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Chapter 10 Encounter!

  • Raajnandini's POV
  • The parties are always tended to be boring as much as they are lavish. No offence, Rosetta's wedding is big and beautiful but it's beautiful for her. For me it's boring while Simon hovering over me and me sitting here and watching overdressed people, showing off and chattering nonsense.
  • They don't care about the bride or groom, for most people it's a chance to strengthen their business and connections. My parents are doing the same.
  • I grabbed the drink from the passing by the waiter and yawned looking at Rosetta who is standing on the stage with her husband. Skyler King! I shouldn't judge him just by his face but he looks arrogant and evil.
  • Maybe Alex would know better about him. I looked around to find him, he is dancing with Bella with other couples. She is looking beautiful in her emerald gown, he did choose the best dress for her.
  • I haven't seen Dominick yet but he is here.
  • "It's not very elegant of you to yawn in a party"
  • There he is, how can I miss his voice.
  • "Dom!"
  • I turned around and his blue eyes smiled down at me. Exact replica of Alex just with blue eyes, swirling his wine in his right hand and left hand in pocket.
  • I hugged him and he wrapped his hand around me in acknowledgement which tells me that he is not seeing me after a long time. He was keeping an eye on me.
  • "Where were you?"
  • He broke the hug.
  • "Hawaii"
  • I took a sip of my drink.
  • "I am talking about the night when it was raining"
  • His eyes were dead serious. I almost choked on my drink, almost but controlled my reaction.
  • If I should be scared of anyone when it's Dom who is standing in front of me. He has the eyes of an eagle. I played it casual. He will read my reaction within seconds if I act like a fool.
  • "Was it a big thing to take a night for myself and roam around..."
  • He hummed.
  • "As long as you keep yourself out of trouble, everything is fine."
  • It means he lost track of me that night, he doesn't know. Thank God!
  • "You mean as long as I stay away from men?"
  • I couldn't help but glare at him.
  • He sighed and walked behind me while placing a heavy hand on my shoulder with an underlying warning.
  • "Weak men! There is a difference."
  • He gave the last pat on my head and walked away.
  • I groaned frustrated. God! These two should have been my younger brothers not older. By the way, he is alone. Where is his girl?
  • I think I should marry a hulk, then they will be happy. I was scowling at my own thoughts when someone caught my eyes.
  • "Christian?"
  • No it can't be, maybe it was someone else. I am definitely hallucinating. What will they do here, it's a mafia wedding. They can't be here.
  • I took another sip and it threatened to come out from the wrong pipe when I saw Theodore.
  • "Fuck!"
  • They are here. They are seriously here. Those pairs of grey and blue eyes, those masculine auras, wearing expensive black suits and personalities. They are not hallucinations.
  • What, Why, how, when? I shook my head again to make sure that I was not dreaming.
  • Christian stood beside Theodore while shaking hand with Damian and it's fucking true. They are here. It means they are involved in the mafia.
  • I turned around and kept my glass down before it slips from my hand. Fuck, I fucked with them. If Dad finds out then he will kill me.
  • What if they use it against my father? What if they are his enemies? The trail of questions ran in my mind. Shit! I made a huge mistake.
  • Who are they? What do I do now?
  • I turned around and looked at them trying to hide my horrified expressions. Christian was the first one to make eye contact with me, his small smirk told me that he is not at all surprised by my presence. He just made sure that I am aware of his presence. It means they knew about me.
  • Next was Theodore, he looked at me and those blue oceans held the same promise which I saw when I left them behind.
  • My stomach churned when he stepped in my direction.
  • This must be my worst nightmare coming to reality.
  • What do I do? My eyes started looking for a survival option and I saw Dad talking to Damian.
  • Theodore was a few steps away from me when I turned around and rushed towards my father to hide under his arm.
  • There is no one in the hall as powerful as him, even if they meant to hurt me. They obviously wouldn't have the courage to do it in front of my father.
  • Dad looked at me and smiled when I stood beside him while holding his arm.
  • "Bored?"
  • He knows me so well. Yeah, I was bored a few minutes ago but now. There is a storm of fear in my heart.
  • I stole glances at Theodore and he was coming towards us. Is he fucking crazy? He must have a death wish.
  • "Seriously, that's a shame."
  • Damian looked at me and it was so embarrassing. I mean it's his party and it's beautiful but I don't enjoy it. It's my problem not his.
  • "Not at all"
  • I gave him a nice smile while pushing away the adrenaline I felt when Theodore was coming to my site.
  • "Actually I am not really a fan of parties, you know... It's beautiful actually."
  • He patted my head.
  • "Got it, Rosetta is just like you..."
  • Damian holds his own dark aura and so does his wife. He is one of the famous names of the dark world.
  • I gulped when Theodore stopped at us. I kept my eyes on Damian, refusing to acknowledge him.
  • "It's a pleasure to be in your presence Mr. Marino..."
  • He directly greeted Dad. Who the hell is he? I mean there are hardly any people who have the guts to come in front of him directly.
  • Dad's eyes dragged from Damian to Theodore and furrowed a little.
  • "Theodore!"
  • He looked at him mischievously, the look where he recognises the person and isn't really annoyed by the presence.
  • It means Theodore is not some average man.
  • Fuck! I think I fucked up.
  • "It's an honour to be recognised by you."
  • This is not Theodore who gave me shelter and helped me. He is a businessman here maybe more than that.
  • "Of course, a young talent like you and Christian deserves to be recognised... I am sure you are going to create a history..."
  • I just want to dig a hole and bury myself in it.
  • "Romano Kings were never in a form like this"
  • "Yeah, Just trying to change that... I think it's a good start now that your perception has changed."
  • So confident of him. He is from those rare people who have the courage to talk to my father without shaking in fear.
  • "More to come, young man"
  • He raised his drink to him.
  • "Thank you, may I have the pleasure of being introduced to this beautiful lady?"
  • He looked at me like he was seeing me for the first time. Nice act! What the hell is he trying to do?
  • "She is my daughter, Raajnandini..."
  • Dad looked at me proudly. I really feel guilty, it feels like I don't deserve it.
  • "He is the young blood of our mafia family..."
  • Dad gestured towards him.
  • "Theodore Romano King and his twin brother Christian. They are just like Alex and Dom..."
  • Oh, They are Romano Kings. The men about whom my mother was telling me.
  • I did fucked up really bad.
  • "Hii"
  • He smiled at me politely and I forced a smile while saying "Hello"
  • "May I get the pleasure to dance with you, Princess?"
  • He extended his hand and I looked at him dumbfounded.
  • He has the guts to ask me for a dance in front of my father? I looked up to look at my Father's expressions.