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Chapter 6 The Wink

  • David POV:
  • It’s been 2 months since Ina joined our company, well hehe that’s what the special name I have for Zina.
  • She is so cute and mischievous little one. After I met her in parking lot, I saw her again outside of my office room.
  • After having lunch I was taking a little rest sitting on my couch, and that’s when I saw her coming towards my office side door.
  • My secretary saw her standing in that area and he tried to chase her away, but I chased him away. I don’t know why I did that, but I really wanted to see her.
  • She was video calling someone her friend may be, I don’t know what they talked but she was furious at first and then she was full of love and concern.
  • The other person was crying as I peaked at her phone and so she made funny faces and talked with her in a way making that person happy.
  • That innocent behaviour of hers made me happy as well, she is caring and childish as well.
  • Uh-Oh I think she got lost of direction, her expression is hilarious. She made another call, may be asking for help? Because she kept looking here and there and telling the other person on the call.
  • Now she looked at my office room door which for others outside seems to be a mirror but from inside we can see the person. It’s a secret passage for me to go without anyone to notice me.
  • When I thought she might kiss again, she gave me a full blow, she removed her dupatta and there umm.. her cleavage was full on show. There was a mole on her left upper chest which looked quite hot and sexy, oh God I’m not a pervert but this girl is making me one.
  • Oh my my. She adjusted it and pinned her dupatta covering it properly.
  • Throughout this I forgot to breathe, I can even hear my own heartbeat louder and faster, and I felt like if a thermometer is kept it will burst indicating that how hot I am.
  • I think did a good job of sending Ravi my secretary out of this room. Somehow I didn’t want anyone to witness that.
  • I never had eyes on any girl but this little one is surely sending hurricanes inside me.
  • A guy came near her knocked on her head dragged her out holding her arms and that made me furious.
  • I should teach him a lesson, how dare he touch her like that. Gosh why I’m behaving like an obsessed one but still I immediately called Ravi my secretary and enquired about the guy. As well as I asked him to collect the details about that little one.
  • I made sure to transfer that guy to another department.
  • From that day onwards she regularly came to the spot, with headphones on her ears, she takes a rest, at times a nap sitting on the ground itself.
  • Very next day I made Ravi to place a couch over there, for her to sit comfortably and not on the ground. I felt peaceful looking at her alone.
  • One day, she came running while crying, I don’t know what happened. I immediately sent Ravi to gather information of what must have happened.
  • He reported me the next day, that because of her small mistake her TL has scolded her before everyone in that place and she must have felt humiliated that’s why she cried.
  • I felt like punishing that person who made her cry so I told Ravi to transfer or better fire him, but Ravi said “ it will be too much sir, that too he is an efficient worker “
  • I glared at him, he may be right so i told him to find all the mistakes he did and cut his salary for this month and also I deducted Ravi’s salary because he said IT’S TOO MUCH.
  • Hilarious part of it is I found out my little one already took her revenge by pouring paint all over him when he entered the parking lot, which was TOTALLY ACCIDENTAL. Haha
  • My parents kept on sending the pictures and bio-data of many beautiful girls but no one piqued my interest after I saw Ina, Well even before that also I had no interest on anyone.
  • Most of our elders have this strange thought in attending the marriage, it’s like picking a vegetable or fruit from a market, they will search for eligible bride or groom in marriages.
  • My parents are no exception in that and they kept trying to take me but I refused saying having important meetings.
  • Now also I was invited to a wedding but it was my best friend whose brother-in-law is getting married and today is their wedding and reception as well, But I was not in a mood to go.
  • I was already disturbed because I didn’t see her for a week, yea she took leave for a week. And that’s how I found out, that I have fallen for this little bunny.
  • But I can’t tell anyone before I see her and talk to her, how she will take this, that her CEO is crushing on her or more.. in LOVE with her.
  • Ring.. ring..
  • My mom is calling me to check whether I have started to the wedding reception.
  • Ring.. ring..
  • “ mom” I answered without interest.
  • “where are you? Have you started?”
  • “yes mom, I’m getting inside my car, will be there in 45mins. Now bye”
  • Hanging the call, reluctantly I started driving towards the wedding reception hall.
  • After driving sooo fassttt yea its sarcastic please, I reached there after an hour. My mum spotted me entering, she glared at me still she grabbed my hand took me near the stage that’s when the current goes off.
  • What a timing may be I can escape now? I thought but then a spot light fell on two girls and a song played in background.
  • I looked at one of the girl and froze there, what is she doing here. Yea it’s my Ina wearing a beautiful pink coloured lehenga she started dancing gracefully to a Tamil song.
  • And all the lights switched on, claps were following encouraging and admiring them.
  • I couldn’t take my eyes of her, suddenly she looked at me straight in my eyes and turned away blushing. I felt an adrenaline rush.
  • Wow she blushed looking at me..
  • Again she looked at me straight in my eyes and gave a wink. That’s it I lost it, like a madman I was smiling with a weird happiness inside me.
  • After the song finished, I thought to approach her and ask her what she is doing here and why she didn’t come to the office and many other things.
  • But that moment when I started to walk, my phone rang, it was Ravi saying our computers were affected by viruses and my attention is needed urgently.
  • I looked back at where she went with longing face, I will talk to her when she returns to the office, with that in my mind I left the place telling my mom some excuses.
  • After returning to the office, I helped my fellow staffs and came to know I have to travel to London immediately because of this crisis. Midnight I started my travel to London with Ravi.