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Chapter 6 False Accusations

  • Lizandra
  • All the adrenaline from the recent events must have interfered with my emotions, and even though I was aware that I was crying copiously in front of a stranger, I couldn't help it.
  • Upon hearing his offer, however, I decided to put an end to my weakness and wiped my face, or at least tried to do it somehow, but I knew I must look completely disheveled. But that doesn't matter to me. That night was becoming too long, and I had reached my limit. So when that stranger offered to accompany me to a safer place, I simply accepted.
  • The fact that he didn't say he would accompany me home made me feel more at ease, even though it might be a great foolishness on my part. I knew I shouldn't trust someone I just met on the beach, and he was undoubtedly a tourist, someone just passing through Gostoso, who could very well take advantage of the situation. After all, at this moment, I am a very easy prey.
  • We walked in silence along the beachfront, and even though the crowd of people was visible from where we were, it didn't mean it wasn't distant. At least ten minutes of brisk walking.
  • "I don't know what happened to you today," the stranger began to say, "but I say with total conviction that it's not the end of the world, and tomorrow when you wake up, everything will be different."
  • I understood that the man had good intentions, and I even agreed with him. Still, I remained silent, walking beside him without looking in his direction at any moment.
  • When we reached the area where the visibly excited and happy crowd began celebrating the New Year, I decided that from that point, I could go on alone. I didn't like being in the midst of people at that moment, but it was clear that my safety depended on the flow of people I was close to.
  • "Thank you for accompanying me," I said to the stranger as I stopped by his side. "I hope you find your girlfriend, and that you both will be okay."
  • "In other words, that she's not cheating on me with my cousin... or maybe my best friend?" he suggested with clear irony, referring to what I had said earlier.
  • "That's right," I confirmed with a self-conscious smile. "I hope she's not cheating on you with anyone."
  • "Happy New Year..." he said with a cynical smile.
  • "Happy New Year."
  • Still smiling cynically, he waved goodbye and went his way. It was impossible not to follow him the entire time until I lost sight of him, my heart pounding uncomfortably in my chest, considering that this man was just a stranger and it seemed I'd never see him again. Maybe that's exactly what's bothering me the most—the fact that I won't see him again.
  • I looked around and said a brief prayer for nothing unpleasant to happen on that night. I began the walk home on the busy path, where I was sure to encounter several people throughout the journey, even though I wanted to avoid most of them. I felt relieved when I entered my room safely and without further incidents.
  • It was past two in the morning when I lay in my bed, and crazily and absurdly, what kept me awake was not Samuel's betrayal or the fact that he was parading around the town with Juliana, my cousin and best friend. What prevented me from sleeping properly and even invaded my dreams was a pair of eyes as black as the night and a cynical smile.
  • When I woke up the next morning, despite it being a holiday, I dressed for work as on any other day because it used to be a busy day at the inn, and my aunt relied on my help. She had made that quite clear over the years.
  • I had breakfast alone; my aunt and Juliana must have been still sleeping, but I was thankful for that. After all, I wasn't ready to face my cousin after what happened the night before. I would do my job as I always did.
  • During the morning of hard and intense work, I learned from the other inn employees that my aunt had taken the day off to enjoy the holiday and was staying at the most luxurious hotel in Gostoso. Along with Juliana, her daughter's fiancé, Samuel, was also with her. As if what happened yesterday wasn't enough, and to make my humiliation even greater, everyone was talking about it. The fact that I was present didn't deter the other employees from engaging in such gossip, something I didn't expect from them. It was another disappointment to add to the account of the new year.
  • I had just finished my shift; it was past nine at night when I heard a voice saying cheerfully:
  • "Good evening, Lily!"
  • I rolled my eyes in displeasure upon hearing Luciano Monteiro's voice right behind me, and with considerable willpower, I lifted my head and looked in his direction as he now walked beside me.
  • "Good evening, Mr. Monteiro."
  • "I didn't see you today," he commented with interest. "I imagine you had a day off."
  • Maybe I was avoiding some people, I thought in response, but aloud, I said something entirely different.
  • "I had a busy day."
  • "Having fun?" he insisted on gathering more information.
  • "A little," I lied.
  • "My proposal to take you to Rio de Janeiro and invest in your modeling career is still on the table," he returned to the usual topic. "I can show you my portfolio as an agent for some renowned models, and I guarantee you would love life in a big city."
  • "I suppose so."
  • I continued walking towards my aunt's house, and Luciano, a persistent man, continued his discourse about the conveniences and benefits of accepting his proposal to the inn. When we stopped in front of the place, I sighed with great relief at finally being able to get rid of that annoying and insistent man.
  • "I need to go," I said quickly. "See you tomorrow, sir."
  • "Don't forget about my proposal," he repeated. "You should think about it carefully."
  • "Yes, of course."
  • I hurried to my aunt's house and thanked the heavens that she wasn't in the living room watching TV, as she usually did every night. I didn't run into Juliana either, which lightened my mood.
  • I walked down the hallway to my room and entered abruptly, imagining that I would be alone in that space. However, I soon found my aunt rummaging through something under my mattress.
  • "What are you doing?" I practically shouted in horror.
  • Lucrecia just glanced at me and finished whatever she was doing, then turned to face me, holding a small and familiar bag.
  • "Ah! Here it is!" she said triumphantly. "Juliana was right."
  • "What do you want with my bag?" I asked, not understanding.
  • She didn't bother to answer my question; it seemed she hadn't even heard what I said. So focused was Lucrecia on unzipping the bag and pulling out several one-hundred-real bills.
  • "Aren't you ashamed to steal from your aunt, Lily? The woman who raised you like a mother all these years?"
  • "What are you saying? This money is mine, Aunt," I asked again, now truly worried about what she was doing.
  • "Yours? How can you have so much money?" Lucrecia asked with fury in her voice. "Juliana told me everything; there's no use trying to deceive me, Lizandra."
  • "Juliana told you? But... I don't understand anything you're saying," I pointed out, bewildered. "I just need you to give me back the money, Aunt. It's mine; I earned it with my work."
  • "Liar! You've been stealing money from the inn for months," Lucrecia accused me with a pointed finger, practically touching my nose. "Juliana said she saw you taking money from the cash register several times."
  • "I didn't do that! I swear!"
  • "I don't believe you. That money belongs to the inn, and it's going back right now to the hands of those who truly own it. Incredulously and indignantly, I saw my aunt leave the room, taking all my savings with her and still claiming it belonged to her. I should have fought more, argued, and protested, but I couldn't even contain the flow of tears streaming down my eyes like a strong current that no one could stop from flowing. 'The money is mine! Mine!' I screamed hysterically. 'I earned it with sweat and tears!' But Lucrecia shouldn't have been hearing anything more than what I was saying, and I just resigned myself to yet another betrayal that night. It seems there's nothing bad that can't get worse, and I was witnessing that it's entirely true."