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The Millionaire Alpha

The Millionaire Alpha

Marian Gallardo

Last update: 1970-01-01

Chapter 1 New Life

  • Warning!
  • Content +18. This story contains vulgar, offensive, explicit, and adult material.
  • I am not responsible for traumatized minds or misunderstandings.
  • That being said, let's read.
  • Prologue
  • Sara's POV
  • "Is it normal to start by saying that I'm 18 years old? My name is Sara Poezyn, I'm tall with fair skin, ash"gray hair, and deep blue eyes. I used to live in Texas, but I recently moved to California. And as you know, a new life in a new place means a new school, new friends, craziness, and everything else. But no, I'm not like that. I'm more peaceful, studious. I don't make new friends because I feel like it's a waste of time, and God forbid all the atrocities of crazy teenagers nowadays. In a way, I can say that I'm an old person trapped in a young body, and yes, I'm the typical nerd, but I like it," I sigh. "Even though everything in this city is fine, there's something that keeps me awake at night, something that I know he's hiding. Those eyes, that gaze, those signals, that way of speaking... I remember my last time in the forest, and how could I forget it? Suddenly, in front of me, there was a dark wolf as black as the night, three meters tall, with yellow eyes that shone in the darkness, and then he appeared out of nowhere," I scratch my head. "I want to understand what's happening, but every time I take a step closer, I understand less about what I'm facing."
  • Wade's POV
  • "I am Wade Dhall. Businessman and owner of the number one company in California. I describe myself as: handsome, seductive, arrogant, millionaire, and unfortunately, a womanizer. But of course, all of that has an explanation. I don't care about stepping on others to get what I want, but I have secrets and flaws that affect my life if she's human and doesn't understand me. I'm not meant for her, even though the moon goddess destined it so. My duties are great, and she will give me more, but I have the need to look at her, watch over her, have her close, her scent, her gaze, everything attracts me, and I don't know what to decide anymore."
  • What will happen between us?
  • ...
  • Chapter I: New Life
  • Sara's POV
  • And here I am.
  • Thousands of kilometers away from Texas, without friends, without furniture, without my things. The house I'm standing in is empty, with nothing, just the dark chocolate"colored walls that give it a melancholic touch.
  • Despite being a mansion, it feels like it should be used by a large family, not by two people who escaped the hell they were living in.
  • My mother must have taken out a loan because her life savings are not enough for such a big house, or maybe someone she knows gave her something in exchange for her services. I look around without understanding. Why is it so big? Why here in California?
  • This will be the beginning of a new life.
  • "Sara, the trucks have arrived. You can unpack your things," my mother gives me a forced smile.
  • "Okay, Mom, I'll unpack," I lower my head and let out a long sigh. I walk past her, but before I reach the door, she gently grabs my right arm, and I cautiously look at the door before she says anything.
  • "I know you're wondering why you're here, how I got this. The answer is simple, sweetheart," she turns me around, and we face each other. "I got this thanks to an old friend. He was offering it, and we needed to get out of that place, and you know it," she tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "We couldn't stay there anymore, for him, for your father," she lowers her gaze.
  • "Hey! I promise he won't find us here," I give her a reassuring smile, and her arms wrap around my waist.
  • Well, I didn't see that coming.
  • I start laughing and move her away from me a little bit. "Come on, let's bring the stuff down," we head towards the truck and unload big and small boxes, asking for help from the truck drivers to bring down the heavy furniture.
  • "Put it there," Mom points to a corner of the living room. "It will look perfect, right, Sara?" I roll my eyes playfully, smile, and nod. I lean against a wall and can only watch as Mom pays them. They quickly leave and from inside, all I can hear is the sound of them slowly fading away on the road.
  • My stomach growls and my mother notices. She smiles. "What do I have on my face that you're making fun of me?" I speak seriously, but even I am dying of laughter inside because of my tone of voice.
  • "Since you're hungry and I'm hungry too, let's break in the kitchen," she jumps up and down.
  • Mom's forte has always been the kitchen, so I wouldn't be surprised if she becomes a chef here. "Let's go, Mom, but first, can you tell me where the sound system for this huge mansion is?"
  • She scratches her head. "I forgot... I'll call Wade, wait here," she points to the spot.
  • "Where else, Elizabeth?" I shake my head playfully.
  • "I won't be long," she rushes out of the place.
  • "Mother, can I help you?" I shout as loud as I can, and that's when I hear her coming down, talking on her mobile phone. "Yes... Oh, I forgot... No, don't worry... Okay, see you later... Goodbye." A mischievous look crosses her eyes and she smiles broadly.
  • "Since when do you think you're a teenager?" I shake my head. "Come on, let's go to the kitchen, I'm starving." I remember the name of this so"called Wade and my curiosity begins. "Mom, who is this acquaintance of yours, Wade?" I ask.
  • "He's the one who gave me this beautiful mansion," she turns around and we arrive at the famous kitchen. "Close your mouth, Sara, flies will get in." I narrow my eyes.
  • Sometimes I wonder if she's really my mom, she seems more like a best friend or sister.
  • Big blue eyes, perfect body, so much so that I would say she looks like she's twenty"five when she's actually forty"six, light chocolate hair, and her curves. I sit on one of the kitchen stools, watching Elizabeth plug her mobile into a device next to the power button, and the kitchen fills with a clearly fun atmosphere.
