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Chapter 7

  • Her eyes met with mine and she gave me a reassuring smile.
  • Behind those smiles, I could see the hidden pains. I could see the broken heart she was trying to mask with her smiles.
  • I blinked away the tears on my eyes and wiped them off with my shoulder as my hands were tied to the pole.
  • "We heard from Maya that you stole food from the kitchen, did you do that?" The Alpha's cruel voice rang out.
  • No need to deny anything because it makes no sense and would change nothing. They would still give me punishments whether I deny or accept and denying would make it worse so I just nodded my head in affirmation.
  • "You have no fear to go into my household kitchen and steal food from my pot, how dare you?" The Luna yelled as her hot palm collided with my face.
  • The pain stung me hard and I bite on my inner cheek to hold it in and prevent myself from crying.
  • A habit that has helped me a lot. I do not want to appear weak in front of this people and I would never give them the satisfaction of seeing me broken so I've made it part of me to conceal the pains no matter how painful it gets.
  • "And you, you let her go into my pot? How dare you? She yelled at my mother and raised her palms to hit her face but I find myself screaming atop my voice.
  • The Luna's mouth dropped in shock including mine and every other person in the room.
  • I had never spoken to them in such a manner and even I didn't know how I got such boldness.
  • I guess I couldn't bear to see her hurting my innocent mother anymore.
  • They have treated her as a trash and abused her countless times right in my presence since I was a kid and I couldn't do anything but let them hit my mother while they make me look.
  • But now, I wasn't going to allow them treat her that way. I know I won't be able to fight back but I would do my best.
  • "Let her be dear" the alpha said to the Luna and she stepped away from my mother who was also in shock and staring open-mouthed at me.
  • I knew she was going to scold me for shouting at the Luna later but I do not care. For as long as I stopped them from harming her, I have no regrets whatsoever.
  • "Give her 30 strokes of the cane and take her to the construction site to work. Make sure she isn't fed for a week and throughout the week, be sure she does the most work on that site.
  • Separate her from her mother throughout her punishment to ensure she doesn't give her anything.
  • Monitor and report back to me every day till the weekend then you can free her" The alpha said to the guards giving out his punishment.
  • I blinked back the tears forming and gave out a sad smile to mask my pain. This is the most extreme punishment I would be doing and I guess it was because of the way I spoke earlier.
  • I stare at the man who was supposed to be my father and people that I was supposed to call siblings. They all had smirks on their faces happy with my punishment, especially Maya.
  • She pushed her tongue out in a mockery manner. I shook my head slightly and move my eyes to my mother who had started weeping quietly.
  • Shouldn't we just run out of this place, even if it means us seeking for help in another pack and even if they have to use us as slaves, it would be much better than the treatment we are getting from our own so-called family but if I'm to tell that to my mother, she wouldn't give me a listening ear and would insist on us staying despite the treatment we receive.
  • I blinked my eyes and shut them, ready to receive the strokes of torture.
  • Footsteps advanced closer to me and I knew it was time. I shut my eyes tightly and breathe in the air before relaxing my body to receive the expected.
  • The first stroke landed on my shoulder giving out a hot sting. The pain traveled all through my body and returned to the spot.
  • Though It wasn't as painful as I expected. Maybe because my body had gotten used to it.
  • The second stroke landed on my back more harder than the first. I bite my lower lips and inner cheek at the same time to suppress the pains.
  • My mother's weep was becoming louder to my ear and it kinda gave me some sort of strength.
  • Strength that made me able to bear the pains and somehow the strokes became less painful.
  • The strokes kept landing on different parts of my back tearing my skin apart.
  • Everytime they hit me, they would make sure I would get horrible marks that wouldn't be able to heal so I wouldn't be as beautiful as I was.
  • The pains meant nothing to me as I just lay on the floor with my eyes still shut.
  • I didn't let out a single word even when Maya complained of them not hitting me well because she couldn't hear me wail so she made them increase the hardness but still, I kept my calm taking in the pain and letting out each of my screams and yells inside of me.
  • Soon the 30th stroke landed on me and they were done. I was untied and dragged up like some piece of rag.
  • I looked back to where I laid before and drops of blood lay on the floor. Blood from my back.
  • I knew my skin was torn badly and it would probably take months to heal as I do not have any wolf to heal me so It would take a very long time to heal and the scars would always remain there.
  • I smiled at my mother telling her I was fine and she shouldn't cry with my eyes before I was dragged out of the torture room.
  • Maya and her sister's scornful laugh followed behind me. I ignored them throwing my face to the other side of the room and let myself be dragged away.
  • The guards holding me got to the construction site which was at the far end of the pack house and dumped me on the floor.
  • My knees hit the hard floor and I groaned in pain.
  • A headpan and shovel was thrown at me and I was ordered to fill them with sand and take them to the people building.
  • The pain in my back was much and I couldn't walk well. Knowing I would be manhandled if I didn't get to work, I managed to get up and dragged my feet to the heap of sands.
  • I began to fill the headpan with sand and when it was filled up, I gathered all the strength in me and lifted it onto my head.
  • The pain on my back had become very unbearable but I had no other choice than swallow it and do my work else these guys would use me like a ball.
  • I dragged my feet to climb the staircase of the construction till I got to where the men were mixing cement with sands.
  • One of them who was compassionate enough helped me bring down the pan and poured the sand out handing the pan back to me.
  • My cloth was already sticking to the wounds on my back as the blood on them has dried up.
  • I proceeded to get the second trip and kept on going trip after trip.
  • By the time I got to my seventh trip, I was already exhausted. Climbing to and fro the staircase with a pan filled with sand and a back full of a freshly cut wound, I felt my breath leaving me slowly.
  • I could no longer feel like legs as they have suddenly became too heavy for me to lift.
  • My visions were beginning to blur and I could no longer count my steps.
  • I took a huge breath and managed to pour out the sand and immediately after pouring it out, my legs wobbled and I slumped giving in to the darkness that was falling onto me.