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Chapter 4

  • Immediately landing at the seaport, she had her things conveyed to the hotel as she took a cab to the graveyard. All her life, she had never celebrated Valentine like others, because this was the day her parents left the world.
  • And now, after five years of leaving Seattle and not visiting, as usual, she couldn't wait to be there.
  • The cab stopped in front of the gate, she gave him a few dollars, picked up the flowers, and climbed down. She breathed out, remembering the last time she had been here.
  • It gave her the memories because it was the day she got the knowledge of who killed her parents. She raised her brows and walked through the numerous tombs, leading to her parents grave.
  • She stopped, looking at the name description. "Mr. and Mrs. Garrido." Was written in bold letters. She bent down and dropped the flower, then stood up. She put her hand into her handbag and took out a few pictures.
  • As she looked at those pictures, her eyes clouded with tears, it's always easy to see her cry.
  • "I met grandpa and grandma, I'm sorry for not telling you sooner," Kathleen spoke, in a more grieving voice.
  • "So many things have changed since you left, and do not know the latest news?', I bet you must be happy to know I have a little girl now. Her name's Nicole." She runs her hand on the picture of the beautiful girl.
  • She laughed, "She's pretty right?. Just like you and I, she's pretty. I would bring her on one of these days so you can meet her in person. And..well, I'm back now, though it's temporary, if my stay works here, it'd be permanent." She paused, "I missed you, mom." She added with a smile. Then, her eyes met a lady looking at her, when the lady noticed Kat was looking back at her, she turned and walked away.
  • Kat turned, and started walking towards the gate. Just when she stopped a cab and entered, a black-tinted car parked up at the back of the cab. The cabman drove off and the black car was opened.
  • Aiden Smith walked out of the car, with his hand in one of his pocket jackets. He was holding on to a flower on the other hand and walked into the cemetery.
  • Stopping at his ex-lover's dead parents, he stood there perplexed. He had been visiting since she left and never for once seen a flower on top of the grave. Who honored their death anniversary?.
  • His thoughts were filled with names but it was impossible to be her. She couldn't be the one, could she?. She can never come back after disappearing for many years, it was impossible.
  • He sighed and dropped the flower beside the other one. He looked at the names for a while before turning to leave.
  • In his car, he brought out his phone to dial the number of his private investigator but a call came in.
  • Clara Williams.
  • He answered and pressed it against his ear, "Why don't we have dinner over at my place?."
  • "You know Clara. I'm supposed to meet the managing president of Denx's company at the time."
  • "Okay, tomorrow?." She asked, feeling disappointed.
  • "Sure."
  • Beep!.
  • He looked at his wristwatch and checked the time, it was 7:08 pm. He shook his head and put his phone back into his pocket.
  • "Gin's hotel." He told his driver, who nodded and drove off.
  • On the other hand, Clara frowned and relaxed on the bed. She rubbed her phone against her mouth thoughtfully. She had prepared herself for tonight, the thoughts running through her head were all for sexual desires.
  • For the three years she met him, he had never touched her, she met him broken but she restored and nurtured him back to reality. He could live without her now, that was a relief.
  • But her plans had taken another step, she wanted him all to herself, she wanted to have him officially. That could boost up her plan to seduce him tonight, and now he was attending the god damn meeting. It ruined her plans. It did.
  • Aiden walked into the hotel, searching for the seat reserved for them and fortunately, she saw a female hand waving at him, which he presumed was his host.
  • "I presumed you are.." Sandra asked, taking out her hand for a handshake.
  • "Aiden Smith." He completed, taking her hand.
  • "Thank you, you may have your seat," Sandra said, then sat down as Aiden sat opposite her.
  • Aiden watched her for a while, is she the one he looked for?. She doesn't look like it. The woman he heard of was bold, he was told she had this look of leadership, and she was successful. She never showed herself since she began this project and no one knew her.
  • No one knew the owner of the Deux. But as people said, the owner was the last surviving grandchild of Houston's family. And if calculated, people thought the person to be a man but his instinct told him otherwise. He doesn't know what he was looking for.
  • "I'm Sandra. The personal assistant to the owner of the Deux company. I'm sorry, Ms Kat couldn't come because she had pressing issues at hand. I'm here to convey her message in person."
  • Ms. Kat, she's a woman. That explains it all.
  • "She asked that you might come in the morning to her office by 10:00 am. Sorry for the inconvenience."
  • "It's fine. Perhaps she needed some rest, and I also assume that she's a busy woman."
  • Sandra shook her head, "Quite right." Then she stood up, "Thank you for honoring our invitation."
  • "You're welcome. Thank you." Aiden answered her and she walked away. He breathed out and brought out his phone.
  • "I'm on my way." He stated, then started walking out of the hotel.
  • ***
  • A smile lingered on her face, she strode out of the bed and went to the mirror to check the black lace she wore on top of her red lingerie. Her curves and shape were enticing, she knew he would fall for it. Though after so many years of them together, she was sure he found her most charming.
  • Soon, she heard footsteps approaching the bedroom, she stood still, not looking back, though she felt his presence.
  • "Dinner in the bedroom, quite romantic, is it?." His voice booms into the room, she turns with a very charming smile.
  • Taking slow strides towards him, "I'd like to try something different." She told him. Aiden hungrily looked at her, he could see through her dress, it was tempting.
  • He cleared his throat, "I like it." He told her.
  • She grabbed his hand and led him to sit on top of the bed. A tray of different bowls of dishes was on top of the bed.
  • Aiden didn't know what to focus on, is it the meal on the bed or this charming sexy lady in front of him?. Clara smiled inwardly with the way he was feeding his eyes on her.
  • "How did it go?." Clara asked, bringing up a conversation. His eyes squinted.
  • "What?."
  • "The meeting. I didn't expect it to end so soon." Aiden nodded.
  • "The lady I was hoping to see didn't show up." He replied, then started eating.
  • "Uhm..that's not business-like. Who has the balls to stand you up?."
  • Chuckling, "I don't mind actually. So far, it has been postponed till tomorrow."
  • There was silence. Clara thought of something else. Her plans didn't seem to go in her favor, her eyes glinted when a new plan crossed her mind.
  • "I'm hot. Could you please give me a hand here?." She asked, turning her back on him. Aiden outstretched his hand and zipped down her dress. For a moment, he satisfied his eyes on her bare skin, and when he leaned closer, his phone rang.
  • That made him withdraw back, looked at her one more time, and walked out of the room.
  • The look on Clara's face was an untold expression.