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Chapter 3 Facing The Phone

  • Foreshadowing its own failure.
  • His most obvious choice is to become ignorant.
  • "You don't know your wife's name!" She let go of his grip and pushed the other's body with all her might, of course, not even the other's body moved a little. "Ah. Sir, you're a hypocrite, a few hours ago we got married and now you've even become a fool."
  • Jeremy furrowed his brow more. "Sir? I look so old. Open those eyes of yours wide!" he spat so demanding. "Speak! Say it!" She thought he had a vision problem because he gets so close that it unsettles her. "Who are you!"
  • The young woman understood that the Anderson heir is very moody, she instinctively stuck her head against the wall, Jeremy's jaw was tense.
  • "Your wife." She spoke so clearly "Who are you going to find! It's your wife in front of you! You can't see it!"
  • That answer puzzled young Anderson.
  • No one had ever contradicted him, he felt strange, and in the perplexity of the moment he recoiled. That young woman didn't seem to understand what's going on, seeing him so powerful; they don't look alike.
  • "Did your family have to go so far." except for her hair, everything else is identical. Jeremy clenched his fists, no doubt about it, that girl belongs to that horrible family. "I didn't think the Pettersons would decide to go that far."
  • Jeremy laughed.
  • "Ah?" The young woman didn't understand those words, nor the family her husband mentioned. "The what?" her face showed a pout.
  • "Of course it's you." He said to himself, for the young woman could hardly follow him in his ramblings. "You are." Jeremy stepped back, again, nodding his head, "So don't expect hotel service. I no longer have servants, for you will take their place." He pointed at her. "From today you are my servant."
  • "Young man..." The young woman wanted to argue, but there was no time, the Anderson heir continued walking down the corridor until he got lost in a room. "I am not that person. I am not what you think."
  • Static in the same place.
  • He came clean, even though, there was no one to hear him.
  • He averted his gaze, scanning the place, nothing special, not even furniture.
  • He went upstairs.
  • She found a single hallway, walked and entered the first room. She got rid of the stupid wedding dress and took a shower.
  • On her way out, she rummaged through Jeremy's closet.
  • Strangely he found lingerie in a box at the back of the closet, downplaying the importance, he placed the garments and buttoned Jeremy's shirt.
  • "Well, you can wear nothing or wear his clothes." The young woman nibbled on her lip. "A white shirt is better than nothing." she snorted.
  • At least it was long, below her thighs.
  • He took the apron, the kind they use for cooking, and tied it around his neck and waist. Good. It doubled as a belt, highlighting her tiny waist.
  • As she walked back down the stairs.
  • Seeing the young Anderson walking so fast, made him bound down the steps.
  • "Hey!" he tried to get the attention of young Anderson, who was on his way out, he was even wearing a new suit, maybe his room was on the first floor, it didn't matter. "Where are you going! Hey!
  • Jeremy kept listening to whatever was being said through the earpiece.
  • "Pick up everything!" Jeremy ordered, thinking of a possibility that he was wrong, he had to go to his office and solve that big situation. "I'll check them! I don't care if it's not relevant, I want everything on the desk! NOW!"
  • He hung up the call.
  • "Young man, where are you going?" Anderson's wife stopped behind him.
  • He did not answer.
  • Jeremy opened a closet that was camouflaged in the wall and changed his slippers, sitting down in the hall space.
  • "Sir? Where are you going?" Jeremy felt his anger rise as he listened to the way he spoke to him, he couldn't shut up. "Sir?"
  • "Stop calling me that!" He roared. "Don't call me sir again, do you see an old man."
  • The young woman was startled.
  • Jeremy gave her a sharp look and walked out, the young woman grabbed some sneakers, the ones that looked smaller. They were too big for her, though. She put them on her feet and ran after the young man.
  • "I'll go with you, sir!" I couldn't let him out of my sight, I had to be with him.
  • "No."
  • "I'll go with you. Sir." He insisted again.
  • "I said no!" Jeremy turned around shouting, despite his hostile tone, she got in the passenger side and no matter how many times he yelled at her to get out, she didn't. "You have to be so stubborn. You have to be so stubborn. Look at your facade, you'll only embarrass your husband."
  • "I'm your everything, Sir, I have to be with you. Sir." using that way of speaking to him was just to tease the young man. He was really very young. "Sir, you are not comfortable."
  • "Shut up."
  • He drove toward Anderson's company.
  • When they got out of the car there were two rows of employees waiting to greet him, she felt embarrassed to get out, but there was no choice.
  • She gritted her teeth and forced a smile.
  • "Young Anderson." his manager spoke so astonished.
  • "If you don't want your dismissal. Shut up." he said, silencing the whispers that were trailing behind his back. The wife was a few steps behind him. "Come on."
  • Anderson stretched out his hand, taking the young woman with him.
  • In the office.
  • There was a tower of documents to review, Jeremy let go of the young woman's hand and sat behind his desk.
  • "Stop! Young man! You can't come in!" The screams could be heard from behind the wood.
  • He hadn't even gotten settled when the door opened.
  • "Jeremy." A very familiar authoritative voice made him look up, President Anderson was surprised. "What is the meaning of this? Who is she!?"
  • "What?"
  • The young president shifted his gaze from his wife to the person in the doorway, they were so physically similar. Jeremy was stunned.
  • "What is the meaning of this?" the person in the doorway continued to shout.
  • Anderson's wife, nibbling her lips, was in a big mess. One she couldn't seem to explain. She felt so helpless before the dazzling beauty of that young woman on the doorstep.
  • "I... I..." Anderson was so stupefied he couldn't articulate properly. "Who are you?"
  • Jeremy stood up from his chair, facing the phony.