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Chapter 2

  • Marcello awoke with a jolt. Sweat slicked up his skin, leaving beads of sweat spotting across his naked chest. For a moment, he laid on the bed staring at the ceiling of his room.
  • It wasn't often he dreamed of that night in Manhattan, not anymore. Sometimes it could've creeped into his mind and it wouldn't let go. The memory itself was a nightmare. That night, he had followed his parent's killer to his dwelling.
  • Jacopo took him off the streets, gave him a home, but every good deed has its own price.
  • Marcello released deep breaths, running his fingers through his dark hair as he sat up on his bed. As hard as he tried to tolerate Jacopo, he couldn't keep in the hatred he had for him.
  • There wasn't a thing Marcello wanted for when he grew up in Colombo's household other than to get a lot of power to be able to get his revenge on his parent's killer.
  • He started from an errand boy, to a chauffeur, to a drug carrier and now he was their consigliere. The third in command. He did a lot of hard work to get to where he is. He was relentless, unforgiving, strategic and cruel in the game of Mafia and he didn't fear death. When he first started to learn the ways of a gangster, he had received a lot of threats from the other members of the gang and even from Jacopo's sons, especially Giorgio.
  • As funny as it was, their mother dotes on him. Treated him like a son, gave him all the support and motherly love he needed when he was finding it hard to get used to seeing new faces and staying in the house. She always said that he looked just like his father when his father was still alive.
  • His new brothers had been the most unwelcoming, and probably most frightening. Adriano was the largest of the three Colombo boys, though Marcello towered over him by a couple of inches now. Giorgio was definitely the smartest and most cunning of the three, always hating on Marcello and using every Italian cuss word at him but Adriano was different, although he didn't show that he liked him nor did he show he didn't like him. He was the self-controlled one out of the three of them.
  • Marcello doesn't think he has any much of a good memory of his later childhood.
  • These are not the memories he wanted to think about this morning.
  • It is Sunday and they have a mission in Brooklyn, New York City.
  • No business on Sundays. It was a rule. But they have to break the rule just for today to go on with their mission. They all agreed to it.
  • There are quite a few rules, in fact a lot, apart from 'no business on Sundays'. Being an Italian, Cosa Nostra, family is everything when it comes to living a life as a Colombo.
  • Family. Loyalty. Reputation. God.
  • Familiar. Lealtà. Reputazione. Dio.
  • Women. Money. Business.
  • It all needed to be handled just so. Reputation was essential. Family was everything. Pride and fearlessness also needed. Loyalty is an exemption. As always being cruel and unforgiving that their enemies had to expect when a Colombo was crossed.
  • They were to keep their heads straight, no matter what situation they come to face. Never would they leave their home without a gun in their possession. Cops were not to be trusted, a Colombo who is seen with a cop is considered "rats" or "snitches"
  • A knock on the door disrupts Marcello's thoughts.
  • "Merda," He cussed under his breath, knocking off the sheets and moving his bare large feet to the cool tiled floor. "Damn,"
  • How could he be so lost in thought?
  • He climbed out of his king-size bed, naked, he hurried to the bathroom to brush his teeths and take his bath. He couldn't afford being late to the meeting being held in the Capo's office. In a few minutes, he was already showered and dressed in an all black suit.
  • He threw the towel he'd used over the arm of the nearest sofa. He opened the door and came face-to-face with a maid.
  • "Good morning sir." She said, her head lowered and her cheeks turning red.
  • Marcello nodded his head and began walking towards Capo's office.
  • Immediately he got inside, five of the gang members greeted him in which he returned their greetings.
  • Jacopo sat behind his desk, sipping from a glass of cold water, while Adriano was stretched across the leather couch, nodding at what his father had said before Marcello arrived while Giorgio who was standing behind his father glared at him just as he entered the office.
  • "You're late." Giorgio snapped at him.
  • Marcello ignored him. "Buongiorno, Capo." He walked up to Jacopo to kiss the back of his hand.
  • "Good morning brothers." Marcello greeted before taking his own position.
  • Adriano just nodded.
  • "Where is Nico?" Marcello whispered to Luca who stood beside him.
  • Luca was Jacopo's nephew and also Marcello's buddy. He and Nico were the two honest and fun people he felt free talking with. They are friends but that doesn't mean Marcello trusted them enough to let his guard down.
  • There are a lot of things they don't know about him.
  • Luca scoffed. "He is sleeping off his ass from the alcohol he had last night."
  • Was it that bad for him not to attend the meeting?
  • "Was it that bad?"
  • "Pretty bad. He couldn't drive himself home and almost got himself into a fight with the motorcycle gang The Homeless Royals." Luca replied under his breath. "But I got there quickly to save his drunk ass."
  • Marcello almost smiled.
  • "I'm sure we all know we have a new mission. Part of the cracks shipped over by Black Dragons from Colombia is missing and I'm suspecting Anthony of stealing from me." Jacopo began.
  • When Jacopo says he suspects someone then it means the person was guilty.
  • Anthony is a Deacon in a Catholic church in Brooklyn. He has been the middleman between them and the drug supplier for the past two years.
  • Marcello's gaze narrowed. "How long have you been suspecting Anthony?"
  • "For so long. I don't trust anyone with my money or goods."
  • Another rule. Trust no one but yourself.
  • Jacopo continued to say, "We are going to give him a warning never to mess with me when it comes to my cracks. Don't kill him just make him suffer. I want him to regret stealing from me. Take away what he loves so much. I heard he adores his elder daughter." He gave a devilish smile and took a deep drink from his water.
  • "We are going to take her away from him." Adriano added on
  • "Then what? Why do we have to take the girl?" Marcello questioned.
  • "Just bring the girl and leave the rest to me to decide."
  • They nodded their heads.