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Chapter 7 Silver

  • Chapter 7
  • The day ended yesterday with an unexpected cancellation of my first day of patrolling.
  • What was that for? Until now it is unclear why they decided to postpone it to today, with an instruction that, that may still change and that we should wait for any last minute announcement if there is.
  • Alpha Mason and my Dad came back from their trip yesterday with the former Alpha of Crescent Moon, Clayton Routh.
  • Is there something going on they are trying to keep? Is it something serious?
  • These were the things that were bugging me until now. Does it concern the packs in general?
  • But then, how come they haven't called for a whole pack meeting if it is?
  • "Okay, so based on what I hear from the murmurs through walls..." Alex cuts my reverie with her sprinting to our bench in the football field.
  • She catches her breath from running then continues "There have been sightings of vampires, and based from what I heard, that's the main topic of the Alpha and Beta meeting held recently." she sets in one blow.
  • Vampires?
  • "Wow! wait... So? We've had our truce with them centuries ago." Vince thought deeply.
  • Yes, so what is with sighting them? I mean it must have been in one of the common grounds where both vampires and werewolves can pass by and through. I keep my silence trying to digest the information and making a sense of it.
  • Werewolves and vampires had the biggest war against supernatural creatures 3 centuries ago over territories and human protection.
  • "Well, I am not sure of this, but rumor has it.. There is a clan the covent is worried about. Rumor is they've been AWOL for Goddess only knows how long."
  • The Covent is like the Elders for werewolves. So it makes sense that it could be alarming.
  • "But vampires are known to come and go. What if that clan only seeks a new country?" Chelsea who has stopped writing on her pad blurts out.
  • Alex simply shrugs her shoulders.
  • "Would it be the reason why they postponed our post yesterday?" I ask no one in particular watching them exchange gazes.
  • "No idea." Vince decides to answer.
  • "Hey, come on! It could be just anything, you know. What if they'd just come up with new assignments to the warriors that were supposed to accompany us, yesterday?" I convince myself more than them. I go back to writing for a paper I need to turn in soon.
  • "Yeah, that could be that, too. No words from your brother?" Jax lays to the bench throwing his ball in the air.
  • "No, and that's somehow comforting. They'd tell me if it's important."
  • They all nod in agreement.
  • We spend more time in the field just waiting and finishing school work.
  • "Guys! Time to go back. We are to patrol today." Drake approaches with a smile.
  • "Yes, it is." I nodded and smiled back.
  • Alex and Vince started gathering their things up like I do and jogged our way out of school.
  • The love birds decide to hang out still as they are in a separate patrol group and still have time before the training.
  • We are not attending today as we are to report for patrol and get final instructions.
  • We hop in Vince's pick up wiyh him in the driver's and Drake in the shotgun, leaving me and
  • Alex in passenger seats.
  • "Any word from the warriors?" Alex asks Drake, nudging me.
  • Drake looks in the rearview. He pays extra attention to me and just shrugs his shoulders.
  • "I know just as much as you do. No word why it's postponed, but since they did not mind-linked us for further announcement, I assume we are going through this time." he looks at me through the rearview again and grins.
  • I am not sure why he does that a lot, but it is rude not to return his acknowledgement so I did.
  • "He has a thing for us, I think." my wolf peaks through my eyes.
  • "Oh, please! Get over yourself." I closed my eyes and tilted to the window.
  • When we arrived, we walked straight to the pack house to meet with the warrior in charge, Daryl.
  • Daryl is one of heads of warriors directly reporting to the General, General Xavier Thompson.
  • He has a massive body and tall physique. His black hair cut short and toughness is written all over his face.
  • "I see that you all came as a group." He states the moment he sees us four. "We are continuing patrolling today. However, there is a little change. You must have known that each group was accompanied by four warriors. That changes now, we are adding two more. Nothing to worry about, just for security purposes." He comes back to his table to get back to his work.
  • Soon after, he handed us an attendance sheet for patrol duties and instructed us to write our names.
  • "And they are to believe, they are after the Tamas.." the door opened and Brandon cut off what he was talking with Zach and cleared his throat.
  • Zach looked at us and stood straight. "So you guys are here now. Then all of a sudden a faint and familiar scent filled my nose.
  • "If it is no other than Gemma Karen Green in front of me." then a smirking resemblance of Brandon made his way in between Brandon and Zach.
  • "Jason! I exclaimed and ran to hug him out of excitement.
  • "Hey there!" he hugs back. "getting more beautiful and beautiful, aren't you?" he pulled away with his one hand still on my shoulder and messed my hair with the other.
  • He looks more like Brandon now, with him a feet probably six more inches taller than the last time I've seen him.
  • They share the same greenish-bluish eyes and same face structure.
  • The only difference are their hairs with Brandon's dark brown and his being dirty blonde.
