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Chapter 3 Messed Up

  • As my eyes fluttered open, a sharp pain throbbed in my head, causing me to groan. Even in my dazed state, I couldn’t resist the urge to wrap my arms around Terrell, who was dozing on the sofa. He jolted awake, looking surprised by my sudden embrace.
  • “Miss, why are you holding me like this? I can’t accept such contact from a girl who...” He trailed off as I interrupted him.
  • “Terrell, don’t bail on me again. I can’t stand being alone,” I begged, burying myself in his arms.
  • He pulled back a bit, his voice full of worry. “Lady, you’re seriously wasted.”
  • But I didn’t care. All I wanted was to take off with Terrell, ditch Michigan, and start fresh in a chill place like West Virginia or Houston. I could picture us raising cute kids, and it made me smile.
  • “Why did you stop calling me ‘boo’? And why are you acting all weird because of Irene?” I asked, a sting of pain in my heart.
  • “Lady, I’ve told you, I’m not Terrell,” he said firmly, trying to break free.
  • But I clung tighter. He was still the Terrell I was into, and we were going to escape Michigan together. I must have passed out because the next thing I knew, I was waking up in a super fancy king-sized bed. The room was decked out with rich decor, and the smell of ylang-ylang incense filled the air. I stumbled to the bathroom, feeling sick, and a few moments later, a guy in a sharp suit showed up at the door.
  • “Miss?” he asked gently.
  • I looked up at him, feeling confused. “Who are you?”
  • He replied with a gentle smile, “Mr. Ortiz asked me to escort you home once you awoke.”
  • Confused, I furrowed my brow. “Mr. Ortiz?”
  • A crisp voice interrupted my thoughts, “Yes, Mr. Rafayel De Ortiz. Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten that you stayed at his home last night, miss?”
  • The man’s thin smile unsettled me as I struggled to remember what had happened.
  • I racked my brain, trying to piece together the events of the previous night. All I could remember was drinking with my friend Bianca at the bar. Terrell had shown up to keep me company for the rest of the night, but everything after that was a blur. It turns out I had bumped into a stranger.
  • “Are you okay, miss? You seem a bit out of sorts with the strong drinks,” the man said, a playful smirk on his face. “Mr. Ortiz can handle his liquor. I was thinking he might’ve picked the wrong partner for tonight’s festivities.”
  • His words added to my confusion. I had no idea who this Mr. Ortiz was. I didn’t remember meeting him or even hearing about him.
  • “Could you clarify who Mr. Ortiz is? I’m not familiar with him,” I asked, my cheeks burning with embarrassment.
  • The man scratched his head, looking just as puzzled as I was. But before he could answer, the door swung open, and a man with god-like Grecian features walked in. He was dressed sharply, exuding an air of sophistication. My heart skipped a beat as I recognized him from the previous night. His voice, so distinct and yet eerily reminiscent of Terrell’s, had been etched in my memory.
  • “Good morning, miss. You’re awake,” his deep voice echoed through the room, sending a chill down my spine.
  • A wave of mortification washed over me as I realized I might have kissed a total stranger while under the influence.
  • “Raymond, get the car ready. I need a moment with her,” He instructed his assistant.
  • Without a moment’s hesitation, Raymond exited the room, leaving me alone with this stranger, who turned to face me with a mischievous grin.
  • “Feeling better?” he asked, his tone teasing, as if poking fun at my inability to handle my liquor.
  • Caught off guard, I stuttered, struggling to find the right words. “Um...”
  • “Looks like you’re in better shape than last night. Ready to head home? Or are you looking for your Terrell who’s with Irene?” he interjected, cutting me off mid-sentence. A flush of embarrassment spread across my face as I realized I had spilled my personal affairs to a stranger.
  • “I’ll catch a cab home,” I managed to reply, my voice shaky.
  • He raised an eyebrow, “Got any cash? Didn’t see you with a purse or anything... oh, that’s why I didn’t call Terrell for you.”
  • It dawned on me that he was right. I’d left everything at Bianca’s place and was penniless. Swallowing my pride, I agreed to let him drive me home, feeling both embarrassed and vulnerable.
  • “I misplaced my wallet at my buddy’s place,” I managed to say, barely louder than a whisper.
  • The man, a complete stranger, dug into his pocket and handed me some cash.
  • “Where do you live?” he inquired. “Or I can lend you some dough to get by for now.”
  • I hesitated. I barely knew this guy and letting him walk me home felt risky, especially at this late hour. But I was also in a bind.
  • “I’ll take the cash,” I decided, trying to keep the anxiety out of my voice.
  • He gave me the money without another word.
  • “Don’t worry about paying me back,” he said with kindness.
  • “Think of it as some extra spending cash.” I was blown away.
  • I had run into a real-life Good Samaritan in the middle of the night.
  • “Thank you,” I managed to say, my voice wavering with emotion.
  • He smiled, a comforting and reassuring gesture.
  • “No problem. Just stay safe, alright?” I nodded, gripping the money tightly in my hand. As I walked away, I couldn’t help but ponder if there were still people like him out there.
  • Folks who’d go the extra mile to help a stranger in a pickle. It was a profound thought, one that lingered with me even after I made it home safely. As I stepped through the door, my mom’s fiery glare hit me hard. “Where on earth were you all night?” she scolded. “I overdid it with the drinks, Mom. I crashed at someone’s place--”
  • I attempted to explain, but she cut me off with a sharp intake of breath.
  • “Have you lost your mind?” she cried out, her voice escalating with fury.