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Chapter 3 Captives

  • I closed my eyes to think about all this, to try to find an escape route that would make it all more bearable, but there was none... and apparently, I fell asleep because when I woke up, I was in a comfortable bed with white sheets in a room with dark curtains and linen canopies everywhere.
  • I sat up abruptly, scared at first and resigned afterward. We must be in Russia by now.
  • "You finally woke up. You have no idea how hard it was to bring you here," he said reproachfully.
  • "Nikolay..."
  • "Come with me; I want to show you something," he extended his hand, but I didn't dare take it.
  • I didn't feel like getting out of bed, leaving the room, but I followed him without protesting.
  • We walked through some hallways until we reached a kind of basement. He opened the door and turned on the light. Then, I saw him: Mike was tied to some kind of post, with a gag in his mouth.
  • I wanted to run to hug him, but his fearful look stopped me. Nikolay approached and removed the gag, receiving a spit from my brother.
  • Nikolay just smiled, then grabbed Mike's neck forcefully, to which I reacted.
  • "No! Let him go!" I shouted in fear.
  • "I'm sorry, Margaret. No one challenges me."
  • However, Nikolay released Mike's neck and gestured for me to come closer.
  • While I hugged him, the Russian's voice was over our heads:
  • "You should be grateful, Mike. She is willing to do anything to save you," he said in a cynical tone that made me grit my teeth.
  • "Don't involve her in this, Nikolay," my brother spat angrily. "She has a life, and I want her to have it away from this shit."
  • "Too late for that..." he chuckled amused.
  • "My sister is not going to be your personal whore, Nikolay!"
  • "That's our business, American," he now said dryly. "When I get what you owe me, you can leave."
  • "Wait... You told me you would release Mike," I turned to him, looking into his eyes.
  • "And I will, babe," he nodded, softening his tone. "But only when I'm sure I can trust you."
  • Nikolay left, locking the door behind him. I looked at my brother, and our gazes met.
  • In his, there was only shame, and in mine, disappointment.
  • "I'm waiting for an explanation, Mike," I crossed my arms, annoyed.
  • "I'm sorry. I just wanted to give you the best," he sighed.
  • "At the cost of risking your life? I don't want that!" I suddenly became hysterical.
  • "But..."
  • "I love you, and I want us to be okay, to be happy. Getting involved with mafias won't help you live peacefully," I said, closing my eyes, tired.
  • "It helps us have money, Margo," he said in a condescending tone.
  • "I don't give a damn about money, Mike!"
  • "I thought this was the right thing. I thought it could keep you safe and away from all this," he said, distressed, "but I was wrong."
  • "I know very well what Nikolay wants in exchange for setting you free, and if I have to do it, I'll swallow my pride and do it, but you'll be free," I said decisively, to Mike's frightened look.
  • "You don't know what you're getting into..."
  • "And do you?" I retorted. "You've done enough, Mike. Now let your little sister take control of the situation." At that moment, I felt like I grew a few inches.
  • "I'm sorry, Margaret."
  • The door opened again, and Nikolay was watching us. He no longer wore his suit but had changed into dark jeans and a white shirt.
  • I had to admit Nikolay was a very handsome man. His gray eyes, his black rebellious hair, fair skin, muscular build, his height...
  • He was the type of man any woman would fall for, and if I had met him under different circumstances, I might have even tried something with him. But now... Nikolay was my enemy, the person I hated the most on earth, and if I agreed to what he wanted, it would only be for Mike.
  • "Come on, Margaret..."
  • I looked at my brother, who shook his head, as if wanting me to step back and change all this, but I wouldn't.
  • I squeezed his shoulder with a weary smile and walked away with Nikolay.
  • ....
  • It was time to imagine that my new job would start from that moment.
  • Nikolay and I had a deal, and in exchange, Mike would be free. Perhaps Nikolay wouldn't keep his promise, but it was already too late to regret and try to escape; that was impossible.
  • The man walked alongside me, showing me the grand house where I would now live. The last stop of our tour was the room where I woke up. A spacious room filled with paintings and tapestries, featuring an impressive bed with linen canopies.
  • There was also a lamp that Nikolay took care to light. Until that moment, I hadn't noticed the chill with the black dress and matching red coat.
  • I approached the fireplace under the man's watchful gaze, took off my coat, placed it on a chair, and warmed my hands. Nikolay approached me and turned me to face him.
  • He licked his lips as he observed me and slipped his hands under my dress to caress my backside.
  • "We'll have fun tonight, I assure you," he said, and then his lips collided with mine.
  • It was a violent and forceful kiss that I couldn't reciprocate because I didn't expect it. Nikolay smiled at my reaction and left, locking the door behind him.
  • I felt overwhelmed. I wasn't prepared to be with him, so I decided to take a shower and gather my thoughts.
  • When I came out of the bathroom, I lay down on the bed to try to rest from the journey and rid myself of worries.
  • It was time to imagine that my new job would start from that moment.
  • Nikolay and I had a deal, and in exchange, Mike would be free. Perhaps Nikolay wouldn't keep his promise, but it was already too late to regret and try to escape; that was impossible.
  • The man walked alongside me, showing me the grand house where I would now live. The last stop of our tour was the room where I woke up. A spacious room filled with paintings and tapestries, featuring an impressive bed with linen canopies.
  • There was also a lamp that Nikolay took care to light. Until that moment, I hadn't noticed the chill with the black dress and matching red coat.
  • I approached the fireplace under the man's watchful gaze, took off my coat, placed it on a chair, and warmed my hands. Nikolay approached me and turned me to face him.
  • He licked his lips as he observed me and slipped his hands under my dress to caress my backside.
  • "We'll have fun tonight, I assure you," he said, and then his lips collided with mine.
  • It was a violent and forceful kiss that I couldn't reciprocate because I didn't expect it. Nikolay smiled at my reaction and left, locking the door behind him.
  • I felt overwhelmed. I wasn't prepared to be with him, so I decided to take a shower and gather my thoughts.
  • When I came out of the bathroom, I lay down on the bed to try to rest from the journey and rid myself of worries.
  • I succeeded in finding a moment of peace, at least for now...
  • I succeeded...