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Chapter 8 Dom, Dom What Now?

  • “Huh?” Samantha did not hide her surprise.
  • Okay, right now, I might be shooting myself in the leg. I need to resume by seven am and I’m yet to be in bed even though it is a few minutes to midnight.
  • I am currently chatting with Samantha and David, empty boxes of pizza sprawled on the table in front of us.
  • The two of them surprisingly showed up at my door a few minutes before eight. Though it took them a few minutes to get used to each other, they were soon bonding over small talk and pizza. And I quickly forgot about my desire to fall asleep.
  • In the midst of all that was happening, I told them about my boss. It was that information that Samantha was reacting to.
  • “The very Dominic Powers?” Samantha was close to jumping off the couch.
  • “Dom, Dom, what now?” I sounded uninterested but my insides were desperate for some information. It seemed Samantha knew something huge about my new boss. But Sam didn’t appreciate my tone and smacked my arm in a flash. “Ouch.”
  • “That is what you get for spoiling the name of a sexy-looking man.”
  • “Well, that confirms it. I am not that sexy.” We diverted our eyes to David who was finishing the last slice of pizza. “I mean,” he continued in between bites, “nobody has called me sexy or even cute since I entered this room. I have lost my looks and charms.” He began to fake a cry dramatically. “But. It. Is. Fine.”
  • Sam and I shared a look, then looked back at David who was now wearing puppy eyes.
  • Samantha huffed at his drama and tapped me to continue what she was saying.
  • “I read about Dominic Powers last week on the internet. At twenty-eight years of age, he is already making his way to becoming the king of the stock market. He is young, hot and you are lucky to be working with him.”
  • “I am babysitting his daughter not working with him. But he is sexy, no doubt.”
  • “And you are working in his house! Just imagine how nice it would be to see such an amazing sight every freaking day!”
  • “You are too excited about this.” I quickly dismissed her words before her excitement could encourage my fantasy. “I need to sleep. I can’t afford to be late to work on my first day.”
  • “I do feel sleepy,” Samantha said in between a loud yawn.
  • After slipping on my slippers, I got up and readied myself to date my bed.
  • My eyes fell on David who was busy with his laptop, and I asked, “David, are you sure you are okay sleeping on the couch? You can join us in the room if you want.”
  • “Yeah, I am fine.” He looked up from his screen. “Besides, staying in the same bed with two gorgeous ladies is not a scenario my little friend would be able to handle.”
  • After making sure a blanket was next to him, I grabbed Samantha’s hand and we headed for my room.
  • “I am proud of you, you know?” Sam said, her hand wrapped around my waist.
  • “Why?” I pocketed my hand into my silk, deep-blue PJs.
  • “This is the first time in three weeks I am not getting a call from a ridiculously drunk you giving me disorientated speeches about your life.”
  • I grinned at her as we pushed the bedroom door open. “What can I say? Things tend to change in one’s life.”
  • “I am proud of you, Grace.”
  • Her words made me smile. We hugged for some seconds and the next minute, we jumped into bed to chat until sleep called.
  • ********
  • I never liked Maths.
  • Even as a five-year-old, I fought with that subject like crazy.
  • So, as I watched little Ruby studiously listen to Mr. Roberto, her home school teacher, I felt my head swirl.
  • Already intensely tired from that session, I unlocked my phone with the hope of finding something fun on one of the socials. I have done that almost a hundred times in the last six, almost seven hours.
  • And even though there were about nineteen minutes left for Ruby to complete her schooling for the day, I decided I could not take it anymore.
  • It was enough punishment that I had to sit in one place throughout their seven hours of learning because Mr. Roberto- the not-so-fun, very grumpy teacher- does not like strangers touching his stuff or walking around in his little apartment.
  • Even though his place was not as huge as Mr. Powers, it was clear that he was rich too. Why he would decide to homeschool a child was something that was beyond me.
  • But I easily assumed he was doing it as a hobby.
  • Soon, the remaining nineteen minutes led to the end of the longest and most painful seven hours of my life since I graduated from school.
  • It is the most painful because I could not leave since I did not trust the idea of leaving the not-so-friendly man with a five-year-old.
  • So, I sighed in huge relief as my butt left the cushioned chair.
  • “Come on, Ruby. Let’s go,” I said to the young girl who was struggling with her books.
  • I helped her with her struggle and packed her books into her bag which she insisted on carrying by herself.
  • I think I am blessed to be babysitting a delightful child like Ruby.
  • “Alright, Ruby. Let’s go.” Let’s go far away from this room that has tortured me a lot.
  • I didn’t bother to greet her teacher goodbye. The dude was busy rolling himself away anyway.
  • But, damn it! I will still see him tomorrow.
  • Ruby and I entered the elevator and in no time, we were on our floor.
  • “Yay! Pool time!” Ruby dumped her bag on the floor as she rushed into the house and raced upstairs.
  • While I was still a bit shaken from earlier, I grabbed her bag and walked to the living room. I dropped her bag onto one of the couches and my body followed because I craved the feeling of relaxation.
  • In no time, Ruby’s voice travelled down the stairs, her mouth making funny noises. I listened as her slippers rushed to where I was carelessly sprawled.
  • “Grace...” My eyes snapped open and I met her worried expression.
  • “Hey, Ruby.”
  • The girl had swiftly changed to a blue swimsuit, a juice box in one of her hands.
  • “Let’s go shwimming?” Her voice was low and so concerned, it made me smile.
  • I held up my hand for her to grab and she helped me up in the little way that she could.
  • After a brief stretch, I affirmed the grip I had around her fingers and said, “Definitely. I can’t wait to see the pool.”
  • But a little frown settled on her forehead. “But... But you are not in your onesie.”
  • No, I am not darling.
  • “Jeez!” I gently slammed my forehead. “I can’t believe I forgot them.” As she watched my little drama, Ruby’s frown turned to a pout. “I will still get into the pool though.”
  • “How? You don’t... You don’t even have your onesie.”
  • “Just wait till we get to the pool, okay?”
  • Ruby’s cute worries quickly disappeared. A smile followed and she was soon pulling my hand.
  • “Come on, come on. Let’s go.”