  • Looking at him, I realized how much I missed him. He is so close to me and was practically like a brother to me.
  • Growing up, I would usually spend a lot of time with him and Brandon. Though Brandon spent time with me because of Zach and Charlie, I really grew close to Jason, until the jerk decided to join the werewolf exchange program to the UK and moved there to study two years ago.
  • He would send emails from time to time, but that does not change the fact that it is still different when he is around.
  • He is also the only person aside from my friends who knows about my feelings for his older brother.
  • Times were spent with him with me talking non stop about Brandon. He tells me how
  • annoying it is with me non talking about his brother but deep down he looks after me.
  • "I know. That's understandable!" I was pulled out of my reverie when he states that.
  • "What?" I frown in confusion.
  • "Your face says how much you missed me" he grins again and messes my hair all over again.
  • The jerk. He messes my hair and now it is too messy to not re-do my bun. I fixed my hair and realized that everyone was watching us. Brandon only shakes his head when I looked at him and Zach was grinning at me and Jason.
  • The door opens again with Xavier being tailed by twenty warriors.
  • Boy they are not just any warriors, but the top warriors in the pack.
  • Jason walks near Xavier and looks at the warriors who now line up in the room.
  • "You can make your pick as promised." Xavier shakes hands with Jason.
  • He walks among the warriors pin points five he chooses and they move one step forward.
  • Me being an impatient one, reaches out to Jason and frowns in question of what he's doing.
  • Brandon clears his throat again and states.. "All patrolling participants will now be accompanied by experienced and trained warriors. We are adding two more to make sure of your security."
  • Ohh!!! That's an understatement. They are the top warriors, not just simply trained.
  • "And these will be the ones patrolling with you and your group, Gem." Jason exclaimed, pointing to the five men he chose.
  • "That makes them five." Alex, who was surprisingly silent, blurted out.
  • "I am patrolling with you tonight, Alex. That makes us six." he winks.
  • What? Wow. What's happening? He has just come back, but now already part of the patrol team and has to choose which are accompanying him?
  • I guess you'd be really surprised what power can do!
  • "Let's go. It's seven o'clock pm now." Jason walks out of the room followed by the five warriors, who I note to remember the names.
  • They are way older than us and they've done separate and more extensive training.
  • "Be safe, Gem, please!" Zach whispers and kisses my forehead when he stops me from my tracks.
  • I nod simply and walk out with Vince, Alex and Drake.
  • I walk past Brandon who squeezes my shoulders lightly. "Stay close with Jason, Gemma."
  • "Will do. Thanks!" I smiled and left the room leaving them with Xavier, Daryl and the remainder of the pack warriors.
  • "How come no hugs and squeezes me good luck?" Alex sourly states on the stairs.
  • Vince and Drake annoyingly hug her and squeeze her shoulders with added pressure.
  • The three of us laugh with how angry she looks.
  • "At least you now get each." Vince messes her hair seeing she's frowning.
  • "You idiots are really annoying." she whispers but made sure for all of us to hear.
  • We walked inside the locker room of the pack house to get our gym bags where we keep extra clothes in case we need to shift during patrol.
  • We find Jason in his locker getting his. He looked at us and reached for the four bags on his side.
  • He tossed two towards Vince and Drake then held two more together with one that he slings on his shoulders.
  • "You four are taking your time, so I take the liberty to collect your bags." He reaches mine and Alex's to us.
  • "Wow! Somebody's excited." Alex smirks, getting her bag.
  • "My first activity since I came back." Jason shrugs.
  • "When did you arrive, man?" Vince walks towards us by the door with Drake following.
  • "This morning." Jason answers walking out.
  • What?! Doesn't he have jet lag or something? I didn't comment on saving my energy.
  • There is no arguing with this one. It is just better to stay quiet and let him be to make sure my life is peaceful.
  • We started patrolling and parted ways. I was to patrol with Drake and three warriors whose name I found out to be Dane, Adam and Ben. However, Jason insists I stay with him and states Zach will slit his throat if not and jokes his brother won't stop his best friend to eliminate his competition.
  • We all laugh at it lightly knowing how much he loves to boast and joke about Brandon being
  • threatened by how handsome and stronger he is.
  • The warriors just simply agreed, probably respecting his status in the pack.
  • Now, I am with Alex, Jason, Matt and Levi, the two remainder of the five warriors hand picked by Jason.
  • I wonder what conversation he had with Xavier that the general let him choose himself.
  • This one really has his ways on everything that makes me shake my head and have a headache at the same time.
  • We make our way to the east side of the border to start patrolling that perimeter.
  • The forest is now already dark and quiet as we enter with a little sound of birds and squirrels start hiding when they hear our nearing presence.
  • We are nearing the lake close to the east side border when we suddenly hear a pained shout.
  • We are instantly alerted and exchange gazes waiting for any sign.
  • "Is it an intruder?" I mind- link to not alert anyone of our presence in case there are rogues around.
