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Chapter 3 Training

  • Chapter 3
  • I woke up feeling cheerful with last night's surprise still sitting in my head. I do not even remember what time I slept, but it was definitely with a wide smile plastered on my face.
  • I shook my arm a bit when I raised it to take a look at the bracelet I wore. It does not really fail to make me smile.
  • The wolf charm shining bright by the sun ray hitting it. I cannot contain the grin that made its way just looking at it.
  • "Looks like someone's so cheerful today."
  • Stephanie's low growl startled me a bit. I make sure not to show it and shove my hand at the back of my books before turning to look at her.
  • One thing about Steph is that she does get bored right away if she doesn't get anything from you.
  • Her dark brown eyes glowing and turning darker when she met my eyes, telling her nothing.
  • "You showing at school like a princess on cloud nine disgusts me" she hissed, balling me from head to toe.
  • I try harder and stay still. I am not going to give her the satisfaction. Besides, I know she'd leave me soon. Might as well make it faster by staying silent.
  • She does love it when I show emotions and hold that against me for days.
  • She would always say that I am just nothing but a name.
  • That I am nothing without my family rank. Without my parents, without my brothers I am just a weakling doll.
  • At least she does say it in front of me,I guess.
  • I do not know what's her bad blood about my rank in the pack. She is not low ranking herself. At least not from little we know of her.
  • She is Gamma Peter's wife's orphaned niece. Sha came in with her when she's mated with our Gamma.
  • She was around seven when she arrived. That's it. She was welcomed and loved, yet she grew hatred of me.
  • I unknowingly grabbed my necklace's pendant and played with it. I have been wearing it for a few days,and I am already growing attached to it.
  • Stephanie followed my hand and stared at my hand slightly grabbing at the pendant.
  • A dangerous smirk appeared on her face, "right.. the princess and her infamous necklace." her voice was laced with annoyance.
  • "Bet you enjoyed that, huh?" she stared back at me. "Beta Zach showering his sister with gifts and all. Makes you feel so important, doesn't it, little Gem?" she smirks again, her eyes turning darker again.
  • I intently stayed silent waiting for her to get bored.
  • Just got bored already, I thought.
  • "Well, that's all you'd be, anyways." She growled lowly and whispered in my ear "the beta family's doll."
  • With that, she flipped her hair, and walked as if nothing happened.
  • "At least that was fast." I fixed my hair and sprayed some of my perfume to find Stephanie's scent
  • on my clothes.
  • "If you only let me take control, I would have shoveled her ugly face in the ground" My wolf growls loudly in my head making sure I feel her anger.
  • "She's just shallow, just let her be. " I put my perfume back and make my way to the hallway.
  • I smile not letting Stephanie ruin my good day. It's one thing letting her dosage of annoyance get to me, making its way in my head is another.
  • I slid my way to the tons of students and made it to the field.
  • It is still early and going here is better than inside away from the eyes of people.
  • "Where are you? The class starts in a few" Jax taps in my head through mind-link.
  • "Just in the field for some air. Will meet you in class." I answered by cutting the link.
  • I am about to flop myself in the grass when my senses heightened.
  • I searched the area for any unwanted guests. Being the strongest pack does not mean we do not get sightings of rogue wolves anymore.
  • I was about to go to the tree on my left when I heard noise coming from the tree accross.
  • Making my way, the noise turned to low moans. It is evident the noises are controlled, probably making sure it won't be heard.
  • As I come nearer, the scents become more evident. Scent of arousal is so strong mixed with the scent of a she-wolf from Crescent Moon and Alpha Tyler.
  • Knowing that it is something not to interrupt, I decide to turn around, but was taken aback when suddenly the Alpha is in front of me.
  • "Gem."He eyes me intently while fixing his messed up hair. His mouth reddened and swollen from whatever they were doing.
  • "Alpha Tyler." I regard him calculatively, not being able to meet his eyes.
  • "Why act as if you're the one caught red handed?" my wolf shakes her head.
  • "What a nice morning it is to see your beauty this early." he eyes me, his eyes not showing any emotion.
