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Chapter 34

  • Gabriel was nowhere in sight, like so many times before, he just disappeared. No one knew where he went. When he says, “I’ll take care of it,” he usually does, maybe that’s where he was off to. She knew better not to look for him and focus her energy on her project instead.
  • There were no notes in her meals, she kind of missed them. No one lurked around the restaurant to spy on her. No one dismissed Melvin every sunset. He didn’t even text her or annoy her with his nosy questions about whether she was taking care of herself or not. Most of all, she missed the bottled-up intensity between them, not knowing if he was going to be super sweet or super irritating, or both.
  • He was gone for two weeks, and still, no one heard anything from him. She was starting to worry. She wanted to call him but she didn’t know where his mind was since he saw that video of her and Eddie. She didn’t know how long he watched it, which part of it and she can only imagine how he must’ve felt about her after that. She was starting to believe that they might have lost that chance to build something between them.
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