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The Bully's Obsession

The Bully's Obsession

Angela Shyna

Last update: 2021-09-28

Chapter 1

  • Chapter one
  • Graciela's POV
  • I walked into school with the chilly wind blowing against my cheeks, you know the feeling when you feel that something big is going to happen but you don't know what?
  • Yep that's exactly how I'm feeling right now
  • "Gracie Gracie!" I heard a voice that could only belong to one person call, it was Marilyn , my best friend in Water Bridge High, she rushed towards me in a flurry, I wonder what is up in that  head of hers now
  • "Hey what's up" I greeted with a smile
  • which she returned sticking out her tongue
  • "Have you heard the latest?"she hushed glancing around
  • I smiled , this was so much like Marilyn, if there was anything happening, she was surely among the first persons in school to know about it
  • I wonder how she does it
  • "What now?" I asked rolling my eyes at the way she leaned towards me
  • "You won't believe it!"
  • Okay now I was getting impatient, what could it possibly be?
  • "Come on Lyn just spit it out"
  • "I heard he's transferring  back today" she replied
  • "Who ?"I asked furrowing my brows in confusion
  • She looked at me and mentioned the one name that was able to insert fear deep inside me
  • what did you say?" I asked feeling the blood rushing away from my face and my heart sped up furiously
  • "Yeah I heard he's back" she replied giving me a sympathetic gaze
  • "Didn't he transfer to another town? Why is he back now?" I asked totally fricking out
  • Wait!
  • If he was back, that means that he might be in school today 
  • Oh no!
  • Ever since I could remember, Hayden has made my life a living hell, worse was that I couldn't remember how I've ever offended him
  • He became more harsh that it even got a little physical
  • He isn't like that to anybody else
  • I think its just me
  • When he'd transferred to another town two years ago due to his family's business, I had been so relieved and happy, I had even begun to enjoy my simple life
  • Now he's back! 
  • This was my final year of high school,why did he return now ?
  • Relax , I told myself taking in
  • a deep breath
  • Its been two years, and times has changed, he might not even remember me
  • "It will be fine" Marilyn said placing a reassuring hand on my shoulders to which I just nodded
  • As we got inside, we separated to our various classes
  • *************************************
  • I walked inside the class slowly, the sound of chartering was the first thing I noticed a certain area of the class was filled with students laughing and discussing, I proceeded to sit down when I saw him 
  • He sat down like a king and the rest of the students were his subject
  • My heart gave a loud thud and I suckled in a breath sharply
  • He suddenly looked up from the crowd of students surrounding him, his eyes widened a fraction in surprise, then it was gone 
  • It was replaced with a smirk that I knew all too well
  • He always had that trademark smirk on his face before he does something bad
  • "Are you gonna sit down or what" a voice said , it was Clarissa another friend of mine who was in front of me who spoke giving me a curious stare
  • When did she even arrive?
  • I broke the contact I had with 
  • Hayden and sat down like I was in a chair of nails
  • "Are you alright?"Clarissa asked looking concerned
  • No! I could never be alright with Hayden just a few meters away from me!
  • I nodded anyway giving her a reassuring smile
  • *************************************
  • All through out class I could feel a stare burning right into the back of my head, I didn't need to look to know who it was, I just wanted the teacher to get out of the class so I can leave,goodness knows that I'm not even understanding a thing she was talking about
  • Immediately the bell rung signifying the end of class, I packed my stuff and rushed out ignoring Clarissa who was calling out to me
  • But wait?
  • Why was I even scared?
  • What did I do wrong?
  • But its not the first time I was asking myself something like this, I didn't need to do anything wrong before Hayden hurts me, finally I escaped the class and him.
  • As I rested my head against my locker taking in deep breath, a hand suddenly slammed loudly just above my head causing me to jerk back with a yelp
  • It was the one person I had been trying to avoid
  • It was Hayden Mcandrews 
  • "Hello bunny did you miss me?" He said with his signature smirk
  • Oh god!