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Chapter 7 The Opinions

  • Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you are riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief, and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts. Put your vision into reality. Wake Up and Live! -Bob Marley
  • Pietro, what came over you? I even rejected three suitors for you, and I waited for you for over four years, only for me to end up getting married to someone else. 
  • I sat on Signore Nicolo's big king-size bed, the room was way bigger than my room ten times in a role, well-furnished room in his very own house, away from my parents, my mamma, and papà will be missing me now.
  • I love Pietro with all of my heart. Thinking about him now is doing a lot of hurt than good. However, I'm still in my wedding dress, thinking about the good, bad and ugly. What made Viola this way? She was my best friend. Even though she betrayed me, she still wants to ruin my life, and I've nothing except my parents and our middle-class grocery shop downtown. 
  • I'm just a middle-class girl looking for a Job, and Viola is from a high-class family. She graduated from one of the best universities, and she has a good job. But since childhood, she has always wanted what I have. I can't come to understand what she wants from me. How can love and the relationship of four years fade so quickly?
  • "What are you thinking about?"  I was interrupted from my mind discussion, and I raised my head to look at him.
  • I smiled, knowing he's blind that he can't see how awkward and shattered I am right now. " Uh... nothing, just thinking about my parents, that's all, they will be missing me now." I exhale sharply.
  • "Don't worry about them too much, Gisella. I have already taken care of them, and no harm will come to them, I promise." he sat down closer to me with his walking cane closer to his side.
  • I turned to face him. "Why are you doing this?" I question furiously.
  • he sniffs. "Doing what?" he questions back.
  • "Why help my family when you don't seem to incline toward us?" I felt broken letting the word out.
  • he crossed his leg. "You know this marriage is an arranged marriage by my papà, Not me, but you're an exception." he spouts genuinely.
  • Signore Nicolo Caruso, of the mercy of my family and me and his family. I can't believe this. 
  • "You don't have to care about Pietro Santoro or the Moretti's. All you need to do is to be yourself." he drops his hand on the bed to balance his position. 
  • He is a strange man, I can't seem to understand a word he says, and he does scare me a lot as if he can see me, the way his eyes stare at my rightful position, I felt cold. My mamma said he became cruel and unreasonable after he lost his sight. All his friends left him and the classy girls. No lady was willing to date him.
  • "Can I tell you an unbelievable secret?" He said. 
  • Instantly, I turned to look at him, and his emerald eyes were already waiting for mine to look back. He drew closer to me. His eyes are beautiful—what a fine man. Suddenly, I felt uncomfortable as he rested his hand on top of mine on the bed.
  • I was sweating and jumped up. "I...I... don't want to know your quick secret Sir, I...I... I'm going to take a bath first." I can see his shocked reaction as his hand find his way to his walking cane and hold it. I walked out at a fast pace. I know he'll be wondering what kind of a wife I am.
  • Third person's POV
  • Immediately she left the room, he bought out his mobile phone and dialed a number. "Hello, make sure to keep a close watch on the Moretti's and Santoro's." he hanged up.
  • Laying in the bathtub, I thought to myself, how could someone be so evil? Viola Moretti, my very own best friend, I've never offended her, and I always do whatever she and her parents want me to do. No matter what, I will get my hand on the video record she uses to threaten me. 
  • I stood up and got out from the tub and put on my pink robe, and walked out from the bathroom into the room to see Signore Nicolo still sitting on the bed looking at the floor with his walking cane in his hand. I was still wiping my wet hair with the towel. 
  • "I'm done! I've filled the tub for you so that you can relax in it for a while." I smiled.
  • With a nod. "Okay! Thanks," he answers back.
  • Still, wondering how on earth he is going to walk inside the bathroom by himself and draw a bath, he is blind for chrissake, he was the one who told his helper that he doesn't need her for the time being, now she's gone. 
  • He got up and started using his walking cane to create a part. "Do you need any help?" I ask with generosity.
  • he halts. "No requirement," he responds, then starts walking again with the help of the cane. I felt worried for him.
  • "But how can you see and assist yourself in there? At least it would be best if you had someone, and your helper is gone," I mumbled.
  • "You think my helper do bath me? I do that myself, I might be blind, but I was Thaught a lot of things that I can do without anybody's help, so I learned a lot, and thanks for your concern."  with a quick turn, he enters the bathroom. 
  • This man is strange as hell.
  • I turned around to look at the room again and sighed. "There is only one bed in the room," I whispered for only me to hear.
  • I was trying to take the extra blanket from the top wardrobe, and I was not tall enough to reach it. I kept on stretching with my toes pinning to the tile floor.
  • "You're afraid of the cold?" A familiar Italian accent interrupts me.
  • "Uh?"  With the last strength, I pulled with force. 
  • "Ahhh." The blanket fell on me, and I found my ass lying on the tile floor. I paused as he walked closer in my direction. How did he knows what I was doing? well, I don't have to doubt his blindness anyways.
  • "I'm not afraid of cold Signore. I need the blanket because I'm going to the guestroom," I said, leaning down to pick up the blanket from the floor.
  • With a bulge. "We are already a Married couple, No need to be ashamed because I am blind and can't even see you or know what you look like, " he said, with generosity sliding through Nicolo's voice.
  • I felt a sharp pain erupt in my stomach. "Signore, what happened at your hotel room was an accident... it was all a setup, Signore." My face was intense.
  • I noticed he was looking away from my direction to the glass window. "Zia Benedetta will clean up the other rooms tomorrow. Just bear with me for tonight. Don't worry, and I'm just a blind man. I won't do anything to you. As you said earlier, what happened a few weeks ago in my hotel room was an accident and setup." he spouts as he moved to the right side of the bed and put off the lamplight on his side.
  • I looked at him as I lay on the left side. "I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight." I covered my whole body, including my head, he didn't reply to my goodnight.
  • Signore Nicolo Caruso, what kind of a man are you?
  • "Yeah, Buona Notte," he replied, interrupting my thoughts.
  • ***
  • I woke up to the ringtone of my phone. With dizzy eyes, I got up and grabbed my purse. With one slid, I Okay the phone without looking at the caller.
  • "Hello, Gisella Molinero. Do you wish to take back your video?" Viola's voice sprang out from my phone speaker. Rapidly, I felt awake.
  • "Viola Moretti, What do you want from me? I've gotten married to Signore Nicolo. What do you still want me to do?" I frown, raising my voice at her.
  • "Don't worry, and I have told you the day I called you that  I will keep my promise and also will get rid of the Shitty video. I'll send you the original video since it has no meaning to me now." She giggles.
  • I clenched my hand in annoyance as she terminated the call. I felt furious. Immediately I received a message, and I opened it to receive a video from Viola. She called again before I  could even play the video.
  • "Whether you believe it or not, I have already deleted the rest of the copies." she hangs up.
  • buona notte
  • Goodnight
  • zia Benedetta
  • Aunt Benedetta
  • Signore
  • Sir
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