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Chapter 3 Knock!

  • Raajnandini's POV
  • I looked at the man in front of me. His dark locks falling on his temple and shadowing the dark blue eyes which are looking at me amused. His one hand resting on the door and another on the door frame while blocking the view of the inside. He is huge!
  • I have seen many blue eyes but none were this captivating and intimidating, my neck already felt it's first cramp by looking up at him even though I have a decent height. His jaw is set in a thin line as he looks behind me to check if I have company.
  • "How did you get in?"
  • His voice sounded offended, well he is not wrong. I did break into someone's property without permission.
  • I followed the direction of his eyes and looked at the gate which was open.
  • "I..."
  • I turned back to look at him and his eyes were already on my face. Something fluttered in my belly.
  • "It was already open... Actually I lost my way due to heavy rain and I have nowhere to go... Is it possible for you to give me shelter for tonight... Please!"
  • I know it's hard to trust people nowadays. Maybe he thinks that I am some scammer or something. I won't be surprised if he says no but then the question will be, where will I go?
  • "I am sorry I came inside without permission but I..."
  • He stepped towards me making me step back, what's wrong with him? I sighed in relief when he walked towards the main gate and locked it. Now he is also drenched in rain.
  • He entered inside while crossing me and I looked at his back where his white shirt was clenched to his skin. He has got some muscles.
  • He turned around and cocked his brow at me.
  • "If you want to go back then close the door."
  • I looked at him dumbfounded not realising that he actually agreed to give me shelter.
  • "No, Thanks."
  • I quickly stepped inside and closed the door.
  • It feels so good to feel the warmth of home. It's warm and lit.
  • I looked at my feet where water had pooled around my feet.
  • "I am sorry."
  • I looked at the man. Why is he so handsome?.
  • "That's okay, there is a common washroom on your right... I had kept clothes there for myself but you can wear those if you are not planning to stay in that dress tonight."
  • He gestured towards the direction and I nodded.
  • He has a weird way of talking but I should be thankful that he is helping me.
  • I locked myself in the washroom and looked at the mirror.
  • My eyes and nose are red, probably from the crying.
  • I turned on the warm shower and quickly cleaned the sand on my body. His clothes were already on the vanity. I grabbed the shirt and it smells so masculine.
  • It's so weird to wear his clothes when I don't even know him but I have no choice.
  • I slid on his black long sleeves t-shirt and boxer. Shirt hides me till mid thigh making boxers underneath invisible, okay! it's making a nice dress.
  • I dried my hair, they are too long to dry quickly. I got these from my Mother. Her hair are drop dead gorgeous.
  • I let them fall to air dry and walked out.
  • Now that I am free from the distraction of wet clothes I realised that this place actually looks like a small cozy house and not some villa for tourists.
  • The blur window wall telling me that Rain hasn't calmed down yet.
  • The fireplace looks warm, it's big and lit adding extra light to the room. I walked towards the pair of couches to take some warmth.
  • Then I realised that someone is sitting there, another man?
  • I jumped back when I saw him.
  • He must have heard my gasp, he dragged his eyes away from the fire and locked with mine. My heart thundered with the rain outside when I saw those grey orbs, Hair neatly tucked back. The face set into expressions like it's are carved out. He is in white shirt and black trousers just like that man. His coat is still resting on the couch. It looks like they just came from the meeting and were resting.
  • Why are these men so good looking?
  • His eyes wandered on me, from legs to face and something in those grey orbs darkened. His jaw clenched as he looked at the fire again.
  • No, Hi and Hello?
  • "He is my brother, Christian"
  • The man who let me in said and I turned to look at me.
  • My eyes locked on his chest as he came down without a shirt and the trousers which he was wearing before. His puffy chest and those sharp abs will put any model at shame. Coming from the fashion industry, I have seen many good looking men but these two hold really high standards.
  • Especially the man who looks mysterious. I turned my head towards Christian and again towards the man standing in front of me. Why does he have to come out shirtless?
  • "I am Theodore..."
  • He extended his hand.
  • "Sorry for the not so gentleman's behaviour, I had limited clothes which you are wearing now."
  • So that's the reason why he is not wearing a shirt, because I am wearing it.
  • Ohh, I forgot that I didn't even ask his name.
  • "Yeah that's okay, sorry... I didn't introduce myself. I am Raa..."
  • I took his hand and it's really warm, rough but warm. Should I tell him my real name, it's not necessary. I don't even know them.
  • "Raan"
  • I gave him a small smile and he responded with a curt nod.
  • He walked towards the fireplace and picked up the bottle of wine. It looks so small in his hand.
  • "Would you like some?"
  • He looked at me waiting for my answer.
  • I shouldn't be drinking with strangers, I just need to survive this night and get out of here. I shook my head. These men are handsome but there is something dark around them like I see around my brothers.
  • Theodore poured wine in two glasses and handed one to his silent brother. Christian didn't take his eyes off the fire while taking the glass.
