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Chapter 2 Triumph

  • At the luxurious Saffer estate, a distinguished-looking man in his mid-forties sat on the couch, sipping tea with quiet composure. This was Hugh, the current head of the Saffer family.
  • Initially led by the now-elderly Arthur Saffer, the Saffer family had two sons and a daughter: the eldest, Ned, the younger, Hugh, and their sister, Clara.
  • However, a tragedy struck when Ned was in a car accident that left him in a vegetative state. Hugh then stepped up to become the family leader.
  • A new drama was unfolding within the Saffer household. A peculiar contest was underway—a husband-hunting competition for Sydney, Ned's daughter.
  • This might have seemed like a loving gesture for outsiders, a family going above and beyond to find the perfect match to secure Sydney's future, but the truth was far more sinister.
  • Years ago, a fortune teller had delivered a chilling prophecy: Sydney's presence was at odds with her grandfather Arthur's fate. If she remained in the family past her twenty-fourth birthday, it was foretold that she would bring him bad luck and ill health.
  • Fueled by his superstitious beliefs, Arthur had treated Sydney poorly since birth. He secretly wanted her gone but feared public outcry and judgment if he openly banished her.
  • Now, after twenty-three years, he saw his golden opportunity. Marrying Sydney off was his last chance to rid himself of her.
  • Arthur instructed Hugh to orchestrate this so-called prospective groom competition, disguising his true motives with a charade of love and concern.
  • "Dad, who's this Chase Gatzby guy? How'd he knock out Thomas Ross of Everbright in the second round?" Hugh's youngest daughter, Hailey, asked.
  • Hailey, the same age as Sydney, had never warmed up to her cousin. With Sydney facing an unwanted marriage, Hailey couldn't wait for the drama to unfold.
  • Eric Muller, the middle-aged man in charge of the second round of the competition, announced, "During the second round, Thomas' bodyguard got arrogant and messed things up for him, ultimately leading to his loss."
  • Hailey, clearly disappointed, pouted. "Ugh, what a bummer. Thomas is the absolute worst. I was kind of hoping Sydney would be stuck married to that jerk and make her life a living hell."
  • Hugh, ever the strategist, patted his daughter's hand. "Don't worry, sweetie. None of the remaining contestants aren't any prize either. Sydney's future is looking pretty bleak regardless."
  • He added, with an evil glint in his eyes, "Once she's tied down with some loser, I'm cutting her off from Komet Corp. and kicking her to the curb. She'll be left with nothing! Until then, though, guess who's getting replaced as General Manager? You guessed it, princess!"
  • Hailey's eyes lit up at her father's promise. "Are you serious?!"
  • "Don't even question it, silly girl," he replied patronizingly.
  • Thrilled, Hailey exclaimed, "You're the best, Dad!"
  • Hugh chuckled condescendingly. "Of course, my dear."
  • Night had fallen, shrouding everything in darkness. Inside a dimly lit bar...
  • "Enough, Syd! You're going to kill yourself if you keep drinking like that!" Sara yelled, snatching the glass from her hand.
  • Sydney slumped on the counter, her face a total wreck. She mumbled with a smile that tasted more like bile, "What else can I do if not drown my sorrows?"
  • "Come on, don't give up," Sara pleaded. "If you don't want the marriage, why not talk to your grandpa? He's your old man, right? Maybe beg a little, tug at his heartstrings, and he might change his mind," Sara suggested.
  • Sydney let out a cynical sneer and said, "My grandpa? You have no idea how much he hates me. I'm basically a nobody to him. He'd be throwing a party if I disappeared! The faster I'm out of the family, the better!"
  • "Well, then leave!" Sara exclaimed, confused. "Cut ties with them! Why play along? Why did you agree to this ridiculous competition in the first place?"
  • "You think I wanted this?!" Sydney scoffed. "If I say no, Uncle Hugh will cut off my dad's treatment! That's a death sentence! I can't lose him!"
  • Sara let out a heavy sigh, remembering the accident five years back that left Sydney's father, Ned, a vegetable.
  • Over the years, the medical bills piled on. Sydney had no choice but to pawn off all their properties and shares to her Uncle Hugh just to keep her dad on life support.
