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Chapter 12 What Have I Done To Deserve This?

  • Evelyn roused from her slumber, her eyes delicately fluttering open to behold Callie’s unwavering gaze fixed upon her. She tenderly rubbed her fatigued eyes and gracefully rose from her bed, extending her arms to enfold Callie in a warm embrace.
  • “Why do I find you gracing my chamber at such an early hour?” Evelyn pondered, a mischievous glimmer dancing in her eyes as she twirled Callie around.
  • Sophie leaned casually against the doorway, her voice tinged with mirth. “You had best grow accustomed to it.”
  • A soft chuckle escaped Evelyn’s lips. “So, both of you were observing my slumber?”
  • “Why would we not, dearest mother?” Callie giggled, wriggling free from Evelyn’s grasp. “It has been an eternity since you last stayed over!”
  • Evelyn knelt down to meet Callie’s gaze and replied, “If it brings you solace, I shall be gracing your presence much more frequently.”
  • “Every day?” Callie’s eyes shimmered with wonder.
  • Evelyn contemplated for a moment, her thoughts drifting. “I have no other place to go! Yes, every single day.”
  • “Why were you absent for such prolonged periods, mother?” Callie inquired, her curiosity palpable.
  • Swiftly, Sophie scooped up Callie and guided her out of the room, leading her into the kitchen to partake in her morning repast.
  • Evelyn released a sigh of relief, her gaze shifting to her phone.
  • Nineteen missed calls from Oliver and twelve missed calls from Alexander adorned the screen.
  • Once Evelyn had finished preparing herself for the day, she swiftly gathered her belongings and embarked on her journey. Summoning a cab, she arrived at the headquarters without delay.
  • As she made her way towards her office, Evelyn was met with the sight of Alexander, his face etched with anger, impatiently tapping his foot. Paying him no mind, she gracefully settled into her chair, placing her bag aside.
  • “When were you planning on informing me that you wouldn’t be returning home last night?” he asked, his voice dripping with frustration.
  • Evelyn clasped her hands together and turned her gaze towards him. “Never,” she replied simply.
  • “Why have you undergone such a profound transformation? What has happened to you?” Alexander implored, his eyes filled with pain.
  • A soft smile adorned Evelyn’s face. “Nothing at all. Could you please lower your voice? We wouldn’t want anyone to suspect anything.”
  • Alexander snapped, his voice tinged with bitterness, “I have treated you with utmost care throughout our entire marriage, and yet you can’t even bother to call me back? What have I done to deserve this? Is it the man you still love who is influencing you?”
  • Evelyn gently pressed her finger against her lips, signaling for silence. “Shh, the walls of this office are remarkably thin,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. Alexander, bewildered by the sudden change in atmosphere, stared at her in disbelief before storming out of her office, his anger palpable.
  • Throughout the day, Evelyn made a conscious effort to maintain an air of nonchalance whenever she was in Alexander’s presence. She wanted to establish clear boundaries, ensuring that he did not overstep and that Vivienne’s threats remained empty words.
  • During her lunch break, Evelyn settled into a chair next to Secretary Harrington. As they both enjoyed their meals, Secretary Harrington couldn’t help but comment on Alexander’s evident anger. “Have you noticed how furious Chairman Alexander has been all day?” she asked, taking a bite of her salad.
  • Evelyn nodded, a hint of mischief in her eyes. “Perhaps he and Vivienne had a lovers’ quarrel,” she suggested playfully.
  • Secretary Harrington chuckled, her laughter mingling with the sound of her lemonade being sipped. “Maybe. Or maybe he’s just mad at you.”
  • Evelyn raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. “Why would he be mad at me? I don’t believe I’ve done anything to provoke him.”
  • Secretary Harrington leaned in, her curiosity piqued. “Well, he was certainly yelling at you quite loudly this morning. What did you do?”
  • Evelyn sighed softly, her voice barely audible. “Oh… I made a mistake with some files and accidentally delivered them to him.”
  • Secretary Harrington shook her head disapprovingly. “He really ought to treat his employees better.”
  • Evelyn nodded in agreement. “Indeed, he does.”
  • A glimmer of sadness flickered in Evelyn’s eyes as she looked up at Secretary Harrington. “I’ve been contemplating leaving this job soon,” she confessed.
  • Secretary Harrington frowned, her concern evident. “Why? If you leave, I’ll have no one to gossip with.”
  • Evelyn chuckled, her laughter tinged with a hint of melancholy. “I know, I know. But I’m tired of working under Chairman Alexander. I want to explore the world, experience new adventures.”
  • Secretary Harrington raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued once again. “With whom? Are you going alone? My dear, you truly are a solitary soul.”
  • Evelyn’s head shook gently from side to side, “Why do you persist in underestimating me? I am going with my dear friend, Sophie,” she declared firmly.
  • Secretary Harrington let out a relieved sigh, her voice tinged with gratitude. “Thank goodness! I couldn’t bear to see you all alone,” she admitted, taking another sip of her lemonade.
  • Before Evelyn could utter another word, the break room door swung open with a forceful bang. Alexander stormed in, his presence commanding attention as he spun both Secretary Harrington and Evelyn around.
  • “When I sent that email about the meeting, I expected both of you to come immediately!” His authoritative tone sent shivers down their spines.
  • “I apologize, sir,” Evelyn responded, her voice filled with remorse.
  • Secretary Harrington rose from her seat and bowed respectfully. “We were in the midst of our meal, and our computers were not within reach.”
  • Alexander took a deep breath, leaning back slightly. “Just make your way to the meeting room, now!” he ordered urgently.
  • Without wasting a moment, Secretary Harrington and Evelyn hurriedly followed Alexander as he made his way to the meeting room.
  • Upon their arrival, the meeting was already in progress. Seated across from Alexander was a man with hazel eyes, framed by gentle crow’s feet. His well-groomed beard and salt and pepper hair complimented her wrinkling skin.
  • Secretary Harrington and Evelyn bowed respectfully to the man. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” they greeted in unison.
  • The gentleman graciously inclined his head. “Greetings, I am Nathaniel Thompson, a proficient financial advisor. I am eager to offer your esteemed establishment a plethora of services that surpass those of your current financial advisor.”
  • Alexander reclined in his chair, casting a fleeting glance towards Nathaniel. “I do not believe it to be imperative to engage an external entity when we possess our own financial system. It would be preposterous to do so.”
  • “Sir, with utmost respect, I can augment your profits threefold. Your current advisors cannot accomplish what I am capable of achieving,” Nathaniel asserted.
  • “Pass me your portfolio,” Alexander commanded.
  • Nathaniel retrieved a folder and handed it over to Alexander. As Alexander perused the contents, he passed the already reviewed documents to Secretary Harrington, who, in turn, handed her notes to Evelyn. Subsequently, Evelyn meticulously duplicated the portfolio.
  • “Your statistics are commendable, but regrettably, it would be imprudent for us to engage an external business. The information at hand is highly sensitive, and we would not be able to safeguard it to our desired extent if you were our adviser,” Alexander declared.
  • Nathaniel’s countenance soured, yet he rose from his seat and offered a respectful bow. “Very well, sir. It was a pleasure meeting you.”
  • As Nathaniel departed, his gaze lingered momentarily on Evelyn, only to swiftly avert his eyes and exit the premises.