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Chapter 3 Prepared

  • Livy had already guessed that it would actually be a business wedding, so she wasn't surprised.
  • As they discussed the business, Arthur offered a few things if Livy agreed to an arranged marriage. That this was just a marriage contract.
  • "Since it's a business marriage, it can also be called an employment contract. Let's just say we're working together. You won't get any rights to the estate from me, but I'll pay you anything for this contract."
  • That was what Arthur had said two days ago.
  • Hearing this, Livy felt the man's cold and resolute demeanor, as if if anyone disagreed, he had nothing to lose.
  • Livy wanted to laugh inwardly. Her aunt wanted the inheritance and the owner of the property was really smart to refuse to share.
  • This was good too.
  • "One more thing, as you can see, I am disabled, my eyes are not functioning properly and I am sickly. After we 'marry' we will not live in the same room."
  • Livy was shocked to find out that Arthur's unique eye was actually due to a defect?
  • But she didn't really care; she didn't care about other disabilities, didn't care about inheritance and so on. It was just that the payment Arthur had said earlier, she began to consider.
  • At least if this marriage could keep her away from her aunt, that would be great. She just had to play this game and keep it a secret from anyone, moreover she would avenge her aunt for what she did to her.
  • This idea excited Livy.
  • She asked hesitantly, "Then can I make one wish?"
  • "Say it."
  • "I'm still young and intend to go to university, if I agree to this contract, can I still continue my studies?"
  • Arthur who was originally indifferent, was immediately stunned. He was silent for a long time before finally answering, "I can arrange a good university for you."
  • "No, there's no need," Livy refused. "I've already decided which university I'm going to, I'm going to take a scholarship test to go there. The test is two weeks from now."
  • There was no expression from Arthur.
  • Livy thought he objected, so she looked at the man doubtfully. "You said that you would pay anything if I agreed, didn't you?"
  • Arthur was completely dumbfounded.
  • The pay he was referring to could be anything, but he didn't expect Livy to be so innocent. If she wanted, Arthur could even pay for her tuition, but she wanted to take the scholarship route.
  • He had checked Livy's background before. She came from a family with a good economy before her parents died in an accident. After that she was raised by her uncle and aunt who were crazy about wealth and spent all the costs of her father's death and inheritance. Even make it as a maid in the house. This girl's life was very unlucky and he tried to put her to the test. He did not expect that this girl was also so simple.
  • "It's like I didn't do anything if that's your only request," Arthur finally answered.
  • "I actually just want to continue my studies and get a high degree." Livy smiled shyly.
  • Arthur whispered something to Evander, then looked back at Livy. "I agree with that. So do you accept this contract as well?"
  • "Um ..."
  • "Sorry, but I heard you live with your cousin who keeps bothering you, right? If you don't agree to the arranged marriage, you will return to the house, and it will be difficult for you to continue your studies."
  • Those words pierced her heart. She lifted her head for a moment to see Arthur's face. His face was completely pale, his lips were white and dry, he looked like fragile porcelain that could shatter at any moment. But unexpectedly his gaze was really firm and somewhat oppressive.
  • Livy looked back down. "You're right."
  • "So?"
  • "I agree, but can I take part in making the contract?" Livy thought, she also needed some conditions to make her comfortable.
  • Arthur immediately agreed. "That you can arrange with Evan."
  • "Thank you."
  • As she was thinking this, a friend waiting for her to come out of the train counter where she worked, immediately nudged her a bit hard on the shoulder.
  • "Hey, I called you over and over again! What the hell are you thinking?!" Sarah clicked her tongue.
  • Livy was just out of her mind and still in a daze, she was immediately pulled to a nearby bench to face Sarah's irritated face head on.
  • "I immediately ran from university as soon as I received your text! I almost died of a heart attack! What you're saying is ... you're kidding, aren't you?"
  • This was one of Livy's best friends, Sarah Grey. She had been friends with Livy for almost seven years. You could say Sarah was almost like her own family.
  • Livy looked at her serious face and teased her. "I've found a husband-to-be, why do you seem displeased?"
  • Sarah was still a little annoyed by the sudden text, like she had been struck by lightning in the early hours of the morning. She panicked a lot and this was how Livy responded.
