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Chapter 2 My Husbands New Paramour

  • I scrolled through my social media feed as I slurped on my latte. I was no longer a meager office assistant, but now, thanks to my husband, I am the assistant to the chief secretary. I put my phone down and started emailing Mr. Sterling about the upcoming meetings he had. A svelte woman with jet black hair and rosy cheeks came up to the front desk. I peered above my computer to see her waiting. She had on a black Chanel suit and black kitten-heeled Chanel pumps.
  • “Hello ma’am! How may I be of assistance?” I inquired as I stood up from my desk and walked over to her.
  • She smiled slightly and said, “I’m looking for an old friend. His name is Alexander Sterling. Would you please let him know that I am here? Tell him that I am Vivienne Sinclair.”
  • I nodded and immediately called Mr. Sterling. “Mr. Sterling, a lady named Vivienne Sinclair is waiting for you in the lobby.”
  • “Send her up to my office.” He answered.
  • I called over for some interns to escort her. I was stunned by her elegance; she was not like any of the countless paramours that had gamboled their way into the office. Thoughts of who she could possibly have been plagued my mind. Alexander and I had been strict with each other; we were not to interfere with or question each other’s lives. I didn’t have much of a life for him to question, but some of the things he did intrigued me. I quickly went back to my desk to Google her.
  • As I clicked enter, countless articles about her popped up. Apparently she was a fashion mogul, and her work was nonpareil to the haute monde of the city that she was raised in. She belonged to a family that was basically today’s nobility. I was immediately engrossed in her work as I scrolled through some of the articles.
  • Just as I was about to skim through more articles, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Secretary Harrington’s voice of disapproval made my heart leap through my chest. I clicked off of the website and turned my full attention to her.
  • “Are you seriously browsing fashion designs while you’re at work?” She raised a brow at me.
  • “Can you blame me? Those designs are the creme de la creme of fashion.” I explained
  • Secretary Harrington sighed and then handed me some folders. “Bring these up to Mr. Sterling.”
  • “But he’s in a meeting with Vivienne Sinclair.”
  • “Then knock; these files are important.”
  • I sighed, then grabbed the folders and headed up to his office. As soon as I reached his floor, I knocked on the frosted glass doors and spoke, “Mr. Sterling, I have some important documents for you.”
  • “Come in,” he responded.
  • I entered the room to find Vivienne sitting on the couch with her ankles crossed. I handed Mr. Sterling the documents.
  • “Before you leave, I’d like for you to arrange a dinner between me and Miss Vivienne tonight.” His voice shook me out of the trance I was in from Vivienne’s beauty.
  • I nodded my head obsequiously. “Yes, sir, at the finest restaurant in town?”
  • “Of course.”
  • I headed downstairs and scheduled the dinner. Sometimes I got jealous because Alexander would dine his paramours at the finest restaurants while I would be at home cooking, but other times I appreciated it since I would be able to spend more time visiting my daughter, Callista, and with Sophie.
  • Created with Sketch.
  • “Soph, you can’t believe this.” I exclaimed as she picked up the phone.
  • “What happened?” She questioned.
  • “Alexander knows Vivienne Sinclair. I couldn’t imagine it when I browsed through her works.”
  • “Of course he does; he’s a rich man; all rich people are well connected.”
  • “I just couldn’t believe it this time since he usually takes on mistresses that have the brain capacity of a squirrel.”
  • “Maybe she’s not a mistress; maybe they’re just friends.”
  • “She said he was an old friend, but I don’t believe it; I sense that they may have been old lovers.”
  • “Are you worried that she’ll be the one to snag your husband?” Sophie teased.
  • I chuckled, “You’re crazy; my husband doesn’t love me, but yet he is bonded to me by a contract, so he will never leave me for another woman. And plus, the contract only has two more months left; why would he leave me earlier?”
  • “Hmm, you may be right, but just be careful. Make sure we don’t miss out on any extra money.”
  • “I would rather knock myself out with a stone than do that.” I joked.
  • The door opened, and Alexander walked in. I quickly hung up the phone and greeted him with a peck on the cheek.
  • “Have you sent me the list of charities that we were planning to donate to yet?” He asked as I hung up his coat and laid out his house slippers in front of him.
  • “Yes, Alexander. I’ve completed all of my work tasks.”
  • He nodded, then went to undress. I took my ramen off the stove and started to eat. Alexander came downstairs, sat next to me on the couch, and flipped through channels to find a drama for us to watch. Although we led separate lives, we came back to each other during the nights and mornings. We often enjoyed watching dramas together and enjoying a nice home-cooked dinner on the nights he was home.
  • “That seems delicious; let me have some.” He queried.
  • I twirled my fork and then fed him some. Alexander smiled, and then I sank into his arms as we started watching the drama.