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Chapter 7 Moaning For Money

  • The clock ticked towards eight, each chime echoing the hollowness in my chest. Xavier, a flurry of youthful energy, bounced on the couch, oblivious to the storm brewing within me. I’d spun tales of my day, each detail duller than the last, yet they were met with his wide-eyed wonder. My heart ached with affection, laced with a bitter tang of resentment. Where was Rafayel?
  • His absence was a physical weight, pressing down on the air between us. Had his promises been empty whispers carried away by the night wind? Was he laughing with another woman, oblivious to the ache he’d left behind? My mind conjured scenarios, each more painful than the last, fueling the simmering anger within.
  • “Mom,” Xavier’s voice broke through my reverie, snapping me back to the present. His innocent eyes held a question. “Have you ever played Zenga?”
  • I forced a smile, the effort feeling as strained as my response. “Not really my cup of tea,” I said, my voice tight. “And, sweetie, could you please call me by my name?”
  • He tilted his head, a furrow etching his brow. “But Dad always plays with his friends, and whoever loses has to kiss someone else who loses too!”
  • My eyebrows shot up. “And they do front of you?”
  • He shrugged, a playful grin returning. “Sometimes! It’s fun!”
  • Fun. The word was a mockery. What was fun about watching your father play games that reeked of infidelity? A wave of nausea washed over me. I couldn’t stay here, trapped in this suffocating atmosphere.
  • “Not nearly as fun as you’d imagine,” I drawled, collapsing onto the worn leather sofa with a sigh and casting a tired glance at the clock’s accusing hands. The minutes seemed to tick by like the mocking drip of a leaky faucet.
  • A whine split the silence.
  • “Mom, can you conjure up some of that spicy tomato soup again?” Xavier pleaded for the umpteenth time, his voice thick with theatrical misery.
  • “Ugh, please spare me the ‘mom’ routine. I haven’t earned the dubious title of babysitting a hurricane like you,” I retorted, rolling my eyes.
  • “A hurricane?” A velvety voice, cool and smooth as aged wine, sliced through the air. Both Xavier and I froze, heads whipping towards the source.
  • Xavier, ever the impulsive one, shot up and practically flung himself at Rafayel.
  • I folded my hand. “Rafayel! Man, you scared the daylights out of me. Just arrived with Raymond, huh? Lucky timing, I was…”
  • “About to leave? Farewell then,” he cut me off, pushing myself up with a feigned nonchalance that felt decidedly flimsy under Rafayel’s approaching gaze.
  • His fingers, cool and surprisingly gentle, closed around my wrist, halting my escape.
  • “Do you truly believe I’d let you slip away so easily, darling?” His voice, a low rumble, sent shivers dancing down my spine.
  • I turned and swatted his hand away. “Mr. Rafayel De Ortiz, I’ve wasted hours babysitting your dull son. If you can’t hook me up with a job, I’d rather find something more enjoyable than this.”
  • “What kind of job would you find enjoyable? I only asked you to watch over Xavier until I got back because your actual job hasn’t kicked off yet,” Rafayel sighed.
  • I glared. “W-what?”
  • “Your job isn’t finished yet. Raymond, make sure Xavier hits the hay now. It’s getting late,” Rafayel ordered Raymond.
  • Raymond headed upstairs while Rafayel and I continued to lock eyes.
  • “I don’t want to linger here any longer. My mom will chew me out if I don’t show up at home tonight—”
  • “If that’s the issue, just tell your mom you’re better off with me than with Terrell.” Rafayel slid his hands into his pockets.
  • His tempting grin made me uneasy. “What do you want?” I asked.
  • “Come with me, sweetie,” he said, striding upstairs.
  • “I don’t want to.”
  • “You won’t be able to leave if you refuse,” he threatened.
  • “And listen carefully, even if you decline, I’ll make sure you never land a gig more enjoyable than the one I handed you.”
  • “You—”
  • “Is my message still not clear?”
  • Reluctantly, I followed him to the bedroom with the massive bed. It was the same bed I used to crash in when I was plastered.
  • “What do you really want, Rafayel?” I asked, feeling somewhat annoyed.
  • “I need a caregiver,” he said.
  • I glared at him, my irritation growing as he slowly opened his jacket, biting his lower lip.
  • “Have I not been with Xavier since this afternoon? Are you not satisfied?” I inquired, my irritation unmistakable.
  • Ryo hesitated before responding. “I’m not suggesting Xavier needs a caregiver. Instead—”
  • “Instead who?” I interjected, sensing the direction this was heading.
  • With a mischievous grin, Rafayel undid the top button of his shirt. “Myself.”
  • “What? You? Seriously?” I asked incredulously.
  • Rafayel nodded, his eyes gleaming.
  • “Yes, I have Raymond taking care of everything, and I have Raymond’s wife cooking nutritious meals for Xavier. I just need a beautiful girl who can sleep soundly next to me,” he continued. “I can offer you a substantial sum of money, or anything else you desire.”
  • Without hesitation, I slapped him across the face. “You forbade me from working at that restaurant because of too many unsavory men. But now you’re proposing I sleep with you? You’re a widower!”
