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Chapter 42

  • Chelsea Richards was a very shy and lovely senior in high school. She was a quiet girl, not much given to parties and socializing, and very determined to pursue a career as a veterinarian. Every spare minute she had was reserved for study, and she augmented her allowance by taking every job she was offered. She especially loved to babysit, because the families she sat for were generally much better off than her own, and she could study in relative luxury in the comfort of their much nicer homes. It was noisy at her house, especially when her brothers were there.
  • She enjoyed sitting for Blake and Meg Stevens. Meg was kin, pretty, and generous, and she was a friend Chelsea could talk to. Blake Stevens, well, Blake was something very different. There was something about the handsome bastard that was irresistible. She didn’t know if it was his good looks and perfect teeth, the way he made her laugh, or the way he made her feel…special. He always flirted with her outrageously, even in front of Meg. When he drove her home, he always took her in the Ferrari, a car she felt she wore like a dress. It was incredibly fast, and Blake drove it with a casual skill that she truly admired…and going fast, very, very fast, made Chelsea’s knees are weak and her thighs are open. More than once, she’d had to bite down on her lip to keep from shrieking and attacking the handsome devil’s crotch when he took the long way to her house. He loved to go fast, and he seemed to know that she did too. She came once when she looked at the speedometer and saw that it read almost two hundred miles per hour.
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