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Chapter 8 Astute

  • Upon entering the basement room.
  • I was so excited at the thought of finding the chip, itself, that would help me empty the Andersons' bank accounts.
  • I ignored the young man's groans.
  • I slowly looked at the walls, I had to find out in which of all the safes it was kept.
  • "Looking for something? Hey!" I was about to turn and stamp another couple of blows and make him sleep, but, I knocked the air out of my lungs so noisily. "Ah, you're so impressed with my room! He never let anyone in, I can't be that careless."
  • He had his eyes fixed on a picture on the wall, at his words my suspicions were confirmed, here should be the security documents.
  • "Who would want so strongly to stick himself with a knife? Have you noticed how complicated it is to get here!" I declared as disinterested as possible, I felt the pounding in my chest, if I managed to get that chip, I wouldn't have to stay here anymore.
  • "I know, I designed it..."
  • "Yes you did! Do you even do it all by yourself?" I rolled my eyes, he always brags about what he claims to have done, doesn't he look like anything more than an office guy?
  • "Who knows?" his voice sounded more like a question than an answer, when I looked back at him, Jeremy was lying on his abdomen. He looked tired and on the nightstand was a jar. "Maybe I did too many crazy things?"
  • I was puzzled.
  • Perhaps the rumor of the true heir's death, crept into my system, I began to feel cold.
  • If that was true...
  • Impossible.
  • "Who doesn't do crazy things. Sir." he faltered on the last word.
  • "Are you a fool? Do you think I'll take a life, who am I, a wretch who deserves to take power like that?" Jeremy was drowsy.
  • "What!" I wasn't aware that I had drifted off until I heard his laughter. A sarcastic, chilling laugh.
  • Jeremy stirred, rolling over on his own body on the bed, he had a smile on his lips. The strangest thing was that his eyes were closed, perhaps he was talking in his sleep.
  • "You think too much before you act... I don't understand... I don't understand anything." he mumbled, followed by a few slow breaths.
  • I approached cautiously.
  • I watched her delicate face as she slept.
  • "With your eyes closed, you don't look like such an idiot." I confessed without thinking, when her eyes opened I was surprised.
  • I tried to pull away.
  • A hand caught my arm.
  • "I didn't say you can stay, go away." he ordered, roughly releasing his grip. "You have so much to do and you're still here."
  • "The house is too big. I've already cleaned four times and came back, sir, are you all right?" I lied, I even kept my face expressionless, I wasn't going to leave. Jeremy stood still, he seemed to be looking for something on the ceiling and I inevitably followed his gaze. "Sir?"
  • There was nothing.
  • "It doesn't hurt anymore." Jeremy removed the headband.
  • "Sir! You can't take off the bandage!" I forgot to look for that chip and tried to help him, I wanted him to come to his senses, I didn't mind resting my hand a little on his pecs. "Sir, for your physical health!"
  • "You happen to be a doctor now. "
  • Anderson leaned back.
  • His brow furrowed almost into a line, I knew to overdo it in the effusive way of getting him to keep his bandages, his wounds merited it.
  • - "I..." I wanted to drop that submissive way of acting, though, I noticed I was getting responses. So I would go that way, I would have to sacrifice my pride and grovel a bit. "I care for my good husband, my lord."
  • Rummaging through the simplest lines that would puff up his heir mania, I articulated the silliest humbug to trap him...!!!!
  • "Finish praising me." Anderson closed his eyes again.
  • I let out a sigh of relief.
  • I returned my gaze to the wall, that painting, walked slowly. There were no cracks, apparently it was embedded in the wall. Was anything going to be easy, no, I snapped my fingers and the lights went out.
  • I took out of my apron pocket a small flashlight, I turned it on, its blue light would help me to discover any footprint, scratch or footprint.
  • "What the fuck." a lump was tightening in my throat, there were blood stains on every inch of the wall, floor and ceiling. "What did he do." my legs felt heavy.
  • I spun on my heels.
  • There were too many footprints, if someone came in they might get a big, valuable question. who did they belong to. My breathing was becoming erratic, in company with my heartbeat so shallow, it felt like I might faint.
  • I held the flashlight tightly.
  • I took a deep breath.
  • Sending my insecurities to hell, I walked to the wall, flashlight in my mouth. I removed the box. A small box with a handle and digital lock.