  • "I'm being serious here, ok? You promised you would want to go to university, remember?" Sarah complained.
  • "Yeah."
  • "So?"
  • Livy explained, "Think of this as the only way to get away from my aunt. As long as I can still go to university, isn't that a good thing?"
  • “But … you don't have to give up like this …” Sarah's head lowered.
  • "Sarah, listen to me, it's not like I'm giving up. This is the first step in my revenge for auntie."
  • Sarah looked up. "You mean?"
  • Livy deliberately didn't reply.
  • "Wait! You want revenge on that old fox? Are you serious? You are really crazy!" Sarah had no idea.
  • Seeing Sarah's rambling, it really had no effect on Livy at all. She hummed.
  • Sarah's eyes narrowed. "Wait, tell me, how's that man you're betrothed to? Is he old, wrinkled, oily and pot-bellied? Livy, come on, you can't be so desperate after all. Let's think of a way to run away from your aunt again, ok?"
  • Seeing Sarah's panic made Livy a little touched and funny.
  • "If he's a potbellied old man, how can I be this happy?"
  • "So ... he's a handsome, rich and kind man? Is there still such a perfect man in this world?"
  • Livy smiled meaningfully.
  • Sarah couldn't believe it. "Shit! A rich man, if he's handsome, he must be playboy, you know!"
  • Livy waved her hand, said while reminiscing Arthur's handsome face in her head, "It doesn't matter how he is. I'm going to marry him and I'm going to university, of course that's a good thing. Can you support me?"
  • The hatred of her life with her aunt makes Livy finally settle on an arranged marriage. The employment contract would be made in a few days, then they would get married. Even if she was toyed with, Livy still had the strength to escape.
  • But somehow she was sure that Arthur wasn't that kind of person.
  • She was so sure.
  • ***
  • At Camile's house, the noisy teenage girl rushed into the room.
  • Camile was combing her hair when she glanced at her daughter who had arrived. "What's wrong? Why are you running around the house?"
  • "Mom, is it true that Livy is getting married in a week? To a rich man? And is he the disabled man you previously wanted to set up with me?" Brenda made an ugly face.
  • Camile glanced at Brenda. "You refused to marry him, right? So I set him up with Livy. Do you regret it now?"
  • "Why do I? Mom, you said he was disabled and almost died, how could I want to be with him?" said Brenda disgusted.
  • Camile was currently in a good mood, she replied, "That's why then I matched him with Livy. Isn't that great? If Livy gets married, our family status will go up. Her future husband is a successful businessman."
  • "Why are you so happy for her? She married a successful person, won't she dump us?" Brenda sneered.
  • "What are you talking about? Did she dare to do that to me?" Camile scolded her. "Listen, even if she dares, she won't be able to. I'm very familiar with her future bespectacles, if Livy makes trouble, she'll be taken care of by them immediately."
  • Seeing her mother so confident Brenda said again, "That means when she gets married later, she will have a lot of money and good clothes. Mom, I want to get married too!"
  • "Geez, you are so pretty, Honey, there must be a lot of rich guys who like you. Don't worry, ok?"
  • "But it's true, Mom! So far I've only had old and ugly clothes, I wear them over and over again, it's a shame. Now Livy is going to marry a rich man, she'll have everything! And we'll still be poor!"
  • Brenda had long been jealous of Livy's beauty. Even if she didn't want to admit it, Livy was still the most beautiful of them all. So she unknowingly often pranked Livy by secretly wanting to spoil her face, but Livy always got away.
  • Not only that, when Livy came to this family, she tried to snatch Livy's nice clothes and leave their clothes for her. Not once did she let Livy wear anything nice.
  • Now that she heard Livy was going to marry a rich man, she was very envious.
  • "What are you talking about? Livy's stuff is her sister's too, right?" Camille tried to calm her down.
  • Brenda looked at her.
  • "After she's married, you can ask her for money to buy nice clothes or whatever. It's not that hard," continued Camile.
  • Brenda's eyes sparkled. "Mom, can I transfer to an international school too? My old school was really bad, and there weren't any rich guys there."
  • Camille thought about it. "Of course."
  • Brenda was a little surprised. "Then can we take a vacation abroad too? We can also party every day? We can buy anything?!"
