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Chapter 6 Shadows Of Retribution

  • Shadows of Retribution
  • Their resolve unflinching, the days stretched into weeks as they worked their way through the court system. Though they encountered several challenges, each one made them more determined.
  • As Jacks was getting ready for another court appearance one evening, he got a call from an unidentified number. He waited a moment before responding.
  • Aloha?
  • A well-known voice shivered down his spine and murmured, "Jacks, it's Lucy."
  • What do you want, Lucy? His voice icy, he asked.
  • “I want to meet,” she declared. Some things need to be talked about. Fundamentals.
  • The blood pounded in Jacks. Good enough. Where is that?
  • He felt dreadful when Lucy gave him an address and hung up. He looked palely at Charlotte. Lucy would like to meet.
  • The pupils of Charlotte narrowed. "Jacks, we have to exercise caution. You never know.
  • I know, he continued, his voice resolute. But we have to leave. I have to know what she has planned.
  • Hearts thumping with expectation, they arrived at the remote spot Lucy had suggested. Lucy was standing in the shadows as they got closer, her face unreadable.
  • How about you, Lucy? In spite of his dread, Jacks asked, his voice firm.
  • With a look that was both triumphant and desperate, Lucy moved forward. I want a ceasefire, she declared. The battle is getting old to me. Fighting is old to me.
  • Jacks looked apprehensive at Charlotte. 'Why now?' Suspicion laced her questions, Charlotte inquired.
  • Lucy sagged her shoulders and groaned. “Because I now see that I am lost. This is beyond me to win. I also want my daughter to grow up away from this mayhem.
  • Charlotte was cautious even as her heart thawed a little. What are you suggesting?
  • A bargain, Lucy replied, her voice quivering. As soon as you give me the money, I vanish. Hers is yours to have. Raise her yourself. Give me a little space.
  • Jacks was assessing the possibilities in his racing thoughts. How are we to be sure you will honor your word?
  • She started crying. Jacks, since I am left with nothing. Simply said, I want to start afresh. Nothing more than tranquilly.
  • Stepping forward, Charlotte spoke firmly. It takes more than your word, Lucy. There must be assurances.
  • Lucy gave a resignation-filled nod. Understandable. Everything you need signed, I will. Just...kindly. Take me away.
  • Standing there on the verge of a shaky peace, the burden of their travels weighed heavily on them. They had suffered so much and battled so hard that at last they were about to take back their lives.
  • They noticed a strange movement as they turned to go, though. A man with a covered face emerged from the shadows. Not so quickly, he murmured, his voice icy and threatening.
  • When Jacks recognised the voice, his heart fell. Whispering, "Damon," his blood froze.
  • Stepping into the light, the man showed a face contorted with treachery and rage. Was it really that simple, Jacks? You honestly believed you could just leave?
  • The man in front of them drew Charlotte's eyes wider. She'd heard the name Damon in whispered talks, a spectral character from Jacks' past he'd always attempted to keep quiet. He was a living reminder of long-buried secrets and transgressions, now.
  • Jacks growled lowly, "Damon," once more. How are you here?
  • Stepping closer, Damon grinned and flicked his gaze between Lucy and Jacks. "I am here to get paid what is due to me. And you seem to have gathered a sizable audience."
  • Lucy backed off, her former bluster eroding. This is not covered by our agreement, Damon. You pledged to keep out of it."
  • Damon laughed a chilly, sardonic laugh. Lucy, deals change. That ought to be common knowledge by now. His face hardening, he looked at Jacks and Charlotte. As it happens, Jacks here owes me a great deal more than money. And I'm here to pick up."
  • Both terror and rage shot through Charlotte. You want what, Damon? Our goal is to settle this amicably."
  • There was a sneer in Damon. Gently? This is not tranquil in the slight. Jacks and Lucy are going to pay for their attempt to cut me out.
  • Stepping forward, Jacks attempted to protect Charlotte. Nothing about the baby or Charlotte is involved in this. Only between us is this.
  • But it has everything to do with them, Damon said in a low hiss. You believe, Jacks, that you can just forget about your history? You believe you can start over and move on from the mess you left behind? Review your thinking.
  • The genuine danger they were in hit Charlotte, and her heart hammered. Damon was coming here for retribution as much as money. Pulling strength from his presence, she grasped Jacks' hand.
  • “We’re not giving you anything, Damon,” Jacks responded, his voice unwavering in spite of the terror in his eyes. Not our daughter are you kidnapping. We are not having our lives destroyed by you.
  • Again, Damon laughed, a rough sound that made Charlotte shudder. Jacks, you spoke something brave. I believe, nevertheless, that I am in a better position here.
  • Aiming his gun squarely at Jacks, Damon drew out before anyone could respond. Charlotte exhaled, panic and despair whirling in her head.
  • Sliding in front of Jacks, she begged, "Damon, please." Do not carry this out. We can work out an other plan. This can be settled peacefully.
  • Though his eyes grew narrow, Damon did not lower the rifle. Nothing else works. You all have a part in the payment that Jacks must make for his actions.
  • Lucy sprang for Damon in an instant, attempting to pull the rifle from his hands. Shots echoed through the night during the brief but fierce conflict. Heart halting, Charlotte yelled as she watched Lucy fall to the ground, blood splattering her clothing.
  • Non! Hurrying to Lucy's side, Jacks yelled. Shaking her in his arms, his face blanched with shock and sorrow. Lucy, cling on. Help will come.
  • With short gasps, Lucy's eyes flitted open. Whispering, "Jacks," she said. You look after her. Stake out our daughter.
  • Tears down his cheeks, Jacks nodded. "I'll do it Lucy. On my word.
  • Lucy closed her eyes with one more, shivering breath, her body growing limp in Jacks' arms. There came a rush of regret and shame over Charlotte. Lucy had done nothing to merit this.
  • Standing there, looking shocked and horrified, Damon had the revolver still in his grasp. Not that I intended to. Not me.
  • Jacks got up slowly, his anguish becoming wrath. Damon, you executed her. That was her life taken by you. It will cost you immediately.
  • Jacks charged Damon before he could respond, yanking the revolver from his grasp. The two men struggled, their altercation a frenzied swirl of fists. No idea what to do, Charlotte stared in dread.
  • Jacks finally drove Damon crashing to the ground with a last, frantic effort. Angry and grieving at the same time, he took the revolver and pointed it at Damon's chest.
  • Gently stepping forward, Charlotte urged, "Jacks, don't." Never turn become him. Keep from letting this ruin you.
  • Jacks paused, suffering bursting from his eyes. His body quivering, he lowered the rifle gradually. Whispering, "You're right," he said. Not who I am is this.
  • Fear bursting in his eyes, Damon slumped on the ground gripping his chest. I beseech you, Jacks. Not kill me. That's when I vanish. There will never be another time you see me.
  • Jacks looked at Charlotte, grief and anguish carved on his face. Call the police, he urged softly. This is it.
  • Charlotte closely embraced Jacks as sirens sounded. Though the worst of it had passed, the wounds from this night would never go away.
  • Jacks and Charlotte put in endless hours in the ensuing weeks to get custody of their baby. The process was convoluted and emotionally taxing when Lucy passed away, but they persisted because they loved the young child they had not yet met.