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Chapter 4 Want Him Badly

  • Harley Finley
  • It was almost nine at night. Mostly everyone had gone home leaving just Elijah's skeleton crew, as I like to call them- Hudson and Colt. It seemed they spent the most time together, hanging out and drinking beer. I guess they even worked together.
  • "So, Jim's bike shop is still open?" I raised a beer to my lips, trying to keep up with all the new information everyone was spitting at me.
  • "Yeah." Elijah spoke solemnly. "We all work there. I'm going to try to keep it going but we'll see."
  • "I thought he'd be out of business after a few years." I laughed to myself, only earning confused looks from Hudson, Colten and Elijah. "Don't act like he was a saint just fixing those motorcycles."
  • Hudson shook his head and Colten fiddled with the beer in front of him.
  • I looked to Elijah with disgust. "Don't tell me you're going to sell drugs out of there like he did."
  • Elijah shrugged, "I don't know, Lee. Maybe. I got twins on the way. I need some type of extra income for the extra mouths to feed."
  • I shook my head in disagreement but what did I care? I wasn't going to be staying here. It wasn't my business what he did with his life or if he ended up in jail because of some stupid ass decision my father made years ago.
  • "So how's everything with you? I've been talking for hours." Elijah tried to change the subject with wishful thinking.
  • "Same old. Traveling. Cooking. The usual." I looked to my phone with a sigh. "It's getting late. I should probably hit the road."
  • I attempted to stand but the beer cursing through my body had other things in mind.
  • "You could stay the night." Elijah offered. "Colt and Hudson are. You could take one of the spare rooms or couch if you don't want yours."
  • Fuck, he's trying so hard. How do I say no?
  • "I'm going to cook something and we'll see." I announced, forcing myself to a stand and going into the kitchen.
  • I shouldn't have been surprised to see Chloe shuffling through the fridge.
  • I couldn't imagine eating for three.
  • "What are you craving?" I asked, peaking into the fridge behind her.
  • She jumped slightly, only relaxing when she saw me.
  • "Everything." She moaned, stuffing a cheese wrapped pickle into her mouth. "Everything with cheese."
  • I let out a soft laugh as I took some ingredients out from the fridge.
  • "You must do the shopping. I've never seen this much stuff in here." I smiled to Chloe who finally sat down at the kitchen island, putting her swollen ankles up.
  • "Elijah is good for one thing and one thing only." She raised a finger in the air then pointed to her protruding belly.
  • I listened to Chloe ramble on about the ups and downs of pregnancy for a while as I stood in front of the stove top, mixing the arrays of cheese I found.
  • "He talked about you all the time." Chloe spoke about Elijah softly. "He didn't think you'd come to your Dads funeral. But I wouldn't have blamed you if you didn't."
  • I tensed slightly trying hard to hide my discomfort. Jim wasn't a sperm donor or deadbeat like I try to picture him as. He was in my life. But he wasn't loving or protective of me. It was like he was an empty talking vessel towards me, void of emotion except hatred and disappointment.
  • "What did Elijah tell you about you us?" I asked, unsure if I really wanted to know if everyone knew the truth.
  • "He never said much. Just that after your mother died, Jim was tough on you to the point where you felt like you had to live on your own at seventeen.
  • I couldn't imagine that kind of struggle. I give you credit, it seems like you've done good for yourself without any support or financial help." Chloe spoke to me like a sister or mother, I couldn't tell which but either way, it felt good having a woman's opinion that wasn't negative.
  • "Thanks." I sighed, piling on a plate of Mac and cheese for the two of us. I stood at the counter and watched as Chloe practically orgasmed her first bite in.
  • "Oh my lord." She murmured, taking another bite as if it were liquid gold. "Elijah!" She urgently called.
  • All three men ran in and eyed me wearily like I did something to the growing fetuses inside of her.
  • "What happened? Are you going into labor?!" Elijah's eyes were wide, checking Chloe up and down.
