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Chapter 7

  • The last thing Tony wanted was to return to the Lugard's mansion so soon. He hoped that the memory of what Maxwell and Cecilia witnessed in the hotel would haunt them, leaving them wondering if it was all a dream. He knew that Lady Lugard and Helen would continue to mock and belittle Maxwell and Cecilia's story when they told them, confident that they would never be believed. In Lady Lugard's eyes, Tony was a worthless individual, and no matter how hard he tried, he could never accomplish anything of significance, there was no way her view would change because of a petty story from her daughter and son-in-law.
  • As Tony sat on the hotel bed, he pondered the best way to acquire new clothes. Even though he intended to keep his new identity a secret, he did not want people to view him with disdain because of his shabby appearance. It was clear to him that he needed to acquire some fresh attire.
  • When the cab he had booked online arrived, he got into the back seat.
  • "Good day, sir," the cab driver greeted. "Where are you headed?" he inquired.
  • "I thought the destination was included in the app when I booked the ride," Tony replied.
  • "Yes, it was," the cab driver replied. "The City Boutique," he said. "Are you sure that's where you're headed? It's not a place for low-income earners like us, you know," the cab driver said, taking a good look at Tony's disheveled appearance.
  • "Can you just drive me to my destination and drop the questions?" Tony snapped. He was already irritated by the conversation. This was exactly why he wanted to change his wardrobe - to avoid these types of embarrassing situations.
  • "Sorry sir," the cab driver apologized, but Tony didn't reply.
  • As soon as they reached the boutique, Tony quickly copied the cab driver's account number and sent him double the amount of the fare.
  • "Thanks for the tip, sir," the cab driver called out in a stuttered voice but Tony had already slammed the door and was on his way into the store.
  • Tony walked into the boutique, taking in the atmosphere. The smell of expensive cologne filled the air, and the racks of designer clothing were neatly arranged. He had never been in a place like this before. A sales associate approached him.
  • "Welcome to the City Boutique," she said with a smile. "How can I help you today?"
  • "I need a complete wardrobe makeover," Tony said. "I have no idea what I'm doing."
  • "No problem," she said. "We'll get you looking sharp in no time." The sales associate's eyes lit up with a feigned smile. she was obviously in doubt if Tony could afford a thing there but was smart enough to keep her cool.
  • The sales associate started by asking him some questions about his style preferences and lifestyle. Tony found himself answering honestly, even though he had never really given much thought to his style before. The sales associate seemed to know exactly what he needed and soon had him trying on a variety of different outfits.
  • "I have to say, you're a natural," she said with a grin.
  • "You're nailing this." Tony couldn't help but feel a little bit flattered.
  • After a few hours, Tony had found everything he needed and more at the City Boutique.
  • "Thank you, Miss Jane," he said with a smile, extending his hand in appreciation.
  • "It was a pleasure to help you, Mr. Tony," Jane said, shaking his hand.
  • "How did you know my name?" Tony asked, surprised. "It's on your credit card, sir," Jane said with a wink as she pointed to his shirt pocket.Tony laughed.
  • "I forgot about that," he said sheepishly.
  • "You're welcome, sir. Please pay at the counter, the cashier is there to help you," Jane said with a bow.
  • Tony walked to the counter, his arms laden with bags of new clothes.
  • "Look who we have here huh," Susan's mockery laughter filled the hall and Tony took a deep breath awaiting her usual mockery. It was obvious she was the cashier.
  • "Hello Susan. How are you? I want to make payment for the items I bought," Tony said ignoring her.
  • Susan's gaze bore into him as she said, "You know, it must be really hard for Helen to see you bouncing from one errand boy job to another. Do you ever feel bad about that?"
  • Her words were meant to cut deep, but Tony kept his composure and said nothing.
  • "I'm sure you are proud of being a nuisance," she said, her voice dripping with contempt. "But let's be real, you're not exactly living the high life."
  • "How much are my items?" he said, refusing to let her get under his skin.
  • Susan and Helen had been best friends since childhood, and Susan had always looked down on Tony as a poor match for her friend. She couldn't understand why Helen would settle for someone who wasn't successful or wealthy, and she made no secret of her disdain for him.
  • "So you're just going to spend your life doing menial jobs, never amounting to anything? Is that really what you want?" she asked, clearly trying to provoke him. But Tony wasn't about to give her the satisfaction.
  • "Here's my items," Tony said. He could tell she was frustrated by his refusal to engage with her, and he took a small pleasure in that.
  • "Whatever makes you happy, I guess," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
  • "Are you ready to settle the bill, sir?" Susan asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she eyed his shabby footwear.
  • "Absolutely," Tony replied, handing over his credit card. As Susan swiped his credit card, her eyes widened in surprise. She hadn't expected to see his name on the card. Perhaps his boss had given him the money help with clothes shopping, she thought.The idea that Tony might actually have money of his own was simply too much for her to comprehend since she was sure Helen wouldn't give him such an amount.
  • "Your total is ten thousand dollars," Susan said, Tony smiled.
  • "Thank you," he said. "It was a pleasure meeting you again."
  • "I wish I could say the same," she retorted, her face creased in a scowl. "But seeing you is always a blight on my day." Her words were meant to sting, but Tony took them in stride. He knew she was only trying to rile him up.
  • "What's going on here?" a deep, masculine voice cut through the tension. Susan and Tony turned to see Uncle Robert standing in the doorway, his face dark with anger.
  • "What's going on, Susan?" he demanded, his voice low and dangerous.
  • "I was just, um, I mean, I was helping this gentleman with his purchase," Susan stammered, her cheeks reddening.
  • "Is that how you talk to a customer?" Uncle Robert snapped.
  • "I apologize, sir," Susan said, her eyes downcast.
  • "Please, I'm sorry about her behavior," Uncle Robert said, turning to Tony.
  • "What are you doing here?" Tony asked, his tone laced with suspicion. He wondered if Uncle Robert was following him, and he didn't like the idea of being watched.
  • "I'm the owner of this boutique," Uncle Robert replied with a disarming smile. "One of my many investments," he added, his eyes twinkling.
  • Susan looked from Uncle Robert to Tony and back again, feeling out of her depth. She had no idea how they knew each other, or why her boss was being so friendly to him.
  • "You're fired," Uncle Robert announced, his voice cold and final. Susan fell to her knees, pleading with him.
  • "Please, sir. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to disrespect him. "
  • "I'm afraid it's too late for that," Uncle Robert said, his expression unyielding.
  • "If you had known that he was one someone of importance, you would never have treated him like that."
  • Is that everything you need?" Uncle Robert asked Tony, his tone softening. "Would you like to take advantage of any special offers or discounts?"
  • Tony shook his head and politely replied, "No, thank you. I'm happy with my purchases."
  • "I must insist that you come to my office for a cup of tea," Uncle Robert said, leading the way. Tony followed, leaving Susan behind, still on her knees.
  • She looked up at them with pleading eyes, but Uncle Robert didn't even spare her a glance.