  • "Of course you can, Honey. See, this is also a stroke of luck for us, isn't it?" Camille smiled slyly.
  • The two laughed and pointed at each other while mentioning all their wishes. Camile felt that the dream was in sight now and was satisfied.
  • Arthur's family is said to be the second richest, even if not the first, it is still very rich. They are really lucky.
  • "Mom, we really can have it all, right? We're going to be rich, right?" Brenda cheered.
  • "Yes, you can have anything. You can ask Livy for it after she's married." Camile said, "So be nice to Livy from now on, don't bother her anymore. Got it?"
  • "Okay, Mom, for the sake of being rich it's not a problem." Brenda smiled contentedly.
  • "Alright, you got it now, go play." Camile chased the child away.
  • Without anyone noticing, Livy was currently behind a wall and overhearing all these conversations. She felt disgust at this family member and almost threw up. Her hands clenched tightly.
  • Exactly the next day, a luxurious black car came to their house. Camile immediately sparkled and greeted the person.
  • "I am Evander, Mr. Finnegan's assistant." Evander politely said after being ushered in. "I came here to take Miss Livy for a wedding dress fitting."
  • "Don't be shy. Livy's off today. She's going with you." Camile smiled at him.
  • She told Brenda to call Livy and soon Livy appeared.
  • Brenda nudged Camile's shoulder while giving a code. Camile understood what her daughter meant and said, "Look, Livy has a sister who's going to the party too and she doesn't have the proper clothes. Can she come too?"
  • Livy glanced at them and gritted her teeth.
  • On the other hand, Evander's reply was very calm, "For family wear, a special designer has made the clothes. It will be delivered to your home tomorrow."
  • Camile smiled stiffly. "Oh, is that so?"
  • "Mom!" whispered Brenda disgruntled.
  • "I'm sorry, Mr. Evander, but my daughter is very picky. If designer clothes don't suit her taste, that's a shame. Can't she choose her own favorite model?" Camile said carefully.
  • Brenda nodded and looked at Evander expectantly. Her mother had said this and a man who was just an assistant could he refuse?
  • Evander replied, "Everything has been arranged by Mr. Finnegan's big family, I'm just carrying out orders. You can prepare your own spare clothes, if later the designer's model doesn't fit."
  • Livy laughed at them inwardly.
  • Camile was not happy, but there was nothing she can do at this point because the wedding has not yet taken place. She was really dissatisfied with this assistant, and felt angry about it. This man was just an assistant and he dared to go against the wishes of his prospective employer?
  • What the hell?
  • Camile was smiling on the outside, but she was in her heart she had thought of firing this man immediately if Livy had officially become the master of the Arthur family! Let's see later.
  • "If there's nothing else, I'll excuse myself." Evander looked at them calmly, no expression on his face, no one knowing what he was thinking.
  • Livy immediately followed Evander into the car and couldn't contain her excitement, she covered her mouth to laugh quietly.
  • She had heard the foul intent of her aunt and Brenda ​​and they had taken action as soon as Evander arrived. Even that action failed and deserved to be laughed at, she was very satisfied!
  • Evander glanced through the mirror up ahead. "Miss Livy, have you quit your job yet?"
  • The car engine started after the question was asked.
  • Livy cleared her throat. "I've resigned at the train counter, but I'm still doing my job as a private tutor."
  • "As promised, you will get a salary from Mr. Finnegan every month. Do you still have to do this?"
  • The salary that Arthur offered was quite large, she had refused it, but Evander said that it was Arthur's request in the contract. So she couldn't argue and could only accept it.
  • "I just want to do something useful outside of class." Livy said while looking at the city view from inside the car.
  • Evander understood and didn't ask again.
  • After a while the car arrived at a large building and it became clear that this place was a famous boutique from a famous designer. Livy got out of the car nervously, glancing around.
  • "Arthur ... is he coming too?" Livy blushed a bit at asking this, before Evander could answer she continued, "He caught cold two days ago, how is he now?"
  • Evander replied, "Mr. Finnegan is busy. Designer already has a record of his size, so he probably won't be coming."
  • Livy lowered her head, and without anyone noticing even herself, it was a feeling of disappointment.
  • "He's recovered now, Miss Livy, please don't worry," Evander said.
  • ... to be continued ...