  • I unlocked my phone and texted Simon that I am safe before taking a seat on the single chair of the couch set and looked at the fire. I was burning from inside just like this a few minutes ago.
  • I sneezed multiple times. Shit, I hope I am not falling sick.
  • "Excuse me!"
  • I looked at the men.
  • "That's okay, what were you doing out in the rain like this?"
  • He took a gulp of his drink and my eyes followed the direction of the liquid as it went down his throat, bobbing his Adam's apple. His platinum ring clicked against the glass and moved his fingers.
  • His muscles puffed out as he rested his arm on the side of the couch and looked at me like he was eating my soul out with his eyes.
  • He is thinking something and I am sure he has the same kind of thoughts as mine. I shook my thoughts aside.
  • "I was just wandering around... Trying to escape from hectic life but didn't expect rain to beat me to it."
  • "Rain alert was given last night."
  • Christian said, it's clear that he is suspicious of my presence here or maybe he doesn't like humans at all. His bracelet hung in the air as he leaned forward towards the fire and took a gulp of his drink. His shirt clenched around his arms as he moved forward. I wish those eyes would have been on me instead of fire, it's so difficult to read him like this.
  • "I was too busy in something to give attention to some announcements."
  • I replied.
  • "It's my fault."
  • "Don't mind him, he doesn't like human interactions much."
  • Theodore stole my attention from his brother.
  • "I can see that"
  • I sighed and looked at the fire. It really looks fascinating.
  • "Thank you for letting me in."
  • I sneezed again.
  • "You should take the drink... You need it."
  • He poured another glass.
  • "No, I am fine."
  • I protested.
  • "Don't worry, We don't rape women..."
  • He smirked.
  • "We like our women begging for more, willingly"
  • I shouldn't feel hot by his assurance but my body reacted a little differently when he said that.
  • And the way he said 'We' why do I get weird vibes.
  • I extended my hand and accepted the drink.
  • "Thanks"
  • He looked at me as I swirled it, devoured its scent before letting it conquer my taste buds. This is some good wine.
  • "You are Italian..."
  • Theodore chuckled making me look at him confused.
  • "Only an Italian can drink wine as elegantly as you drink."
  • I chuckled.
  • "True that but I am mixed... Indian and Italian. And you?"
  • I noticed Christian looking at me from the corner of my eyes.
  • His gaze on me makes me feel hotter than it should be.
  • "American..."
  • He devoured his wine and I followed the moments of his lips.
  • "Although, my family has a background of mixed people."
  • I was so focused on his lips that I forgot to reply to him. My phone buzzed due to Instagram notification.
  • I opened it and saw Caisey going live in the club. Which part of Hawaii is still open in the heavy rain but that wasn't important, what broke my heart was. I saw Andrew in the background with some girl.
  • I quickly locked the phone and kept it aside. Why does it matter, we are separate now. He has all the right to do whatever he desires. I am the only one who holds myself back for loyalty which I don't need to pledge to anyone.
  • "Is there something bothering you?"
  • Theodore swirled his glass.
  • "Nothing"
  • I mumbled at the fire.
  • "Sometimes it gets difficult to get rid of the emotions you shouldn't be feeling in the first place... You can say I am in that phase..."
  • "Never really pay attention to emotions so I don't know about the phase..."
  • He shrugged.
  • "All the best for whatever you are doing"
  • "What do you mean by that?"
  • I frowned at him.
  • "We don't have weaknesses, in short!..."
  • Christian smirked and his brother's smirk told me that he agrees with him.
  • Fair enough, my emotions had made me nothing but weak.
  • I stared at the fire as Theodore got up with the empty bottle and placed it on the counter. He turned back with the new bottle and I blocked his way when he was crossing.
  • He raised his eyebrows at me when I stood in front of him, trying to keep our eyes locked.
  • "You really don't get attached?"
  • I asked. He won't be attached, he won't chase me until I say yes for dinner, he won't send me a bunch of flowers to impress, I don't have to pledge my time and loyalty to him. I don't need to invest my energy.
  • "That's not for us"
  • His eyes kept me locked in my place.
  • I placed my hand on his naked chest, feeling the warm skin.
  • My eyes started from my hand and trailed on his chest to his eyes.
  • I can feel him turning warmer under my touch.
  • "No strings attached?"
  • I asked, I know he can read me. He knows what I want and I know he wants it too.
  • "Be careful of what you ask for, princess"
  • He smirked and stepped back with the gulp as his eyes turned darker like a predator.
  • "There is no going back once you start it."
  • "I am not a coward."
  • I looked at his brother who has leaned back in the seat like a king and watched our every move with a smirk on his lips.
  • Theodore pushed me on the couc h, making me bounce on the soft cotton. He leaned down and locked me while placing his hand on arm rest and another beside me.
  • "I can see that..."
  • His smirk was a few inches away from my lips.