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Chapter 5

  • "Father, it's Mariana."
  • "Come in." A low whisper came from the room.
  • Her heart stopped at the sight before her and her eyes widened. She couldn't believe what she was seeing right now.
  • A man, dressed in a black suit and his dark hair neatly combed stood in her father's office with his back facing her. Somehow, he looked familiar.
  • Her mind was spinning. She didn't even have the brain right now to process what was happening, all her focus was on her family.
  • Her father and stepmother were tied up onto chairs with ropes wrapped all around their chest and legs. There was a gag placed in both their mouth and her father had a black eye. He must have gotten beaten.
  • He looked scared.
  • She looked to her right and saw her step sister being held by a strong man.
  • There were three other men in the room, not including the man before her father and they look like they are about to kill someone any second now.
  • "What is going on here?" She demanded.
  • The man standing before her father turned and she let out a gasp.
  • "You,"
  • Marcello seemed shocked but he didn't show any expression.
  • "Welcome, we have been waiting for you." He stared at her with indifference, while his chest twisted with aversion before going cold enough to burn.
  • "Who are you?"
  • "We have already met."
  • Huh?
  • His indifferent voice ran down her spine with a strange thrill following in its wake.
  • She swallowed.
  • Something dangerous played in his gaze. "Earlier at the confession box. Remember, Mariana
  • How did he know her name?
  • Her heartbeats collided with a crash. Why had her name rolled out of his tongue like he knows her?
  • Her gaze darted to her father.
  • What was going on?
  • Why were these men here?
  • Did her father gamble with them?
  • Who was this man?
  • Was he here to hurt her and her family?
  • A lot of questions seeking answers ran through her mind.
  • Fear clawed at her chest. "Who are you?"
  • "I am a man who knows what he wants."
  • He stared down at her
  • She stared up at him.
  • As a corner of his lips lifted, she realised she was amusing him. Her cheeks heated with annoyance.
  • "And what I want right now is you."
  • Her heart skipped a beat as his words echoed in her head. He wants her. This handsome and dangerous stranger wants her. "I am Marcello Colombo. I'm the consigliere of a Mafia gang in New York City and your father is in big trouble."
  • Mafia. What exactly is going on?
  • "You see, Mariana. Your father is no honest man. He stole from my boss and he must pay back for it."
  • This can't be true. Mafia?
  • How can her father be involved in such an illegal business?
  • Just feeling the hard gazes behind her made her hair stand on end.
  • She summoned the courage to ask her father if it was true. "Is that true, Father?"
  • The gag was removed from her father's mouth and he whispered a 'yes'
  • "What do you mean that it is true? So, you were involved with a Mafia gang." Mariana stared at her father in abject horror.
  • Anthony gave a negligent shrug but she could see his Adam's apple moving up and down as if he'd just had to swallow something unpleasant. But then, Mariana couldn't believe all she had just heard. None of this could be true. Her father was a Deacon in church for Christ sake.
  • How could he be involved with a Mafia?
  • Her stomach felt as if it had been scraped at with a rusty spoon.
  • "Don't tell me that you didn't tell your precious little daughter that you've been involved in business with us for a while now." He paused, then continued, "My boss wants you."
  • A cold sensation crawled down her throat to her longs.
  • "Me? Why?" She snapped.
  • "You will soon find out."
  • He walked towards her and took her by the arm. She struggled against his hold, trying to break free from him.
  • She can't let them take her. No, she can't. She wasn't going to pay for her father's crime. Only if they knew her father hated her and didn't think of her as his precious daughter.
  • "Help me! Someone please help us." Mariana shouted, hoping for someone from outside to hear her. Marcello pushed her against the wall, used one of his hands to hold her hands above her head and used the other to cover her mouth to keep her away from screaming.
  • Something fluttered in her chest and spread throughout her body. Desire.
  • He stepped closer until his suit brushed her dress, and her breast tightened in anticipation. She couldn't breath with him so close, his hold on her wrist, and his hand covering her mouth. The men in the room watched them, seeming to show no expression.
  • She looked up, and their eyes met. She was utterly bewitched by his grey eyes.
  • What is happening?
  • Her heart was beating so fast.
  • She tried saying something but her tongue only met with the leather glove.
  • His eyes darkened. "Make one more sound and I'm going to shoot your father." His tone was as chill as the glint in his grey eyes.
  • It was obvious he wasn't making a mere threat. He dropped his hand from her mouth and pressed a gun against her waist making her let out a small gasp.
  • "I told you, I know what I want and I'll stop at nothing to get it. Do you want to come with us the easy way or not? Choose one."
  • Her lips trembled. She didn't say anything.
  • A corner of his mouth quirked up. "brava ragazza." Good girl.
  • He spoke too fast for her to understand what he had said. But it was obvious he spoke in Italian. Very Italian. She stared at his lips, they looked luscious, and the Italian words pouring out of them was so seductive.
  • She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out.
  • He dropped the gun from her waist.
  • "No one steals from a Colombo man." He turned to face Anthony. "Your daughter is coming with us. She'll be with us until you bring back what you stole from my boss."
  • He turned to her. His eyes were unreadable.
  • Lifting up his empty hand, he brought it behind her neck.
  • Instead of releasing her, he tightened his hold.
  • "We're leaving. I'm taking her with me." He informed his brothers and they nodded their heads.