  • Rafayel’s expression darkened as he grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the bed. Despite my protests, he pushed me down onto the mattress, his body looming over mine. I struggled to break free, but his grip was overpowering.
  • As fear took hold of me, I realized I was in a precarious situation. Despite my reluctance to admit it, I found myself genuinely captivated by Rafayel’s striking oriental features. His breath quickened against my neck.
  • “What beautiful things,” Rafayel whispered directly into my ear, his hand exploring every inch of my body.
  • “N-no,” I stammered.
  • Rafayel grinned, his lips forming a perfect seductive smile.
  • “You’re really rejecting me? Have you turned down something that could be greatly advantageous to you in favor of a scoundrel who has kept you waiting for his divorce?” Rafayel’s voice was weighty as he whispered, sending shivers down my spine. “We shouldn’t be in the same room,” I whispered back.
  • “Why not? You need money and protection. I can provide that,” he responded.
  • “Do you think I’m dangerous?” he asked.
  • “I’m not sure,” I replied hesitantly.
  • “If I were a dangerous person, I could’ve taken advantage of you when you were unconscious and drunk,” he stated bluntly.
  • Rafayel leaned in closer, his lips just inches away from mine. My heart pounded in my chest, and I felt a mix of fear and desire coursing through my veins. Without any hesitation, he swiftly brought his lips to mine, gently nibbling.
  • I couldn’t resist the overwhelming sensations as he hungrily explored every contour of my body, his lips and hands leaving a trail of desire in their wake. In the throes of passion, I found myself instinctively digging my nails into his arms, surrendering to the electrifying pleasure that consumed us both.
  • My heart was pounding in my chest, and I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. I knew I shouldn’t be doing this, but I couldn’t resist the pull of his touch.
  • Suddenly, he pulled back, leaving me breathless and wanting more.
  • “Tell me, do you want me too?” he asked, his eyes dark with desire.
  • I couldn’t deny it any longer. I wanted him, more than anything.
  • “Yes,” I breathed, unable to resist his magnetic pull any longer.
  • With that, he pulled me close and kissed me deeply, igniting a fire inside of me that I never knew existed.
  • Ryo’s grin widened as he unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his chiselled chest. I was a mess of nerves and arousal as I watched him with a mixture of fear and desire.
  • “Why aren’t you sure of your decision, sweetie?” he whispered, his voice husky and seductive.
  • “I’m...” I trailed off, unable to form a coherent sentence.
  • “Are you scared?” he asked, his eyes locking onto mine.
  • “I’ve never had sex before, so I-”
  • “I don’t think you’re innocent enough,” he teased, his hand trailing down my arm. “I want to see that wild side of you.”
  • My head was swimming with dirty thoughts now, and I could feel myself growing wet with anticipation. I knew I shouldn’t give in to his advances, but the pull between us was too strong.
  • “You can open it by yourself,” He voiced quite gravely.
  • Ryo reached out to help me up. He looked at me with a hungry gaze.
  • “Your skin is so flawless.” he lauded.
  • He wrapped me, making my blood pound even faster.
  • “I know you’re wet now,” he hissed.
  • He helped me out with a little bit of string on his lips. “I don’t want to make this night a little stiff.”
  • “I was...”
  • Rafayel went down, making me groan with the touch on my sensitive area.
  • “You-wait... why are you...”
  • I couldn’t finish my question when Rafayel bite it slowly.
  • “Are you comfortable?” He whispered, giggling a little.
  • “You’re crazy,” I complained.
  • “Well, I can at least make you comfortable, can’t I?” He asked.
  • “I have to slash,” I got up and left the room.
  • “Well, I thought you wouldn’t mind holding it for a few more hours,” he grinned. “I know how much you like it.”
  • “Stupid, you don’t know how dangerous it is to hold back? You could end up in hospital because--”
  • “Stupid? Are you calling me that?” He raised his eyebrow. “You’re so fierce, and I’m sure you could be even more terrifying if you were on top.”
  • “What do you mean?” I asked angrily.
  • “Don’t pretend you don’t know, darling,” He smiled. “You understand what I’m saying.”
  • He touched me once again, this time more intensely than before. I don’t know what happened after that. I woke up in the same bed the next day, feeling sore all over my body. The sunlight pouring in through the window blinded me, and I quickly checked the time on my phone.
  • A piece of paper was attached to it. “Well, you should read this first, love. I’ll be coming home later today, and Xavier will be attending his afternoon soccer lesson. Enjoy your day, and if you’re hungry, you can order some delicious food from Raymond’s wife. And oh yeah, last night was the craziest thing I’ve had since my late wife. I’m worried you might be fertile, I didn’t use protection last night.”
  • “W- what?”
  • I immediately grabbed my phone and called Rafayel.
  • The busy tone only added to my chaos.
  • How could he be so reckless as to plant the seeds of a human child in my body?
  • How could he be so insane?
  • Mum would chop my head off if she knew I was pregnant out of wedlock!
  • Damn it!