  • "Stay alert. We need to make our move discreet and fast." Matt answered through the mind link as well.
  • Jason advances in front surveying the area and sniffs trying to locate for scents. We all circled around each other to do the same when we hear loud cries followed by "Help"
  • The smell faint fear and blood traveled to my nose. I focus on scenting it and find it coming from the lake.
  • "The lake!" I mind-link and the next thing I know is I am already sprinting to where it's coming from.
  • "Gem for Goddess sake!" Jason howls through mind-link.
  • I ignore just following my guts feeling them sprinting to follow me.
  • "You're insane. Be careful!" my wolf hissed. Still I didn't answer as I felt my heart throbbing faster and faster by the second realizing it sounds from a young wolf.
  • Nearing the lake, the scent is getting stronger. It does not smell like rouge. It's someone from our pack, so I run faster.
  • Leaving everyone way far behind with my found agility.
  • Then there it is... I found a teenage girl, probably aged thirteen holding for her dear life embracing a big stone by the lake.
  • Her left foot is strangled by a rope. It must be one of the traps we keep near the boards for possible intrusion.
  • She is being pulled by the rope. Running to her I check the perimeter.
  • The rope will pull her up where knives are struck in a tree. Studying her stance, she's getting weaker and is about to lose grip.
  • I jump as she loses her grip and gets a hold of the rope pulling her. I landed on the ground with the rope pulled to my chest with my both hands pulling to stop it from pulling the poor girl up.
  • Then I start to feel the hot and painful sensation. The rope! The damn rope is coated in silver!
  • F*ck! The pain starts from my hand crimping its way to my arms. I am now starting to feel my stomach traveling through my whole abdomen.
  • I am doomed. But I cannot let go or this girl dies.
  • After a few moments I hear my group arriving.
  • "Geeze, Gem! I heard you got faster when you turned sixteen. No one told me how fast you were... F*ck Gem!" Jason hissed realizing and seeing me pulling to save the girl who just lost
  • consciousness.
  • She's getting weaker and not healing because of the silver.
  • Alex jumps to help me pull but let go few seconds after with signs of light burns in her hands.
  • Jason was pulled out of his daze when Matt and Levi ran to the tree to cut the rope that is pulling us. Then Jason let an animalistic howl and summoned Brandon and Zach.
  • Alex is hugging me tight to add weight on the pull with her silent hush from the pain I am feeling.
  • "Oh Goddess! Gem, you're dead to me after this." she hissed trying to stop her cries seeing the tears and silent howl of pain escaping my eyes and mouth.
  • "What the hell Matt and Levi!" Jason shouts as he kneels down in front of the girl and checks
  • her breathing.
  • He takes out a knife in his pocket takes a deep breath before he take a hold of the rope on the girl's foot and cuts it with the other.
  • "You can let go now! The three guys shout in unison the as they were able to cut the ropes at the same time.
  • I let go and fall on my back with my hands on my chest that is throbbing like crazy feeling weak, pained and dizzy.
  • I look at the girl who is now unconscious and being laid properly on the ground by Jason.
  • "He-help him check the girl" I weakly look at Alex.
  • "Are you crazy? Let me check you. Gosh! You're now probably with third degree burns." she scoot near me and about to reach for my hands..
  • "After yo--you check her, please." I plead.
  • "Ughhh!" Alex hissed. She hesitates "I hate you this moment" and walks towards the girl and checks her vitals, burned foot and bruises.
  • Jason then stands up aggressively and approaches the nearing warriors and catches them by the throat.
  • "Why the tree when you could have cut the rope on the girl's foot like I did!? If something happens to Gemma.."
  • "If we didn't run there, some other knives would fly their way if they let go. We had to disassemble them."
  • Matt buts in not letting him finish.
  • "Oh!" Jason says and let go of them acting as if he didn't just threaten them. With a pained body, he still made me laugh weakly.
  • He turns to me and runs towards me. He picks up my head and helps sit with my weight laid on his shoulder.
  • "Let me see." He reached for my hand so carefully and a gasp escaped his mouth looking at my hand. I follow his gaze and gasp myself.
  • My hands and arms are not burned like the foot of the kid. What the?! I felt the heat earlier.
  • What is this?
  • Dizziness overpowers me and I see Zach, Charlie and Brandon getting off of Brandon's jeep.
  • They all kneel down in front of me with Brandon checking the whole area. Zach and Charlie's faces look pained and worried.
  • "Princess.. " Zach whispers, touching my face and then looking at my hand. He was shocked and lifted my shirt to check my stomach.
  • The pack doctors arrive shortly and one of them runs straight to the girl. The other kneels in front of me and looks at me in horror.
  • "The Tamaska" he weakly whispers that got Brandon's attention.
  • His greenish-bluish eyes were the last thing I saw before darkness consumed me.