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Chapter 6 The Meeting Is Cancelled

  • Yvaine.
  • Since the twins were born, my life has been a rollercoaster of emotions. Thank God, the pregnancy went well, and I went into labor in the eighth month. I named my children after my parents, I named the girl Aila and my son Roy. But since I wanted to leave a part of their father in them, as without his invaluable contribution I wouldn’t have had my treasures, and since I couldn’t give them his last name, I decided to also give my daughter the name of Norman's mother and my son the name of his father.
  • Like me, Norman Miller had lost his parents when he was a child, in a terrorist attack during a trip they made abroad.
  • I did some research, and his parents’ names were Caroline and William.
  • And so, my babies got named Roy William Stewart and Aila Caroline Stewart. I promised myself that when my kids grew older and wanted to know about their dad, I’d find him. But after a year passed without hearing from my first and only lover, I started thinking he forgot about me. The promise or deal he wanted seemed more like a duty, maybe because he felt guilty for taking my virginity. The truth is, he didn’t take it; I sort of made him.
  • I guess that’s why he never reached out again. If he tried and found out about my pregnancy, the rumors of me sleeping around might have turned him away. My disappearing act probably gave him some relief. I still wonder about him, maybe because watching our kids grow reminds me of him, or perhaps that night we spent together left a lasting mark.
  • Every day is a new adventure with my twins, and they bring both joy and challenges. Raising them alone isn’t easy, but their laughter and innocence make it all worthwhile. My routine revolves around diaper changes, baby food, and sleepless nights. I’ve learned to embrace the chaos and find beauty in the simple moments.
  • I often catch myself daydreaming about the mysterious man who became a part of my past. What would our lives be like if he were here with us? Would he be a loving father, or would our differences create tension? It’s a question that lingers, and while I may never have the answers, I’m determined to give my children the best life possible.
  • As the days turn into months, and the months into years, I find strength in being both a mother and a woman who faced unexpected challenges. Life has taken me on a unique journey, one filled with surprises, heartbreaks, and moments of pure joy. And through it all, I’ve come to realize that every twist and turn has shaped me into the resilient person I am today.
  • While my past remains intertwined with a man whose name still echoes in my thoughts, my focus is on the present and future. I may not have it all figured out, but I’m embracing the uncertainty with open arms. And as I navigate the complexities of motherhood, I carry the hope that destiny may have more surprises in store for me and my precious children.
  • I looked at my children and smiled. Except for the eye color, which is green like mine, both resembled their father. Both were dark-skinned, Aila was delicate, with fair skin and black hair, smaller than her brother. Roy, on the other hand, also with black hair, is bigger, considering he’s only 3 months old. Both are very alert, although Aila is more crybaby and clingy, and Roy is calmer, but more demanding when he wants something, especially when it comes to satisfying his needs. He reminds me a lot of the man who steals my dreams.
  • This morning, I was on my way to drop the babies off at daycare when I received a call from one of my neighbors in New York.
  • “Yvaine, I’m sorry, my dear, we couldn’t do anything. Government agents showed up, asking for the owner of the house to come forward, as it’s going to be expropriated. They want to build a cultural center in the area and have expropriated many homes.” – I felt like fainting. Is the government trying to take away the house my parents left me? – “You have to go to the city hall offices in two days, or they will proceed with the expropriation.”
  • Without hesitation, I called my company and requested time off using my vacation days. The company had been very good to me, they didn’t even fire me when they found out I was pregnant, so it didn’t surprise me that they gave me a week off on my vacation.
  • I hurriedly booked tickets for the three of us and sought the pediatrician’s approval for our flight. After a thorough examination, he assured me there were no issues. In my haste, I overlooked a crucial detail – I used our real names when purchasing the tickets. Little did I know, this oversight would pave the way for yet anotherr unexpected twist upon our arrival at La Guardia International Airport in New York.
  • Norman.
  • I was in a meeting of an executive board when Jason entered and approached me with a tablet in his hands.
  • “They’ve been found, they’re heading to New York,” he whispered, handing me the tablet, which had a photo of my wife with two babies.
  • I felt a rush of emotion, my heart started beating faster, and the tension of what I had just discovered was reflected in my jaw. I don’t just have one child! I am the father of twins, to be precise, a boy and a girl, three months old.
  • As I flipped through the pages on the tablet to see all the information it contained, I discovered the tickets where their names were written. My heart skipped a beat, Yvaine had thought of me when naming our children, as they both carried the names of their four deceased grandparents. Thanks to the Information I had gathered from Yvaine, I knew she was an orphan, and I even discovered the names of her parents.
  • I felt overwhelmed with emotion, knowing that she had also taken the time to find information about me and had the thoughtfulness to search for the names of the babies' paternal grandparents. However, I wasn’t satisfied with the surnames of my children, as they only had their mother’s surnames. That was something I planned to fix today if possible, along with adding myself as the father on their birth certificates. And as soon as we could, after our marriage, all four of us would have the same surname. Soon, Yvaine Stewart would be Yvaine Miller, and that was something that would not change.
  • I abruptly stood up, without looking at anyone, and ended the meeting. I gestured to Jason to take care of things and walked out the door with determination. I could hear Jason’s final words, and he followed me shortly after.
  • “The meeting is cancelled,” he told them. We quickly made our way to La Guardia International Airport, and thanks to my connections, we were given a VIP lounge where we could observe all the arrivals from Los Angeles.