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Chapter 4 All About You

  • (Jeremy POV)
  • I opened the door to my office and went in to settle down on my wonderful office.
  • After the conversation with Haden, I walked back to my office, and here I am arranging all the files in the secretary's office the last secretary left.
  • I found many documents about deals with other companies and they have been sent to all different managers to do their part of the works respectively.
  • And the meeting will be in few days and I will be supervising it for the boss...
  • "Ugh.."
  • All this earthly problems....
  • I signed.
  • I decide to make my self a cup of coffee, standing up, I made the coffee and went back to my sit when my phone ranged.
  • Dylan name popping up on my phone screen, I picked my phone up and answered the call.
  • "Hello Dylan" I said.
  • "Hello sexy, how is your new work?
  • Do you like it?
  • Do your boss like you?
  • Are you comfortable there?" he started bombarding me with questions with his deep masculine voice.
  • " Dylan"
  • "Yeah?"
  • "Am fine, so you can stop with all the questions" I said and he chuckled.
  • "You know you can always work for me in the gym, advertising my gymnasium with your pretty biceps and muscles and that your angelic proclain skin complexion..." he started again.
  • "Dylan? stop" I said.
  • Since high school Dylan have a crush on me, he's bisexual but he falled for me, I don't understand because I am his best friend and he's too handsome that he can choose anyone and they will be pinning over him, with his muscles, tan skin, deep jawline, green eyes, and brown hair, talk about his length, he's so tall, taller than me even and I am six feet one.
  • But why did he fall for me even though he knew that I am a casanova both in high school and in college, but he is still waiting for my positive answer one day.
  • I have told him that I see him as my best friends and love him like a friend, he accepted it but he's still hoping.
  • So I let him be.
  • I once asked him a question after drinking at one of our classmates student party back then during our college time.
  • 'what do you like about me' I asked him then.
  • And he looked at me drunkenly and said
  • 'All about you' then he shifted his gaze to something else pretending he never said anything.
  • 'What do you mean' I asked again looking at him with the corner of my eyes, because I was tipsy almost drunk my eyes was looking seductively at him.
  • 'Everything about you' he mumbled but I heard him.
  • He looked at me for 30 seconds before he leaned closer to capture my lips with his.
  • We kissed for a long time before separating because more students were coming out to go back to their houses from inside of the mansion to the front door.
  • Since then we pretended that it didn't happened, and moved on with never talking about it.
  • So here we are, him still calling me sexy and trying his best to convince me to work with him.
  • "Since you say that you are fine, I will have to leave it to that then, but remember if you need anything or have problem with anything at all, your best friend is just one text away.., alright?" he said.
  • "Alright.
  • Now can we talk about something else" I told him, he sighed and then chuckled deeply before replying.
  • "Something else like......,
  • Bestie you know I am an all time and all things bestie, I can relieve you the way no one has ever done to you before " he said wiggling his eyebrows but I know that I couldn't see that.
  • "Are you sure about that, the long kisses, the ravages, the long...hard...fuckings, can you be able to do that" I tease him as we usually do when we are not emotional.
  • He moaned
  • "Oh..., come on Jer, you know in your mind that I can give more than that" I signed whilst I unbuckled open my belt, unzipping it and putting my finger into my boxer palming my cock while listening to his continues lewd talk
  • "I will make you scream my name when I am banging that sexy round perfect ass of yours..." he continued and I moan whilst l stroking my cock.
  • "I will make you moan my name when I continuously hit that G-spot of yours..." I am panting hard now, and he could here it.
  • "I will make you cum the way you have never done before and you will never forget my name ever again, even when you are fucking someone else, you will only see me.." he groaned, he's close.
  • "Fuck...." I am panting while stoking my cock faster too,
  • am close.
  • "Dylan you...!" I shouted, am too close to Cummin.
  • "Cum for me angel, I know you are close,
  • Cum for me..."