  • I feel some movement behind, turning back to look.. the girl running away.
  • I gasped when all of the sudden I am pinned on the tree, Alpha Tyler nearing his head to me.
  • "Lets just keep this one to ourselves, Gem?" he whispers in my ear.
  • His scent mixed with arousal is not allowing me to focus. To be honest, as an Alpha, I always find his unique scent to my liking.
  • That is part of his genes, alluring features and scent.
  • But this time, I find it suffocating.
  • I heard him growling low when I did not answer.
  • "I hope this is not what kills us" my wolf growled in my head.
  • "Of course, Alpha." I say.
  • "It is always Tyler for you sweet Gem." he says calmly that it makes me a bit uncomfortable.
  • He distanced himself and looked at me. He smirks and tucked my hair in my ear.
  • "See you around" he lowered down, and kissed me on the cheek.
  • I gasped loud enough to earn another smirk from him. He turned away and walked calmly leaving me with my mouth a bit open from shock.
  • My heart skips a bit from fear and slides in my butt. What was that? I asked myself..
  • "You tell me," my wolf answer-question me.
  • I bit my lip and stood up. If there is something to be thankful about just now is that no one was here to see that.
  • Checking myself, good thing it was just his scent that lingers a bit on my clothes and nothing else.
  • The last thing I want in me is the arousal of other wolves.
  • I run back inside the school, I definitely do not deserve to be late because of meddling on someone else's business.
  • "What a good morning start, Gem. Good job!" my wolf stirred with sarcasm in my head.
  • It is not as if I planned to be met with people and have some encounters with them first thing in the morning.
  • I just shrugged her out my head and walk straight trying to avoid everyone and only stopped when I reach the door of my first class.
  • "Hey sis!" I stopped entering the room when I heard Zach nearing our room.
  • "Hello Zach!" I greeted him and was surprised when instead of him I was greeted by Brandon's eyes.
  • His greenish-bluish eyes not showing any emotions in them. They both stop in front of me.
  • "Hi Brandon." I shyly greeted.
  • "Well we are on our way to class. I didn't see you with your friends earlier." Zach's brows meet in confusion.
  • Brandon just stares at me nonchalantly, as if he just happens to have the time in the world to kill.
  • He suddenly sniffs and frowns. His eyes darted on me and for a second, his eyes showed annoyance. Then just like that, it's gone.
  • "Did you go somewhere else, Gemma?" he asks, mimicking Zach's confused look.
  • "I just went to the field to get some fresh air." I pointed the way to the field unknowingly using my left hand.
  • The bracelet made a little noise that got Brandon's attention. He looked at it a bit and a smirk made its way on his face.
  • "Okay, see you later, then." My brother says and taps me in the shoulder and walks the hallway.
  • Brandon looks at me again. He grins a little and messes my hair and follows my brother.
  • I try to hide my face from blushing and stop myself from grinning so wide.
  • "He messes your hair like a guy would a five year old girl, and here you are blushing." Alex sarcastically says in my head.
  • I am on my way to our seats when I feel other connections on the link and already late to find out all my friends even in other classes heard her remark.
  • "He pet her head again, I assume." Vince is clearly trying to stop himself from laughing.
  • "And he takes it as a girl." Jaxon chimes in.
  • "Stop teasing her, you guys" Chelsea tries to scold them but fails with her sweet voice.
  • "When will she learn?" Alex questions rolling her eyes when I settled in.
  • I showed the bracelet to the two girls trying to not get attention from other students. I signalled them that it is from Brandon.
  • I even shoved the charm in their faces. Chelsea smiled at me appreciating the beauty of the charm. Alex smiles but shakes her head.
  • "Mind you, she was all blue yesterday, he happened to give her a bracelet with her wolf as a charm and she's on cloud nine again." Alex reports on the link that is apparently still open.
  • "He does give gifts to everyone in the higher rank family, just saying." Jax states and with that the link was cut.
  • It's also the same time the teacher arrives.I smiled not giving much thought to what they said.
  • I am in a good mood today. Yes, because of his gift. A hope, it is.
