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Chapter 6

  • "Why did you have to cancel her license?!" He starts after storming into Gabriel Davis' huge library inside his New York mansion after spending the day just looking after this old man's daughter.
  • "How is she?" He says looking at him through the spectacles hanging on his pointed nose.
  • "You freeze her accounts, took away the money that she earned by herself and now I'm learning that she actually is a doctor! A doctor whose license is taken away by her own father! Why are you doing this to your daughter, Gabriel?!"
  • "She used to like this mansion a lot when she was just a girl. Of course, she loves the house in London... The ranch in the countryside.. That girl."
  • "That girl is killing herself!" Vincent hits the top of his table with the handkerchief that is covered by her blood as he stopped the older man from talking about nonsense memories that he had obviously lost now after ruining the innocence of his own daughter.
  • Gabriel Davis darts his eyes on the bloody handkerchief in front of him and he can see how his jaws move as he grits his teeth.
  • "Do you even have an idea how your daughter is...?! How she is hating her life and wanting to just end it because of you interfering in it?"
  • Gabriel looks at the younger man before leaning his back on the comfortable swivel chair he is sitting at like he's just watching a TV show as he watch him rant and lecture him on how he should treat his own daughter.
  • "I can see that you care for her, Vincent..." He smiles drily as his eyes dart on the photo frame on top of his table.
  • Vincent didn't pay attention to where he's looking at and continues glaring at the older man. He is surely playing them both on his palms right now.
  • "But caring for her could actually make you weak, you should know that.. Your job is to tame her.."
  • "Hah! How exactly do you think that'd be possible?! You turned your daughter into a cheap thug giving herself away like she's just a candy and you expect me to tame her?!" Gabriel glares at him with that.
  • "To think that she's a doctor! Why, Gabriel?! Why are you destroying that girl's life?!"
  • "So you mean, getting you into the picture is me destroying her..?" He clasps his hands together right under his chin as he examines the younger man's persona.
  • He can feel the burning anger through his deep blue eyes that are glaring at him.
  • He can feel his hatred towards what Gabby is turning herself into.
  • "What makes you think that I am trapping myself into your bait??"
  • "Well it looks like it isn't just my bait that caught you..." He says referring to Vincent already feeling emotions and caring about his daughter.
  • "You're miserable.." Vincent whispers with so much hate under his breath before he turns around to leave.
  • "I'm transferring all my properties to Gabrielle's and your name in two weeks... Right after your marriage..."
  • Vincent stops in his tracks. His hands are shaking with pure anger and frustration.
  • Marriage.
  • God help him. He couldn't picture himself marrying Gabrielle. He feels for her and he's gradually siding with her now, but marriage is a totally different thing!
  • And hell will freeze but he doesn't think that brat will just follow the flow and say yes to her father's terms and conditions!
  • Gabrielle Ralph Davis is not someone to just nod at everything.
  • Tame her?!
  • He can't even fucking tame the raw emotions he's already starting to feel towards this whole or deal and he wants him to tame her?!
  • "If you think you can just make your daughter say yes to anything just because you freeze her account, think again Davis. Your daughter is not the one to just nod at anything," Vincent feels the older man walking slowly before he stops right beside him.
  • "I know that very well... and worry yourself not. She will.." Their eyes met fir a brief moment before Gabriel Davis walk past him smirking proudly as if he'd already won the bet.
  • Vincent couldn't do anything but put all his anger to his car. As if he was in a drag race, he drove around New York. Honking at every vehicle that is getting on his way to nowhere.
  • He's confused, frustrated, angry and worried..
  • Worried...
  • Something he never thought he would ever feel about this whole deal. Just months ago when his grandfather summoned him and told him about his supposed engagement to one if his comrade's daughter, he didn't really give a damn. It was during those dark hours in his life when he was told that a wife was chosen for him.
  • He didn't care whoever it might be. He was blinded by anger and power that he felt like he could just use whoever's daughter she may be to hold his dreams in his palm.
  • Yes, power, money and success were all important to him.
  • And if marrying even a princess like Fiona could get him to get a grip of those, he wouldn't care. Besides, it wasn't mentioned that he is not allowed to divorce the girl.
  • He could still get married to whoever he would want to marry after the game is over..that is if he would warnt to really ever get married.
  • Not that he never want to...
  • He did...
  • "Bullshit.!" He cursed out loud as he slams his palm on the horn of his car and turns the wheel to his right, overtaking a sports car in front of him.
  • He is frustrated. He doesn't want to marry that girl and yet he couldn't wait for the day...
  • "Fuck!" He couldn't and shouldn't feel this way towards her!
  • She's beautiful, alright.
  • She's so goddamn sexy, that's for sure.
  • But damn it! She's every dick's girl too! Again, he press hard on the horn as he accelerates his Porsche cayenne So, overtaking a few more cars in the highway of New York.
  • He knows very well that underneath that facade Gabrielle is showing to the world is a broken hearted girl that once had dreams... that once had cared about herself and the people around her.
  • He knows and witnessed that himself.
  • She is more than what meets the eye and that very fact makes him even more frustrated and alarmed.
  • He cares...
  • And he wants to unravel what is hidden behind that mask of her. Like a mad man who lost and finally found his way, Vincent found himself already walking back into Gabrielle's flat where he left her fast asleep after helping her treat her wounds. Its past 6 in the evening now.
  • He wouldn't admit it but he keeps on thinking if she'd already had dinner. It was before lunch when he'd found her in her father's office, a couple of hours later, she dozed off to sleep after taking some antibiotics for her wounds.
  • He could still remember how angelic she looked like as she sleeps soundly with her mouth slightly... and very sexily open.