  • "No. No I'm only six months. You bet your ass I'd be strangling you at this point if I were." She snarked with an eye roll. "Try this." She eased a fork into his mouth.
  • "Wow." He looked to me. "You cooked this?"
  • "Mhmm. Kind of what I do for a living." I stuffed some Mac and cheese into my own mouth, tasting the different cheeses melted on top of the shells.
  • "It's just Mac and cheese. I could do that." Hudson grumbled going to the stove and eating straight out of the pot. "Wow."
  • "Harley stays. Hudson you leave." Chloe shooed him with her fork.
  • I shook my head at their nonsense and looked to my plate when a warm body pressed against my back. Colten's tattooed hand teasingly cascaded down my arm, forcing goosebumps to rise to the surface until my hand holding the fork was in his. My thighs tightened when his hot breath beat into my neck as he leaned over my shoulder and guided the food into his mouth.
  • All I could do was watch him and try not to picture him taking me right there.
  • He moaned softly once the fork was in his mouth. My ass instinctively pressed back into his hips, which I regretted immediately once I felt how hard he was.
  • God, he was so hard inside of those jeans he wore.
  • "Fuck. That's good." Colten stole my plate and sat next to Chloe, leaving me breathless at the opposite end of him.
  • "What'd you do to it ?^ n Hudson asked with the pot in his hand, shimmying around the kitchen as Elijah chased him for some.
  • "It's just Mac and cheese, guys."
  • "So it's from a box?"
  • I gasped offended. "No, it's not from a box. God, I cook for rich people. I don't cook anything premade."
  • "Rich people?" Colten chuckled to himself. "Do you wear a naughty outfit too?"
  • I raised my brows to him, watching Elijah eye him from the corner.
  • "Only if I want a good tip." I smirked to him, teasing the fork to my lips.
  • "Ah, makes sense now." Colten chuckled again. His deep laugh pulling at the butterflies in my stomach until he added, "I wondered how you're able to seduce a man with your sexy body and flirtiness. Must be practice."
  • I snorted, "I don't call what I did to you last night flirty."
  • I heard Elijah murmur in the corner, "I don't like this." Only for Chloe to hush him.
  • "Oh yeah, what would you call telling me to fuck you rough?" Colten raised a brow.
  • I bit my lip, knowing everyone was listening. Knowing my next words had to be careful. So I walked over to him, slowly, letting Colten's brown eyes watch me with the same hunger as last night. His body instinctively turned towards me as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I didn't even look to our company in the room, letting him feel like the only man here, when I leaned into his ear.
  • "I'd call it wishful thinking since it was anything but." I whispered seductively earning a quiet groan from Colt.
  • His fingers yanked at my waist, placing me into his lap in one swing. His hand wrapped itself into my hair as he held my ear to his lips.
  • "Oh, angel. I can be rougher but I didn't think your tight cunt could take all that." He hushed just loud enough for us to hear.
  • Or so I hoped.
  • He adjusted his hips under me, forcing me to feel the raging boner in his jeans.
  • "Can you take it?" He asked, this time louder.
  • "Oh fucking hell. Please, stop before I throw up in my mouth." Elijah groaned. "It's my little sister, man. I don't want to be seeing or hearing this shit."
  • My cheeks brightened as the blood rushed to my face. Colt released my hair, leaving me on his lap as he attended back to his food.
  • My finger traced his exposed collarbone, running it up his neck and to his chiseled jaw that flexed with each chew. Fuck I wanted him. I wanted him so bad. I needed to see if he was bluffing.
  • He looked at me smugly, watching as I melted in his gaze. My eyes searching him for any seriousness behind his crude statement.
  • His lips kissed my neck once before reaching my ear with his hand softly touching the side of my face.
  • "Don't believe me?" He hushed in a deep husky tone that made my panties moisten.
  • I shook my head slightly.
  • "Guess we'll never know, angel. Since you're leaving." Colten shrugged, guiding me back to my feet on the floor.