  • And no one is going to stop it.
  • --
  • Days passed with my friends still non stop teasing me and the next thing I know, it's now Saturday.
  • I woke up with the blaring sound of my alarm clock. I stretched my arm and turned it off.
  • I stretch my two arms to wake myself more. With sleepiness still evident in my system, I walk
  • inside the bathroom to freshen up.
  • I changed to my sports bra and leggings. I stared at the mirror throwing my hair into a messy bun.
  • This looks like a long day, so might as well dress comfortably based on what the task is asking you to dress up for.
  • I walked my way downstairs to be greeted by my Mom. I checked the clock on the wall that says 5:10 AM.
  • She smiles at me and motions for coffee. I sat with her eyeing the tiredness in my mother's
  • beautiful face.
  • "Why are you up so early, Mom? I inquire after sipping coffee.
  • "Your brothers left earlier. They didn't want to wake you up, giving you more time to rest." She
  • stirs her coffee contentedly.
  • "Take some more rest, Mom. It's Saturday. I eyed her and checked the clock again. I took some sips from the coffee and stood up.
  • "Should get going now, see you later Mum." I waved her bye and ran to the door.
  • It's now 5:17 AM and the last thing I want is to be one of the last one to arrive.
  • Non-stop murmurs from our packmates is the last one on my list of how to start your training on day one.
  • I arrived to see a few early birds. I look around to find Vince sitting with Drake.
  • The pack house grounds are big enough to cater the whole pack, but it is looking extra enormous for me in times like this.
  • "Good morning!"Drake smiles at me, scooting a bit to give me space in between him and Vince.
  • "Morning you guys" I greet them both and sit.
  • Vince just gave me a tired look that earned a low chuckle from Drake.
  • Moments later Alex, Jax, and Cheals joined us.
  • At exactly 5:30 AM, Brandon shows up in front in a full black running suit. He blew his whistle and we took positions.
  • He gave a few moments for everyone to take positions, and when he blew the whistle the second time, we sprinted off.
  • I run not fast and not slow, keeping enough pace to let my legs get a good start of stretch.
  • 5 minutes in and the guys started to pace faster leaving us behind.
  • When I feel like my body has adjusted already, I mind-linked the girls "Ready to go faster a bit?"
  • "Sure." they answer in unison.
  • I sprinted not expecting too much since I am not on the fast side of shifter runner.
  • But to my utter surprise, I left the girls and started passing a good number of packmates.
  • Gasps are heard everywhere as they tilted their head sideways and soon forward to see who it was.
  • Surprise is definitely an understatement finding it is me.
  • "What are you doing?" I frown to my wolf in a total loss of words.
  • "I was gonna ask you the same, when did you get so fast?" she waves her tail moving forward to look at me intently.
  • "Nothing, I thought it was you." I was cut when I felt someone pushed me sideways.
  • Why am I not surprised to see Stephanie? Her annoyance radiating too much seeing I am now sided with her when she is .. well was way faster than me.
  • I blocked her push and tried to run faster. And to say that I am able to go further and pass her is unbelievable.
  • "What the heck, Gem?" Alex roared in my head.
  • "Where are you?" Chelsea chimes in.
  • "Nearing the warriors." I am definitely nearing them with Zach and Brandon leading even if they ran moments after we started.
  • "How?" the girls inquired in unison.
  • "No idea. I thought it was my wolf". I wipe my sweats but still keep up.
  • Noting after we already circled the perimeter and back to the pack house field. I am welcomed by surprised gazes not only from my brothers who are currently in front with Brandon, but also from the warriors.
  • I look around and gasp when I realize they are looking at me as if they see a ghost.
  • I am the only one who's here who is not a warrior.
  • Not being able to stand their burning gazes, I walk straight to where I was sitting earlier and gulf a good amount of water.
  • Vince and Drake exchanged looks at each other but said nothing and just stayed with the warriors.
  • I feel the intent looks of the three wolves in front and I try to relax and not pay attention knowing I won't be able to formulate a proper explanation on this.
