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Chapter 5

  • My legs shook as I followed them up the stairs. I was struggling to be strong, trying to tell myself that nothing would go wrong. Yet, I couldn't help the dread that went through me when we got to a dark hallway. My heart jumped into my stomach. Everything about this screamed 'horror movie', but I tried to press it down. I tightly clutched my purse, knowing my pepper spray was still in there.
  • Should they try anything funny with me, I know what to do. I would spray the hell out of their eyes.
  • I heard a snap before the entire hallway got illuminated. A gasp left my mouth in awe at what I saw. With the hall lit up, it didn't look spooky at all. My eyes took in the exotic photos hung on the wall. It seemed like I had somehow gotten transported to another place.
  • “Hurry.”
  • I jerked back at the call, blinking in shock. The brothers were standing at the last door in the hall, while I stood at the first door, gaping at the paintings like a fool.
  • “Coming,” I replied as I hurried over to their side.
  • The gentle one brought a key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. He opened the door and stepped in, while the other one turned to look at me with a sly smile on his face.
  • “Bunny, you need to know what you are signing up for. We don't want you to go running back to Mama,” he mocked.
  • “Who… Who said that? I'm not scared of you!” Yet, my lower lip shook in fear. I clenched my fists to hide how nervous I was. But I could tell that he knew about it. His eyes took me in once more before he stepped in, leaving the door open, so I could step in if I wanted.
  • I knew what that meant. Stepping in was of my volition. They wouldn't force me. The decision was mine to make.
  • I drew a deep, steady breath before I stepped into the room. The door slammed shut behind me, and I tried my hardest not to scream out. I placed my right palm on my mouth to muffle my screams.
  • Similar to when we were in the hall, I heard a snap before the entire place got awash with light. A gasp left my mouth as my eyes took in the room. Shocked, I took a step back and another until my back hit the door.
  • I wasn't expecting this, not in my wildest imagination! It looked like I had somehow stepped into a place I wasn't supposed to know of.
  • “Is this….” I gulped, looking at the brothers, who hadn't said a word since I stepped in. They had their arms folded, and their eyebrows raised at me. “Is this a torture chamber?”
  • “Having second thoughts, bunny?”
  • “No, it's not,” the lean one replied. “This is our pleasure den.” He gestured to the bed and the instruments in the room. Belts and leathers lined one part of the chamber. There were different types to choose from. There was a horse's strap next to the bed and a chair with a… Dildo? Fixed on it. My eyes went to the chains on the bed and the ones hanging from the ceiling.
  • Fucking hell!
  • What the hell did I just get myself into? Why would they call a torture chamber a pleasure room?
  • “Why does it look like a torture chamber?” I asked once more, still looking around, taking in the place. They made everything of black, the curtains, bedsheets, instruments, and even the floor.
  • “No, it's not. This is our playroom,” the gruff one replied. “If you are having second thoughts about this, bunny, you can always sign out. No one is forcing you.”
  • “Who said I was getting second thoughts?” Somehow, seeing the mocking expression on his face made me want to prove him wrong. I wanted to show him I wasn't scared of him or anything like that.
  • “So? Are you willing to sign the contract with us?” The soft-spoken one pointed towards the desk I overlooked when I was giving the place a sweep.
  • I gulped as my eyes went to the file on the table. “What's that?”
  • “A written contract. You need to go through it and sign, giving your consent to be our slave. A sex toy that will let us fuck her whenever we feel like it.”
  • Those words said crudely, did things to my body. I walked on shaky feet to the table. On the cover was a highlighted and bold 'SEX TOY CONTRACT' which I ignored as I flipped to the first page.
  • 'This contract is dated the 14th of December 2025 between Miss Bella Cold, Mr Blue Chritophos, and Mr Fred Christopos…’
  • I squinted at the names. I couldn't believe I got that tidbit of information before I even signed the contract with them.
  • I swallowed before I turned to face them. “So, who is Blue and who's Fred?”
  • “I'm Fred. He's blue,” the always teasing one said, shrugging when I raised a brow.
  • With a nod, I returned to the file in front of me. I read a bit to know that this contract will last for two months and throughout that time, I will let them fuck me whenever they wanted. Their payment was to answer any question I might have.
  • With a sigh, I picked up the pen, having decided. It was too late for me to reconsider, not after I boasted that I would be the one to crack this case and get an interview with the brothers.
  • I turned to look at them, noting how they had their entire focus on me. Shivers ran through my spine at the dark, heated stares from them — the brothers I was about to pledge my body to.
  • “Sweetheart, you need to know what you are getting into by joining the game,” Blue's voice startled me.
  • I gulped as my eyes went to Fred's. His mouth moved up in a smirk as his mysterious eyes roamed through my body. Teasing and daring me to take the step.
  • Desires and fear seized hold of me as I glanced around their 'playroom'.
  • I knew what I was signing up for by consenting to be their toy. Yet, I was willing to take that step if it meant I got to achieve my goals.
  • With a nod, I signed the contract that would bind me to them for two months.