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Chapter 134 New Beginning: Embracing Change

  • As I stepped into my apartment that night, a subtle shift seemed to sweep through my being, akin to the transition from the somber depths of autumn to the budding promises of spring. New hopes, desires, love, and vitality infused the air around me. Collapsing onto my bed, I found myself gazing up at the ceiling, the blank canvas inviting me to etch her nervous visage onto its painted surface. Her pinched eyes and scrunched nose materialized in my mind's eye, while the whisper of the wind through the open window seemed to carry her unsteady breath.
  • In the darkness of night, once haunted by the specters of my past, her presence now enveloped me, ushering in a sense of tranquility and serenity that eclipsed the chaos of yesteryears. Her smiling countenance, as I had witnessed during her conversations with Carl, supplanted the tumult that once reigned within me. The hours slipped away as I wrestled with her image dancing before me, grateful for the transformation that had finally taken root after arduous battles.
  • The chirping of birds, heralding the dawn, roused me from my reverie, signaling the arrival of a new day. With resolve, I rose from my bed and prepared for my duties at the hospital. Stepping out into the hallway, I summoned the elevator, anticipation thrumming through my veins.
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