  • Again, he rolls his eyes at the memory of her sleeping and not caring that a stranger is just beside her. A stranger that could storm into her house now any time he wants as he already knows her password.
  • That thought makes him more sick and at the same time feeling good. It makes him sick thinking that she might've given her password not just to him but to a lot more guys who could anytime hurt her... or use her.
  • He feels good because he has an access now to check on her anytime. Hesitantly, Vincent stands on Gabrielle's doorway, debating whether he should knock and come in or just turn around and leave her be.
  • In the end, he twisted the doorknob only to be gritted by an empty room with an empty bed.
  • Frowning to himself, Vincent closes the door and notice the flashing of light coming from the room next door. Slowly, he opens the door and sees Gabrielle's messy hair on the
  • headrest of the sofa bed where she is comfortably seating. Vincent smiles to himself as he looks at the screen and sees Harry Potter fighting along side Sirius Black.
  • Gabrielle jumps in surprise when the seat next to her is suddenly occupied by a stranger she knows the smell of so well now.
  • "What on... Earth!!! Are you doing here?!" Her eyes are opening wide as she holds her heart with her wounded palm and turns to look at the stranger beside her.
  • "Who let you in?!"
  • She asks and wanting to slap her face realizing the idiot knows her password now.
  • "I used Alohomora in your door, witch." He says motioning his hand in a circular way as if casting a spel.
  • "Do you want me to cruicio you?!" She frowns trying not to grin finding out that this serious looking handsome stranger is also a Potterhead.
  • "Well, you'll be back to Azkaban if you do." He smirks as he sits comfortable and snatching the cup of ice cream she has in hand before putting a spoonful of brain freezing cream in his mouth.
  • "Back to Azkaban, huh?!" She snatches her ice cream back making him grin at her.
  • He then holds her arms and stares at her face before looking at the TV screen where Bellatrix is shown torturing Neville with her wand as she pulls his hair.
  • "I knew where I've seen you.." He nods at himself and tries not to giggle at the change if expression from her face as she looks at the screen as well.
  • Without any warning, Gabrielle pushes the spoonful of ice cream to his mouth making him cough and hold on to his temple as his brain freezes because of how cold it was.
  • "You witch!" He says giggling for which she rolls her eyes.
  • "Mudblood.." She murmurs rolling her eyes before focusing on the screen again.
  • "So Bellatrix when you say mudblood." He chuckles and gulps after she throws him a deadly glare.
  • "You seriously look like her though."
  • "Oh yeah, I can avada kedavra you too!" She replies making him grin before clearing his throat.
  • "How do you feel now...?" He asks seriously after snatching the cup of ice cream again.
  • Gabrielle just shrugs her shoulder at the question and focus her eyes on the screen. Bellatrix just casted the killing curse to Sirius and if it was because of the scene why her expression changed to grief again, he doesn't know.
  • "Is this your dinner?" He asks looking at the label of her ice cream.
  • Dazs chocolate salted caramel. He smiles taking another spoonful to his mouth.
  • "Not my dinner... It is now obviously YOUR DINNER. Mudblood." She rolls her eyes and hugs her knees as she leans her chin on top of them.
  • "This is seriously your dinner?" He repeats making her look at him before nodding Iike a girl.
  • Vincent pouts at her puppy face before rubbing the top of her head like a little girl.
  • "You wanna order?" He asks and she shakes her head.
  • "Cook." She demands.
  • "Excuse me??" He raises an eyebrow at her making her pout again before showing him her hand like reminding him that she has wounds.
  • "As if you cook when you don't have those wounds." He smirks rolling his eyes before standing up.
  • Gabrielle's eyes follow him before she smiles
  • Sweetly. Darn it. He noticed just now that the brat has dimples on both sides of her cheeks. And her perfect cheekbones are not yet enough to make her irresistible, huh?! He reaches for her head and messes her brunette wavy hair once again.
  • "Make sure you cook nice, macho!" She teases making him smirk at her before finding his way to her kitchen.
  • He'd expected her to follow and watch him, but being the brat that she is, Gabrielle literally just continued watching Harry Potter, waited for him to return and critically eyed what he'd cooked for her.
  • Her gaze turns from her plate of Italian pasta with fresh San Marzano tomatoes to Vincent's blushing face obviously from being exposed to the heat of the stove.
  • She must admit, this stranger is...
  • Handsome...
  • That is even an understatement.
  • This stranger is HOT.
  • And oddly, she doesn't feel threatened or awkward with him... Not that she ever cared about guys being near her, she can handle them, but with Vincent, oddly... She feels at ease..
  • "Well? Try it, your highness." He says pushing the plate towards her.
  • Gabrielle takes the fork of pasta into her mouth... closing her eyes briefly as she appreciates the taste of his masterpiece.
  • "Well?" He asks feeling his heart jumping in excitement whether this to return and critically eyed what he'd cooked for her.
  • Her gaze turns from her plate of Italian pasta with fresh San Marzano tomatoes to Vincent's blushing face obviously from being exposed to the heat of the stove.
  • "Well?" He asks feeling his heart
  • Jumping in excitement whether this brat would like his cooking.
  • "Not bad.." She says trying her hard not to smile.
  • "Are you playing with me right now?! This is my best recipe and that's all you can say??" Gabby grins at that before reaching out for his head and messing his greyish hair the way he did to her a while ago.
  • "I'll hire you as my personal chef, Vincent." She says with her soft hand on top of his head.
  • "You can't afford my service." He rolls his eyes smirking before getting his own fork and taking some pasta from the same plate that she is eating on.
  • "Didn't I already have it for free?" She smirks at him proudly before turning her eyes to the rich and flavourful pasta they are sharing.
  • Vincent could only stare at Gabrielle after hearing that... Then he realize...
  • Didn't she, really?