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Chapter 8

  • Adrian pipes up. “You gave all that shit up years ago. Why in the hell would you do that again?” Joshua’s eyes flick to me and I know he doesn’t want to have this conversation with me in the room. Too bad, he’s having it. I’m just going to come out with it.
  • “Are you a cocaine addict, Joshua?”
  • “No. How could you think such a thing?” he stammers.
  • “Probably because we are in hospital after you overdosed,” I reply. “Are you going to take an overdose every time we have a fight?”
  • He frowns at me and sits up in a rush. “Bit more than a fight, Natasha. We broke up.”
  • I sigh. “Josh, you know I didn’t mean that.” Cameron and Joshua quickly glance at each other … silently communicating. Hmm. “Why did you do it?” I ask. “Was it accidental?” He frowns, not understanding the question. “I mean did you purposely take an overdose?”
  • “No, of course not. I lost track of how much I had had. I just had a really shitty weekend and was trying to perk myself up a bit.”
  • “What happened on the weekend?” I ask.
  • His face drops and his eyes meet mine and he swallows a large lump in his throat. “Can you get me some breakfast, boys?”
  • Cameron jumps up and rubs Joshua’s shoulder. “Sure mate,” he gives him three hard slaps on the back as he and Adrian leave the room. Joshua’s eyes search mine and I smile in return.
  • “Alone at last,” I whisper.
  • He pulls me into an embrace. “I’ve missed you presh. Don’t leave me again, ok.”
  • I smile and nod as he runs his lips down the length of my neck. “Promise me,” I smile again. “Natasha, promise me,” he repeats.
  • I shake my head. “Josh you know I only left you because of my dad and all of that mess. I will never leave you again.” I smile as I kiss his neck and he holds me tight.
  • I run my hands around the back of his nightgown and feel his behind … he feels good.
  • He kisses me as he brushes the hair from my face. “Tash …we need to talk.”
  • My head drops. “I know, Josh. I need to talk to you too.” I sigh softly.
  • “Well you look much better today.” We jump back from each other as the doctor enters the room. Shit I had my hand on his butt, how embarrassing. Joshua gives the doctor a nod in embarrassment and shakes his hand.
  • “Thank you, doctor.”
  • The doctor reads his chart and gets his torch as he looks into Joshua’s eyes. “You are lucky to be alive, young man. You nearly died.”
  • Joshua’s eyes find mine and he drops his head. “I know … I was very frightened.” My eyes spring up to his. He’s right—that would have been frightening. “You have a lot of people waiting to see you outside. After you shower and eat I will let them in.”
  • Joshua nods. “When can I go home?”
  • The doctor narrows his eyes. “Not until you have completed five drug counselling sessions with our rehab team. It will be at least another three to four days before I sign you out.”
  • Joshua frowns. “I don’t need counselling.”
  • The doctor looks up from his notes. “I am happy to check you into a three- month rehab program if you refuse … your choice.”
  • Joshua glares at the doctor.
  • “Three days is fine thanks, doctor,” I interrupt. I widen my eyes at Joshua to signify his silence, and he reluctantly nods and heads over to sit on the bed.
  • “I will be back to check on you each morning around eight. If you need anything just let me know. I think they are moving you upstairs for more privacy. It seems the press has got a hold of your overdose and you are making headlines around the world.” The doctor sighs and Joshua’s head droops. “Upstairs you will be in a private wing so your bodyguards and helpers will have more room. They are making this place a mess,” he smiles. “How many do you have?”
  • Joshua looks embarrassed. “A couple,” he whispers. “Natasha, is Max here?”
  • I smile and nod. “One of them is mine, doctor,” I reply. He nods and heads out of the room.
  • My eyes widen. “Oh shit. I forgot about Max. I have left him out there all night.”
  • Joshua frowns. “And,” he murmurs.
  • I frown. “I don’t do that. Max has been staying with me and Mum since you left.”
  • He frowns as he stands. “What … in the house with you?” I smile and nod.
  • “I’m paying him to protect you, not play happy families,” he snaps.
  • I smile. Why is a jealous Joshua Stanton so simply delicious? “He has been protecting me and helping my family. This last two months have been horrific for me Josh and he has kept Brock away from me.”
  • “Has Brock been giving you a hard time?”
  • “No, just making sure everyone knows that he hates you. It isn’t as unbearable when Max is with me because he tells him to shut his mouth.”
  • Joshua smirks. “Shut his mouth hey.” I smile and nod. “He might have his mouth wired shut soon if he keeps going,” he adds.
  • I pull him to me. “No, because you love me you are going to let this thing with Brock go. For me and for Mum.”
  • He bends to kiss me. “I really want to kick his ass.”
  • I smile as he nuzzles my neck. “Take it out on my ass instead.”
  • “Hmm,” he whispers darkly. “Your ass is going to cop it very soon as well.” He nips my neck and I yelp.
  • “Promises, promises Stanton,” I giggle. God I love this man. The nurse re-enters. Hmm, this one is young and pretty and I feel a sudden pang of jealousy, especially since I have just felt that he is in full rut under that gown.
  • “Do you need help to shower?” she asks him.
  • His eyes dance with delight as he looks at me mischievously. “Maybe,” he replies.
  • I look at him deadpan. “I’ve got it,” I snap.