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Chapter 2

  • "What happened to her head and why does she look so groggy" The lawyer's voice reached my ears, his words sounding a bit fuzzy. He also looked really weird and I felt a giggle bubbling up my throat. My memory was a bit hazy, but the spot where Amore had jammed the syringe into my neck still throbbed. I wondered what she had injected me with but I couldn't keep up with the line of thought, because my brain kept firing off in different directions. Was I dying? Why was the room flashing so many colors? Did Amore change the light bulbs?
  • "Eve came down with the flu and is reacting to the medication that was prescribed by her doctor..." Amore told Oregon, snapping me out of my haze for a bit.
  • "As for the cut on her head, Eve is quite playful and doesn't always watch where she is going even though I have warned her countless times, but you know teenagers, they don't really listen to anyone, and you already know that Eve doesn't like me all that much since she thinks I stole her father from her, so she always brushes my warnings off", she paused, shaking her head. "I wouldn't have let her attend this meeting not when she's so sick but You insisted that she should be here for the readings and that's why she's here... "
  • "I am not sick" I slurred, my words coming out a garbled mess.
  • "See. Does she really need to be here"
  • "Yes she does, but since she doesn't seem to be in her right frame of mind, don't you think we should postpone the reading until she's all better".
  • I could tell the suggestion didn't sit well with Amore from the twist of her expression and the way her hand clenched beside her lap.
  • Her expression made the laughter that had been bubbling within my chest burst out of me, and I giggled, the sound spilling into the air unrestrained until Margo shook me a bit with a glare. "Get it together dimwit" she whispered in my ear viciously, the sickening smile that was on her face firmly in place.
  • Amore's gaze cut in my direction and I stopped laughing, the dark look in her eyes freezing the blood in my veins despite my drug-induced state.
  • She exhaled, then turned back to face the lawyer with a look of resolution "I think We have waited long enough Mr. Oregon. Sanchez had been dead for a whole month and we still haven't read his will. I have been patient but the board members are starting to talk and raise objections whenever I try to make any decision concerning the company... I need to know where I stand once and for all, so please let's not delay this further".
  • Mr. Oregon looked at me, then at Margo who flashed him a sweet smile. She was so freaking annoying, it gave me a headache. "You are right and I apologize for the inconvenience. We should get this over with so that everything runs more smoothly from now on".
  • Amore inhaled, then smiled brightly. "I am happy to hear that, Mr. Oregon. How about we start now" she urged and the man gave an exasperated sigh and whipped out the documents from his file case.
  • I could see the excitement dancing in Amore's and Margo's eyes as they eagerly awaited the reading of the will.
  • "Well, they will Sanchez left is very simple. I read; To my wife, the love of my life, I leave the mansion and the estate at the province" he said and Amore's grin stretched.
  • "Well, go on, I am sure there's still more"
  • Mr. Oregon cleared his throat. "To Margo, my sweet daughter I leave twenty percent of my company shares. And to my beautiful sunshine, Eve, I will all of my remaining assets, 80 percent of the company's shares, and a mansion I built for her that should only be disclosed to her on her twenty-first birthday. That is all" the man finished with a flourish and snapped the file shut.
  • Then there was silence, and it was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
  • "I don't understand... Sanchez left everything to her" Amore yelled incredulously, standing abruptly, the finger she pointed in my direction trembling just like her lips were. "And I only got a measly mansion and a stupid estate in the province. What the hell am I supposed to do with that!"
  • Mr. Oregon stood up and stepped toward her. "When you got married to Sanchez, you said you weren't interested in his money, so why the indignation at being given what you term so little"
  • Amore tried to breathe and rein in her anger but she failed miserably. "What the hell are you insinuating right now Mr. Oregon... Are you trying to tell me something..."
  • "I am merely making a statement Mrs. Amore, but I apologize if you found my question offensive. Well you're still legally in charge of running the company until Eve turns eighteen and is capable of running everything herself"
  • "So I'm literally her slave until she's ready to take the company from me and you expect me to just accept that... "
  • "I could always appoint a temporary manager if you're not up to the task, but I hope you realize Margo has twenty percent of the shares... "
  • "What is she supposed to do with such a share... Eve can literally put her out of the company"
  • "Eve is your daughter too" Mr. Oregon started and the look Amore gave him could kill. "I mean she's your stepdaughter, but all the same, she looks up to you and considers you family, so I am sure there would never be a reason for her to buy out Margo's shares"
  • "That's enough! I do not want to hear anything you have to say to me right now" Amore got out, her chest heaving. "You read the will, and despite my indignation, there's really nothing I can do about what Sanchez wanted to do with his money and his company... Do you require us to sign any documents"
  • "Yes, there are some documents... "
  • "Then let's get it over with" she snapped and Oregon sighed tiredly.
  • "I only came to read the will. The documents will be ready for signing tomorrow".
  • Amore crossed her arms. "We are done here then, so please, take your leave, Mr. Oregon. You have overstayed your welcome" she delivered grimly.
  • The man exhaled, then turned to me. "Take care of yourself, Eve. Get well soon" he said, and patted my hair, his hands grazing the cut on my head a bit. "If you're ever experiencing any trouble, do not hesitate to give me a call," he said and I laughed because his face was becoming more distorted the longer I stared at him. What the hell had Amore injected me with?
  • He pulled back, and both he and Amore just stood staring at each other. "I'll take my leave then," he said, clasping his case harder than was necessary, then he turned and walked out of the house.
  • It didn't take a second after the door closed after the man for Amore to lose her shit.
  • She screamed at the same time Margo stood up in indignation.
  • It was a surprise that she'd been quiet for so long. Did Amore drug her too?
  • "How dare he. Even after his death, he's still finding ways to fuck me over. How could he do this to me after all my sacrifices"
  • I giggled and she whirled to face me.
  • "You dare laugh" Margo got out shakily before Amore could shout the house down with her fury. "You fucking thief. That company is mine. How dare you do this to me" she yelled, grabbing me and shaking me furiously.
  • My head hurt a lot and my movements felt like they were being performed in slow motion even though I was really struggling to push her off.
  • "You're going to regret this. I am going to make sure you do. I will never let you have that company" Margo yelled, shaking me harder until she was pulled by Amore away from me.
  • "Let her go, or Mr. Oregon will be here suing us for abuse."
  • "But mom!" She cried out.
  • "Don't worry Margo, everything will go according to plan no matter what happens. Everything will be ours. Everything!".