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Chapter 3 Getting To Know Him

  • (Jeremy POV)
  • So I was right, the sex god in front of me is my boss, am I giving a very good impression on my first day of work by inspecting my boss office without having seen him before?
  • Good job Jeremy for that, I chuckled before replying
  • "I am sorry boss, it's not intentional." I swear if Dylan was here he will try to remind me why he started saving from high school to avoid this 'shits' as he puts it.
  • I saw him smirk and his golden eyes shone brighter like something picks his interest.
  • He went to his chair and sat down while looking at me.
  • "What is your name." he asked
  • "Jeremy....Jeremy Heather sir." I replied
  • "You are the new secretary I suppose."
  • "Yes sir." he nodded
  • "Good, I told my PA Mr. Wright that after the interview he should brief you about your new job, am I correct" he asked.
  • "Yes sir...he did that."
  • "by the way ...I am Wyatt Williams as you may have heard, and now have guessed your boss" he said while smiling and continued "where are you from."
  • "Am from New York here, but all my schooling was all in France, I returned after finishing my studies sir" I answered.
  • "Ok, my parents are from California but because of business we live here in New York, though they have traveled back California, they now spend most of their time there " he said, I nodded and asked myself, should he be saying all that.
  • After that there was a little silent before he breaks it
  • "My policy in this company is when you know your work, do it with all confidence not weakling about, got that" he asked
  • "Yes sir, I know it's my first job to work after finishing school but I promise to work with all confidence and intelligence that I have gathered so far" I countered.
  • "Ok" he moved his gaze to his table and start opening files
  • "You may go" he said
  • "Ok sir"
  • I left the office closing the door and started walking to mine when I saw a young handsome man making his way to the boss office, then his gaze landed of me, he looked at me longer than neccessary before clearing his throat when he approached me.
  • "Hello handsome, my name is Haden" he said whilst stretching out his hand for me to shake
  • "Jeremy, nice to meet" I replied shaking his hand.
  • He smiled at me before retracting his hand
  • "Do you work here, because I haven't seen you before " he asked
  • "Yeah, am the new secretary to the boss" I said while smiling, he stood there for 5 minutes surprised before smiling back and nodding at me.
  • "Ok, I hope you will enjoy your work, because working here can be easy and difficult at the same time, Is up to us workers to determine the one we will be taking" he said not removing his eye contact with mine.
  • "Ok no problem man, I will make sure to do my work and enjoy it as well" I replied back.
  • We stayed there not moving for a while before he decided to shift his gaze to his shoe as if it's the most beautiful thing he has ever seen in his entire life
  • "you are beautiful..." he mumbled before deciding to put back his business mood and straightening his handsome suit trying to hide his shyness.
  • "By the way, am the manager of the first and second floor department" he said with all seriousness.
  • "Why are you manager to only two floors" I asked while frowning, because there's alot of floors here why only one and two.
  • He smiled before saying "Each floor or departments has their own manager because their specialty are different" he said
  • "How many floors are here" I asked
  • "51 floors, but removing the parking lot which is the underground floor, the working floors are 50, with 48 departments managers, because I am managing two most easy departments making it easy to manage, and the final floor been the boss, secretary and his personal assistant floor making it exclusive from one of the department floors" he replied.
  • I signed nodding in understand, and he waited for me seeming to be waiting for more questions but when he got none, he prepared to leave while adding
  • "The boss's secretary are always assigned by the boss to manage almost every meeting with all the department managers except the most important ones that he needed to know how it would end,he assigned it to them because he trust the ability of almost all his secretaries, well except one..." he sighed " I will be going now but feel free to find me if you if you need me for anything at all" he said while looking at me with something like adoration, love and maybe lust.
  • "Ok no problem, thanks anyway for your time" I said with a smile.
  • "Like I said anything at all.., do your work well as the boss need you to.
  • Although the boss wouldn't mind because you are all that anyone would ever needs..." he said whilst walking away leaving me dumbfounded.
  • "All that anyone would ever needed....
  • Is he flirting with me..."