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Chapter 8 Hiro

  • ❤️ Hiro ❤️
  • "I really don't want to talk about it, Eleanor, all I can say is that it wasn't a pleasant one in that pack or living and working with them. Thinking about it will bring back the old memories I had long buried." Samira answered.
  • "You always dodge the question whenever it is asked, why?"
  • "Let's do it this way then," Samira said, "Since you really do want to know about my story, why don't you tell me your own story, why did you leave your place and decided to live here all alone."
  • "First of all I am not alone and secondly, I didn't have any story to tell," Eleanor explained and got up from her seat. "Well since you don't have anything to tell me, I have things to do."
  • "But I thought you said you were less busy?"
  • "I lied," Eleanor said as she picked up her plates with that of Samira and Hiro and headed for the kitchen to wash them.
  • Samira also went to the guest room and met her son playing games on the laptop on the bed. She gently closed the laptop so that her son would give her his full attention.
  • "Are you okay?"
  • "Yeah, why wouldn't I be Mum?"
  • "Because you left Australia where you grew up down to this place all of a sudden, you haven't even ask me who those guys are yet and my friend who you saw doing-"
  • Hiro Interrupted his mother, "Mum, I know a witch when I see one and I am okay with where I am, plus I know you will tell me whatever is going on in your own time, so I am not bothered." he told her nonchalantly.
  • Samira opened her mouth in shock after she heard what her son had told her. Hiro would have been disturbing her about those men, forcing her to look for the leader of those men who came to take him away.
  • "Are you sure?"
  • "Yes Mum."
  • "You-"
  • "Mum, I'm okay here."
  • Samira smiled genuinely, "I'm glad you are much okay, I will explain everything but for now I don't know who is chasing me but I will find out, mummy always does."
  • Hiro nodded his head and laid it on his mother's lap before yawing.
  • "Are you feeling sleepy?"
  • Hiro nodded his head and soon he slept off.
  • Samira gently placed his head on the bed and went to take her bath, afterwards, she started arranging their clothes before going to lie down beside Hiro and slept off once she was done.
  • ****
  • Alpha Romulus Mansion:
  • The evening breeze was cool as the compound of Alpha Romulus were filled with different wolves of high and low status.
  • The Alpha's of all the five packs were seen standing next to each other, whispering to themselves so that the other wolves won't hear them.
  • Soon, Osiris Wilderwood and his sons made their appearance in the compound and everywhere was quiet. The four of them were a sight to behold. Osiris Wilderwood and his two sons were on black suits except Zinedine Wilderwood who was just in simple black jeans and a long sleeve brown shirt with a black boots to go with.
  • "Hey my friend," Alpha Romulus said in all smiles as he went over to meet Osiris to hug him, he could feel all eyes on him.
  • "Romulus, so good to see you." Osiris returned his hug briefly.
  • "I thought you wouldn't come."
  • "I wouldn't miss your daughter's ceremony for anything my friend." Osiris said and then proceeded to point at his sons, "Even my sons."
  • Alpha Romulus smiled their way before returning his gaze back to Osiris.
  • "And where is your beautiful daughter, I want to introduce her to my eldest son," Osiris said to Romulus, the quietness around made everyone heard what he said.
  • "She is inside the house waiting for the ceremony to start and since you are here we will start immediately." Romulus told him.
  • "That's good, Lucius can't wait to meet her." Osiris said excitedly, "Right?"
  • Zinedine forced himself to smile, he was bored already and didn't want to show it out. He didn't want to be here but his father had pleaded with him to come with his brothers which he obliged. Right now he is regretting ever coming but doesn't want to disgrace his father or himself.
  • "Let me go and call my daughter, I will be right back." Alpha Romulus told them and went inside his mansion.
  • "So, are you all suddenly dumb or what?" Zinedine asked as he stared around him, the stares he was receiving was irritating, his beast was fighting within him to surface. "Don't let me say the words." He added In a low threatening voice and the once quiet compound became noisy once again.
  • Alpha Romulus returned with his daughter hot on his heels. His daughter ran past him and went to hug Zinedine.
  • Zinedine was surprised when he saw the familiar face and he didn't even hide his surprise, in fact, he returned her hug, taking a deep sniff of her scent to get familiar with it. He didn't know she was Alpha Romulus' daughter. It has been a long time since he saw her, ever since the night he fought with her because of Samira. When they broke out of their hug, he couldn't help but notice how beautiful she is now.
  • "Since my ceremony hasn't started yet, let's go inside." She told him and began dragging Zinedine away from the others and towards the house.
  • Alpha Romulus and Osiris smiled at what they saw and they both went outside the compound to talk privately. Osiris bringing out a cigar.
  • ****
  • Eleanor's Home:
  • Eleanor was dressed and was about to go out when Hiro came to meet her.
  • "Where are you going?"
  • "Somewhere." Eleanor answered.
  • "Can I follow you?" Hiro suddenly asked and when Eleanor opened her mouth to talk, he quickly continued. "My mum is still sleeping and staying in this house is kinda boring to me, I swear I won't make any noise you won't even know I am there, please Aunt Eleanor." he begged.
  • Eleanor sighed and agreed to take him along. "But you are going to wear a head hoodie and a face mask, we don't want the wrong people to see you."
  • "Okay." Hiro went back into the room and returned a minute later with a head warmer cap and showed it to Eleanor.
  • "This would do." Eleanor said and they left the house as soon as he wore his head warmer and face mask she gave him, she was also wearing one. She went to her car garage and drove out with one of her motorcycles with Hiro holding her.
  • An hour of driving and Eleanor slowed down when she realized they were being followed.
  • She drove until she stopped by the dark side of Romulus' estate and whispered to Hiro as she came down from her bike.
  • "Stay here, I will be back."
  • "Is it about the car following us?"
  • Eleanor nodded and wondered how Hiro knew.
  • "Don't move, I need to throw them
  • off our track, I will be coming soon." she told him and went through the shadow.
  • Hiro patiently waited beside the bike until the smell from a cigar made him look at the two men not too far from him.
  • He shook his head and walked over to meet them and jump and at the same time grab hold of the Gurka Royal Courtesan worth $1million dollars from the older white haired man and throw it on the floor, matching the life out of it.
  • Osiris was astounded as he turned to look at his friend. At that moment, Eleanor returned.