  • "Syd," Sara said softly, "I know you're a super devoted daughter, but this has been going on for ages. Is it really worth giving up your own happiness for this?"
  • Sydney shook her head, a sad sigh escaping her. "I already lost my mom. I can't afford to lose him too. Even if there's just a tiny flicker of hope, I can't quit!"
  • "Ugh, you're too nice for your own good," Sara said, shaking her head helplessly.
  • ...
  • The next afternoon, in the opulent Chu household hall, Eric was back in the referee's chair for round three. He laid out the format and expectations. This round presented a diagnostic challenge.
  • Each contestant would send a medical representative to poke and prod Arthur, then follow up with a development treatment plan to fix him.
  • Finally, the renowned physician Dr. Grant Pearson, who was invited specifically by the Saffer, would assess the performances and declare the winner.
  • Eric dropped the mic, and the competition officially kicked off. Doctors from each contestant scurried into the next room, one after another, like ants to a picnic, to examine Arthur.
  • Meanwhile, a different scene unfolded on the second-floor lounge of the Saffer Residence.
  • Meanwhile, upstairs in the Saffer lounge, Hailey, legs crossed, leaned into Sydney with a smirk. "Whoa, girl! You must be living the dream! You have no idea how jealous I am seeing so many hot guys vying for your attention!"
  • Sydney stared blankly at the large screen on the wall, which showed the live feed from the event downstairs.
  • "So, what do you think of Samuel Cole? He's pretty easy on the eyes and comes from a decent family, too. Although word on the street is, he has a thing for ladies with rings on their fingers..."
  • "Not your cup of tea? Well, no worries. How about Maxwell Drake? He is the only child of his parents! He loves to shower girls with gifts, but rumors say he has a whole harem of online girlfriends."
  • "Ron Whitaker's not bad either, tall and stylish. Though, I heard he throws epic tantrums, landing his girlfriends in the ER on the regular."
  • "Or perhaps Chase Gatzby? No fancy family or cash, but at least he's an orphan. Marry him, and you won't have in-laws to care for in their golden years! Hahahaha..." Hailey cackled like a witch, clearly enjoying tormenting Sydney.
  • Hailey, the devil incarnate, rigged the whole groom competition for Sydney. Using her secret network, she'd invited a parade of losers and lowlifes, all vying for Sydney's hand. Ensuring Sydney's future misery even if she ends up married.
  • Sydney remained silent. Her heart felt like it would burst out of her chest, sinking lower with every second. All she could think about was the hopeless and terrifying future looming over her.
  • Downstairs in the hall, after each contestant had taken turns parading their doctor through an examination of Arthur, presented their treatment plans and now sat like nervous pigeons waiting for a verdict.
  • Soon after, Dr. Pearson emerged with a grim expression.
  • He shook his head disapprovingly and said. "I've reviewed everyone's proposals," he announced, his voice heavy. "Unfortunately, none of them seem particularly innovative. They all address the symptoms, not the root cause. Therefore, there will be no winner for this round."
  • A collective sigh of disappointment rippled through the room.
  • Of course, ALS was a monster of a disease, so their failure came as no surprise.
  • Silence eventually settled, and then Hugh stepped into the spotlight. "Looks like we're deadlocked," he declared. "Time for Sydney to break the tie! Let's see who gets to walk her down the aisle!"
  • As he spoke, Sydney appeared at the top of the stairs. She descended gracefully, her beauty and poise mesmerizing everyone present. Many were instantly captivated by her.
  • Chase's eyes fluttered open. He hadn't met Sydney before, and her breathtaking looks caught him completely off guard, making his heart skip a beat.
  • However, something didn't seem right. Sydney's expression was grim, etched with despair. Ironically, her eyes held a deep sadness, a profound sense of hopelessness.
  • Meanwhile, Hugh turned to Sydney. "Come on, Syd," he said warmly, "Tell Uncle Hugh who you've chosen. Which of these fine young men would you like to marry?"
  • Sydney remained silent, her face etched with worry. Then, after a seemingly agonizing moment, she hesitantly pointed a finger toward one of the men.