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Chapter 8 The Paranoia

  • Human beings are born solitary, but everywhere they are in chains - daisy chains - of interactivity. Social actions are makeshift forms, often courageous, sometimes ridiculous, always strange. And in a way, every social action is a negotiation, a compromise between 'his,' 'her' or 'their' wish and yours. -Andy Warhol
  • I sat down and stood up again, not feeling comfortable. Then I decided to play the video, and my eyes widened in shock as if the balls might pull from the sockets. It was Signore Nicolo making love, and I, I was on top of him, riding on top of him, oh my God, it's so embarrassing.
  • "Hmmm *cough*" I jump up in shock as my phone fall to the floor. "What are you watching that made you so focus." I bend down to pick my phone. 
  • How did he get here without anyone's help? How did he know that I was watching something and was focus on it? Wait a minute, can he see me a little bit, or is it one of the blind man things they taught him? Oh, good lord, he is simply scaring me all the time and always giving me Frights from behind.
  • I cleared my throat not to sound guilty as given. "Ah!" I thought of something to say, but no word came out. 
  • He stretches out his walking cane to tap the floor, and it touches my phone on the floor. He bent down to pick it up and increased the video's volume, and I was moaning loudly in it. 
  • "It's not what you think, Signore." I explain myself in the presence of evidence.
  • I noticed that he was looking at the floor and not the phone in his hand. He was listening but not looking, which means he can't see but hear and feels. 
  • "Although I always knew we were set up that night, I was a bit drunk and...I can't remember what happened after I passed out, but I didn't expect It to be recorded. I don't know that you're interested in it," he said mockingly. Feeling embarrassed, I snatched the phone from his hand.
  • He signed. "You don't have to worry about Moretti's. Do you think I'm scared about this piece of shit? You're just too foolish for my liking Gisella, how can such a thing happen, and you don't know. Nothing can save your stupidity." he hisses.
  • I furrowed my confused eyebrows. "What? Why are you suddenly calling me foolish and getting upset? I've already settled this matter. No need to worry about it." Now I'm upset. 
  • He is never pleasant or friendly, always angry as if he is a pregnant woman having contractions. Goddammit.
  • I turned away from him, heading to the door angrily, murmuring. "Dare to call me foolish and stupid..." I exit the room.
  • I felt her feet stumble hard on the floor. She is upset. What kind of a woman has my papa gotten for me? she doesn't even think about how terrifying this video would affect her if it's got on the internet, foolish woman.
  • "He couldn't have called me a foolish woman. That's so cruel of him," I mumble as I walk down the staircase. 
  • "Good morning, my lady!" I halted as the older woman, who looks like she's in her 50s, walked in front of the last step.
  • "You're?" I question.
  • With a wrinkled smile, she nods. " I'm Zia Benedetta Parisi, who will take care of you and Signor Caruso." 
  • She gave me a gestured hand to me to where the dining table was. I followed her and sat down. " Mia, signora, what do you like to eat later? I will cook different dishes for you today." She motioned the sandwich and egg on the table for me. I didn't wait and started eating.
  • With an appreciative smile. "Grazie Zia Benedette,  has Signor Nicolo eaten?"
  • "Master has not eaten anything yet," she replies. 
  • with a nod. "Let me finish mine, and then I'll bring this to him later." I inquired.
  • she smiled and held my hand. "We're so happy that our  Signorino married a beautiful and caring woman." she smiles.
  • "Well... I'm full, and I'll bring his food upstairs now." I declare sincerely, avoiding her previous statement. 
  • she holds my hand again. "No, Mia signora, It's Our Job as house help to do this kind of thing." she pleads and leaves my hand as I hold the tray of food. 
  • "It's ok, Zia Benedetta," I gave her a quick smile and walked upstairs.
  • getting to his door, I murmured. "Why am I so initiative..." I opened the door with one hand and the other balancing the tray. 
  • He was seated on the chair close to the window. I exhaled deeply. "Signore Nicolo Caruso... breakfast..." he backed be. Is he still upset? What a grumpy man.
  • He didn't say anything. "I heard that you've not eaten, so I brought this for you." He still didn't say anything. Why is he still upset? It's just so hard to please this man. 
  • I signed. "I'm sorry for being so Impulsive." I apologize nicely.
  • "If you're sorry, please kindly show your sincerity when apologizing to me to show how sorry you're." he pouts.