  • It would be easy.
  • I looked over my shoulder, seeing, through the gloom. Seeing the stairs, that bed and the sleeping silhouette. I felt it would bill my ribcage, those rampaging thumps of my heart.
  • I dialed thirteen numbers, as I was about to open them.
  • Jeremy stirred.
  • "Damn." I mumbled, without letting go of the handle.
  • I opened the box.
  • No! There's nothing!
  • I looked inside and there was nothing, not even dust. Enraged, I almost slammed the door of the safe, placed the box and crawled across the floor in search of the exit.
  • If it wasn't in the room.
  • I had to look in the living room.
  • As I left I closed the door, took my index finger nibbling on my fingernail, looked at those dull white walls.
  • "Think like him, act like him." I encouraged myself, having no idea what his secret place would be. I opened the boxes of the food machines, and took some of the cash. Jeremy must be crazy, couldn't there be anything better to spend the di...nero....
  • Slowly I looked in the direction of the shoe guard by the entrance.
  • "Must be something obvious."
  • I ran out of that hallway and through the empty room, to the front door.
  • I threw all the footwear on the floor.
  • "It's a beauty." I always loved opening a box, and this one is an heirloom beauty. "It has to be this one..."
  • It had a metal device on the door, I guess it was a trigger and the most impressive thing was that rope-like design. With a huge smile on my lips, feeling the surface I went tasting that typical coldness of the metal.
  • Exhilarated.
  • I approached my ear to the plate, and moved the metal button, it would take at least three minutes to open it.
  • Before I hit a digit.
  • The popping of the crystal made me duck and cover my head, there was a ringing in my ear.
  • I don't know how long I was in that position.
  • Dazed, I averted my gaze in the direction of the hallway where young Anderson's room was located. Jeremy was approaching.
  • "You dare to steal!"his voice unsettled me. "So I've been given a bloody thief."
  • His footwear entered my optical field.
  • "Sir... It's not that..." fuck, I had failed again.
  • "I clearly saw that you wanted to open it." his hand grabbed my chin forcing me to raise my face, that man didn't look so stable. Even his forehead wound had stitches and he decided to remove the bandages. "Why!"
  • "Sir, it wasn't me!" I insisted.
  • "You're lying! You're still lying!" Jeremy used his strength to lift me like a feather off the floor, his sharp eyes gave no mercy. "I took you in, a few hours, look at you... you want to take my stuff. you're scum!. I had mercy and let you stay, but you want to take lady attributes. you do!!!"
  • It was there that I noticed the weirdness in her look.
  • "Why don't you feel pain" I asked, not knowing if I would get an answer, his eyes were not on me but on the mess left behind.
  • "I've never felt pain." he revealed.
  • I opened my eyes in shock.
  • "What!" I cried out in such a rushed manner. "Just now..."
  • "I pretended." he abruptly cut off my words.
  • I looked at him and hesitated to believe it.
  • Jeremy let go of me.
  • He walked over to the metal box and checked that the trap might be defective.
  • "Stay away from my stuff!" he snapped. Throwing the broken handle of the box to the floor. "You're lucky it wasn't a grenade, just a little frequency..."
  • "Sir, I swear I didn't do it." I dared to take his hand.
  • Jeremy cocked a smile. "I know, someone as dumb as you won't be able to do it."
  • He grabbed my hand pulled it away.
  • That young man is hiding a lot of secrets.
  • I fixed my eyes on the ring on Jeremy's ring finger, that wasn't the one from the wedding, he only had one. That ring, it had a red colored stone, in that short distance I noticed that black spot on the ring.
  • If there was a flaw I wouldn't wear it.
  • "Clean it." ordered young Anderson.
  • When he turned Anderson smiled.
  • She had in front of her the most lying and interesting person, of course she had seen him desperately searching through the footwear, that young woman was interesting.
  • "Sir!" -her shout made him pause a little. "It really wasn't me!"
  • "Shut up and clean up."
  • Jeremy continued his pacing.
  • He had forgotten how good it felt to play with a mouse.
  • A chuckle bubbled up from his throat.
  • He looked at the ring on his hand, no one had managed to remove it, his company was in crisis and now he must lead with that woman.
  • Anderson was very astute.