...
  • But not for long...