  • "Sincerity?" I repeat with confusion swimming on my face. What does this grumpy man want now?
  • He faced me. "Feed me."His Italian voice came out scratchy.
  • "What?" My voice was not how I wanted it to come out.
  • he flicked his eyes as if he could see me. "Where is your so-called sincerity?" He sniffs. 
  • He is kidding me. Right?
  • "You..." I spat out, upset, and I needed to slap sight into him right now. He's so prickly and cruel. 
  • I had no other choice but to feed him. I sat closer to him and served the soup with the spoon, and put it in his mouth. He opened and swallowed. 
  • His reaction changed. "Too hot," he commands. I want to die, mamma, papa, why this kind of man?
  • I clenched my teeth, my forehead dripping sweat. "Impossible," I whispered in frustration. This food is not hot at all. 
  • I took the bowl closer to my mouth and started blowing air into it. Immediately I raised my head, and his face was two inches away from mine. My eyes opened in surprise as question marks ran around my thoughts. 
  • Before I could say anything, his hand was caressing my face, my cheek to my nose, then my lips, and he halts. My eyes trail his handsome face, his plump pink lip, and my thought took me back to our wedding ceremony when he kissed me. My spirited discussion was diverted when his lips crashed on mine.
  • with the bowl in my hand, I pushed him with my other hand. "Pervert." the bowl dropped from my hand to the floor as I covered my lips and ran away from the room. 
  • This man always seems to do weird things.
  • Running down the stair, Signore Nicolo called. "Zia Benedetta" 
  • She responds. "Signorino, I am coming." She looks at me with worries glue to her face as I run past her. "Mia Signora, What is wrong." she questions.
  • with a crying voice. "No, nothing!"
  • We see Zia Benedetta's face filled with worry. "Nothing, in particular, Zia Benedetta, I'm ok," I reassured her.
  • She exhales in relief. "Yes, Signorino."  that foolish woman, so troublesome. 
  • She cleared the room, carried the bowl, and left.
  • I rest my head on my hand but am distracted by the knock on the door. But I didn't answer. 
  • "Signor, It's me, Alessandro." he voiced. Alessandro is my driver and assistant and is like a friend to me.
  • "Come on in," I reply. He entered.
  • "Signore, Mia Signora had sent her files to a publishing company owned by the Barone family and has an interview later." he inhales.
  • I frown. "Barone family?" 
  • "Do I need to Inform them first?" he asks.
  • "No need, there is nothing to worry about," I announce. "Go get the car before Gisella comes out." he nods and walks away.
  • A few minutes later.
  • Nothing to worry about, yet you choose to send her there personally. Alessandro thought, smiling at both of them in the back seat.
  • "How did you know that I've got an interview?" She questioned him with her hand resting on her lap.
  • he grasps. "Alessandro told me,"  he says, resting his head on the glass of the car.
  • " thank you for letting me go for the interview." She smiled politely at her hands. Alessandro was staring at them in the front mirror.
  • Signore Nicolo frowns. "What did you say?" he questions with his head leaving the glass furiously.
  • She was stunned and turned to look at him. "I said, thank you for letting go for the interview and also for sending me there." Sweats dripping from her forehead anxiously.
  • He seated up and snapped his head, then turned to face her. "Get off!" he says.
  • she furrows her confused brow. "Ah..uh?" What have I said to upset him now?
  • "Get off! and get there on your own!." With a sleek, the car stops,  I opened the down still staring at him for the last time, and he was looking away, I stepped out. Immediately the car droved away.
  • Standing on the street. "You... Nicolo Caruso...You crazy man." she yelled in frustration. 
  • What is in the mind of this strange, weird man? He is hard to predict, and he scares the hell out of me, and also so frustrating.
  • "There is no need to go this far... Signore, are you shy?" Alessandro questions him with the evidence of a smile sleeking to his face as he glances at Nicolo through the mirror.
  • He furrows his brows.  "Shut up, Parli troppo Alessandro, perché dovrei essere timido?"
  • "Yes, boss!" Sandro smirk. 
  • Parli troppo Alessandro, perché dovrei essere timido?
  • You talk too much, Alessandro. Why would I be shy?
  • Signorino
  • Master
  • Mia Signora
  • My lady
  • Zia Benedetta
  • Aunty Benedetta
  • *Don't forget to vote and share*