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Chapter 4 Midnight Hour

  • Four teenagers camped in the heart of the forest at midnight. The stars shone above them, the small flames of their campfire illuminating their faces.
  • "Okay you are up next," A girl with Viking blonde hair and blue eyes said with a seductive smile at the boy besides her. He wore gothic rings and had a cigarette settled between his cherry lips. He was the personification of the term, bad boy.
  • "Dare!" He spoke confidently earning a grin of mischief from the boy and girl seated opposite them.
  • "Okay," She hummed biting her lips, "I dare you to kiss me,"
  • "Your wish is my command princess," Said the bad boy with a drooling grin plastered on his face as he gently cupped her face with his hands, his thumbs caressing her cheeks as he leaned in to kiss her. She closed her eyes, her breathing quickening in anticipation, and then his lips met hers.
  • "Ooo!' The two teenagers with them goggled and broke out a hearty laughter.
  • His kiss was soft at first which soon deepened, their mouths moving together in perfect harmony. Their tongues met, tangled, and danced as they explored each other.
  • She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer and deepening the kiss. He held her tightly against him, his hands moving down her back, drawing her in even closer while his fingers roamed through her soft delicate body, first her back, down towards her butt.
  • "Okay! Okay! that's enough Adrian, feel like we are in a fucking porn shooting right now," The other boy with brown hair said with a chuckle. He couldn't wait to have fun with the brunette hottie next to him.
  • Like a predator, his eyes roamed through her smooth neck down toward her perking mounds. He swallowed spit as he drooled over how huge they were and what it would feel like to have them in his mouth.
  • Slowly, they pulled away from each other, their foreheads still touching as they caught their breath. He looked deep into her eyes, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips.
  • "You're amazing," Adrian murmured, his voice filled with awe and admiration as he licked his lips She smiled back at him, a rosy flush spreading across her cheeks. "No, you are," she whispered.
  • "Finally my turn," The browned haired boy muttered feeling his manhood throbbing inside his pants, "Truth or dare," He asked the brunette beside him "Hmm let's see," She tapped her cheeks as if in thought before whispering, "Dare,"
  • "I dare you to suck my dick,"
  • "Eeww that's gross," The blonde-haired girl growled in distaste while Adrian chuckled at his dare. Cheeky bastard, he thought, fucking well played.
  • "Hey, a dare is a dare!" He said turning towards the brunette, "Don't tell me you are scared, I thought you were a big girl, Clara,"
  • "I am!" She glared at him. She wasn't scared of giving a blow job however she would prefer it was his friend Adrain, he was so freaking hot that she wouldn't mind having a threesome with her blonde-haired friend with him. Argh how would she get away with this? she thought while Ellis slowly unzipped his pants, his eyes sparkling in anticipation.
  • Dropping his pants down, the sight of his small manhood was revealed which earned a little chuckle from Clara. What the hell she thought, it was as small as her pinky finger, she ridiculed.
  • "Hey did you hear that?," Clara asked, suddenly, they heard the sound of an owl hooting and their chatter comes to a halt. They listen for any other sounds, but the forest was eerily quiet.
  • "Hey it's just an owl, don't try to avoid your dare," Ellis said getting upset. He could tell she wasn't interested Again Clara shudders and asks, "Don't you guys hear that?" The other girl and boys exchange glances, trying to figure out what she heard. Suddenly, they hear twigs cracking and rustling noises from the nearby bushes.
  • "What the fuck!" Adrian muttered as the boys got up, and the girls hold onto each other, their faces wrought with fear. The boys walk towards the bushes, their flashlights in their hands, cautiously checking what was making those sounds. But after a moment, they shout back, "It's just a deer."
  • Relieved, the girls relax back to their seats, letting out an embarrassing chuckle "Jeez can we get back to the game already, my dick is throbbing for..." In the blink of an eye, his head was suddenly decapitated and sent flying sideways as blood gushed out of his neck and his body fell lifeless to the ground.
  • Everything seemed to slow down as if time itself had come to a standstill. Their thoughts were jumbled, confused, as they didn't know what to do but remained rooted paralyzed to the spot staring at the towering black beast that growled exposing its flesh-ripping canines as it walked in its hinged legs at them.
  • "Ahhh!" The blonde-haired girl finally broke the silence with an ear-piercing scream. panting for breath she tried to run from the beast who leaped and sank its canines into the crook of her neck, thrashed her around, and ripped her to shreds while Adrian and Clara watched in horror.
  • "What the fuck!" He muttered staggering backward, "This can't be happening! This can't be fucking happening,"
  • The beast turned its sights towards Adrian and ran towards him at full speed, swinging its giant claws that ripped him in half while Clara sat on the bloodied ground, her mind seemed to be empty of everything but the sound of her heart pounding in her chest.
  • It was over in a flash, but the shock of it lingered. She sat there, on the ground, taking big gulps of air, trying to calm her racing heart. The sounds of the growling beast moving toward her seemed to fade away, replaced by the thud of her heartbeat echoing in her ears.
  • As she sat there, alone and terrified, she slowly lifted her face to the beast which stood before her.
  • "Please...please don't hurt me," She muttered with shaky hands and feet. Fear had gripped her to the spot that she was unable to run for safety.
  • In the darkness, the sound of heavy breathing and low growls echoed through the trees. The Lycan eyes glowed like two red-hot coals in the dim light.
  • The creature stood at least six feet tall, with rippling muscles that bulged and flexed beneath its midnight fur. Its teeth were long and sharp, jutting out from its jaws to give it the appearance of a malevolent grin. Drool dripped from its lips, sizzling softly as it hit the ground.
  • The Lycan beast's eyes glinted maliciously as it took a step forward, revealing its razor-sharp talons that glinted in the moonlight. It let out an ear-splitting howl that echoed through the forest, causing birds to scatter from the trees and small animals to scurry for cover.
  • "Please.." Clara muttered in fear of the night creature. The Lycan letting out a roar dragged her by the legs while she scream and thrashed about to escape its grip.
  • "That's enough Lucifer, just kill her already and put her out of her mysery," From within the shadows, a man emerged, his long blonde hair fluttering against the push and pull of the wind. He moved into the light to reveal his perfectly sculpted face, he was as beautiful as the morning sun.
  • Slowly with the sound of shifting and amending bones, the lycan shifted back into a man, a man more good-looking than the former.
  • "I saved you a meal brother," Lucifer said with a grin while the girl stopped thrashing about. She couldn't believe it. How could such a beautiful man turn into a hideous monster?, "Don't tell me you intend to continue your piss self pity party in this garbage excuse of a town?,"
  • "Please, please just let me go, I won't tell anyone," She went on her knees and gripped Lucifer's legs as she pleaded for her life "Oh you don't have to worry darling, you certainly won't be talking after I'm done with you," He said before sinking his fangs into her neck while she screamed at the top of her lungs. Lucian let out a tired sigh and moved towards the screaming girl who his brother heartlessly fed on and slashed her across the neck. Killing her instantly and ending her suffering.
  • "Why do you have to be such a pussy brother?," Lucifer said with a smile running his bloodied hand over his gorgeous hair "Four teenagers end up dead the night of our arrival, what do you think the folks are going to think?"
  • "Oh relax brother, why so stiff, there are wolves in this town," He said with a chuckle, "Four drunk teenagers wandered into the forest at night and got feasted by wolves, that's simply all there is to it,"