  • How did that happen? I was not this fast a few days ago.
  • If it is not my wolf, then how and when did I develop without me knowing?
  • Alex and Chelsea came almost the same time and sat straight next to catch their breaths.
  • They both gave me weak smiles seeing I am not comfortable with the attention and weird looks I am receiving.
  • "Talk later." Alex blurts out in the link and cuts it right away.
  • I sigh and straighten my seat when I see Brandon stand in front.
  • "I see everyone has now caught their breaths, let's start sparring" Brandon says in finality.
  • I sigh again and stand not really looking forward to what is next.
  • I really dread sparring as I just always make a fool of myself.
  • "We all wanna see the strengths and weaknesses of each and everyone so we'd have the basis for our training." Brandon roared for everyone to hear as everyone started stretching separately.
  • "There is no big or small, nor strong or weak in combat, so for today, you will not sparr based on your class." Zach states imitating equal authority in his voice.
  • "We'll draw names for partners." he continues at the same moment as Charlie sits a fish bowl in front for Brandon and Zach to fish paper from.
  • I hear my heart throbbed harder from the announcement feeling the doom I am in.
  • The roll call for names started and I started to feel my hand shaking from fear.
  • My doom appeared in front of me when my name is called and is partnered with Ella, Stephanie's minion and number one supporter.
  • "Fate is really a b*tch!" My wolf low growled in my head.
  • Ella happens to be good at martial arts, hence my nightmare on this training.
  • "I will be happy enough if I make it today in one piece." I tell my wolf.
  • "I will try my best to extend as much strength as I can. Make guard of as much as you can" she says softly, feeling my nerves.
  • Ella approaches me on our assigned mat with a smug smirk on her face.
  • She stretched her head with her unnerving grin staring straight at me mockingly.
  • I stretch to help my body take the coming blows. I look around and a few people show pity on their faces mirroring my friends'.
  • I looked at my brothers' and they nodded at me, but the worry left their eyes when I looked at them.
  • "You can do this, Gem." Charlie states in the link sounding more like he's convincing himself.
  • The whistle was blown again as a sign of start.
  • Ella andances right away, not giving me much time and blows punches my way.
  • I cover my face for the first three blows. My mistake to put effort in my face as she throws one
  • big blow in my stomach the first opening she gets.
  • I stumbled and hissed in pain. She doesn't give much time and leaps.
  • This time, I am able to see her and move before she lands on top of me.
  • To my surprise, I moved fast enough to make her meet by the empty mat.
  • I hear muur by my sudden halt. I didn't expect to be able to miss.
  • "Nice! We do not know where you suddenly got that speed, but might as well use it to your advantage." My wolf cheers in my head.
  • I heat tap in my head for the link, but didn't allow it as I feel a sudden urge to focus on the fight.
  • I suddenly feel this light feeling of confidence and ready my stance for my opponent.
  • My wolf is right. Might as well use this unfamiliar speed.
  • Ella stood up with annoyance evident on her face and ran towards me to attack again.
  • I look straight at her and dodge. She gasped in surprise to see that I was suddenly fast enough to dodge her attacks.
  • I find an open and throw punches her way. She's able to block my advances, but I am not giving up.
  • This might be the only time I get to attack once she recovers so I continue throwing punches and kicks.
  • She continues to block until I find an opening and punch her in the face. It is definitely not strong enough as she only smirks, but that moment of unguardness gave an opening and kicked her in the stomach.
  • She steps backward a couple of times but does not lose balance.
  • She wiped her face and threw me a deadly glare. That takes a couple of seconds and advances right away.
  • This time I leap when she's near enough and jump her overhead.
  • I stretch my arms to hold her head backwards and bring her with me when I reach the ground, making her tumble over my head.
  • Gasps and cheers are heard in the crowd stopping others from their sparring.
  • I did not give enough room to recover and kneel on her back.
  • I feel my heart going wild but gather the last strength I have in me and pin her head in the mat.
  • I count to five in my head and she starts tapping her hand wildly on the mat.
  • The next thing I know is I was snatched by Zach lifting me away from Ella.