  • "Hey, Mom, can I help?" I get up, but she turns around and looks at me seriously.
  • "No, you can't. Last time you helped me, I burned the pasta because you were playing around. Now, if you'll excuse me, I don't want to ruin lunch. And, by the way, put on something nice because Wade is coming tonight, he'll have dinner with us." I roll my eyes. As if I care about dressing up for an old man loaded with money. "I know what you're thinking, but no, he's not old, he's sexy and handsome and attractive and..."
  • "Is he going to be my new dad?" I ask playfully.
  • She shakes her head. "He's more like a 'big adult teenager,' he's only twenty"four."
  • Very new, huh.
  • "Well, if you're so interested in that dinner, I'll go unpack and dress up accordingly," I agree and she continues with lunch.
  • I leave and head upstairs, walking to the end of the hallway and pulling the handle to enter my beautiful bedroom.
  • It's dark blue, spacious, with a touch of elegance. Unfortunately, I only have my boxes and I have to unpack. I don't have a bed, nor a wardrobe or a vanity. We could only take the furniture from the living room, kitchen stuff, paintings, well, almost everything, except for some electronic items and our big belongings.
  • We had to leave before he came home and beat her until he got tired because things didn't go well at work. I couldn't tolerate it anymore. I wanted to kill him. Thanks to that and the countless beatings my mother endured, we planned an escape in advance, and here we are, far away from him.
  • Forgetting all the negative memories, I search through the boxes for a short and cute dress for the occasion. If my mom says I should dress up, there must be a reason, although I still think he's an adult with an old man's face loaded with money. I search and search until I find a black dress that falls five fingers above the knee. It's not too revealing on top, but it's not too old either, and it has a beautiful belt in the center.
  • This should be good enough for my mother.
  • I leave my beautiful room and close the door behind me. I put the dress behind my shirt, run down the hallway to the stairs, and descend the steps two at a time.
  • I inhale deeply and my stomach growls again at the delicious aroma. I run as fast as my legs can carry me and burst into the kitchen, startling Elizabeth and causing her to place a hand over her heart.
  • "I'm sorry, Elizabeth," I inhale again, "That smells delicious and my stomach is more stuck than the times we had to wait until midnight on December twenty"fourth," I say excitedly and eagerly anticipating eating something.
  • "Yes, I knew you were hungry for God's sake, but you didn't have to enter like that, you scared me, little fool," she walks towards me and touches my nose in a small caress with her index finger.
  • "Well, Elizabeth, serve the food because your daughter is hungry," I demand authoritatively.
  • "Whatever you say, grumpy daughter, although I should be the one in that position and you in this one," she squints her eyes and walks towards the pantry.
  • "None of that, you know that if I do everything, it would be a disaster," I point at her with my finger.
  • She places a plate of pasta in front of me and I start devouring my food. She looks at me with nostalgia and concern, I clean my hands with my pants and take hers in mine. She quickly changes her appearance and steps aside to eat peacefully.
  • "And Elizabeth, tell me how you met that guy Wade to thank him for this," I point around me.
  • "Well, you know," she looks down and then looks at me again.
  • So my mom and him already...
  • I won't imagine it because it will disgust me. "Special service," I say and she vehemently denies it.
  • "Nothing happened that day, don't get confused."
  • It hurts me that my mom was involved with that jerk who doesn't deserve to be called a father. "Okay, but the way you say it, I matter to you, don't I, Elizabeth?"
  • She stares at me intently. "The truth is, not from the beginning. I already told you that it happened unexpectedly, and after that, we became good friends. Everything changed, and now I like someone else," I drop the fork, and I think this time my mouth is wide open.
  • My mom? In love?
  • I smile. I'm excited for her, that she wants to give herself another chance is important, and that she wants to share it with me is even more important.
  • She looks at me cautiously and fearfully. I narrow my eyes and get up from the chair, I reach her side and hug her. "That's great, Mom," she touches my back and pulls my dress.
  • "Is this your dress, darling?"
  • I nod. "Is it okay for dinner?"
  • "It's fucking perfect. Neither too slutty nor too saintly."
  • Since when does she talk like that?
  • "Elizabeth, that word," I narrow my eyes.
  • "And you, a very mature girl for your age, stop calling me Elizabeth, I'm your mom."
  • "Okay, mother, I'll go get ready," I give her a kiss on the cheek and walk towards my room, I open the door and strip off all my clothes, put the dress inside a giant closet, and close the door.
  • Has it ever happened to you that you feel free when you take off all your clothes?
  • My eyes travel through the boxes and suddenly stop at a quilt. Without thinking twice, I grab it, wrap myself in it, and throw myself on the floor. My eyelids begin to feel heavy, and when I try to get up, my body doesn't respond. I stop struggling, and everything around me becomes completely void.
  • ...
  • I wake up thanks to the sound of heels resonating next to my face. I wrap myself tighter in the quilt and cover myself up to my head. With a tug, I feel it being pulled away, and I sit up abruptly, causing my head to ache. I try to adjust my eyes to the light and look at my mother right at my height.
  • I furrow my eyebrows. "Mom, let me sleep," I try to pull the quilt towards me, and instantly my brain goes through a previous journey.
  • Shit!
  • I run towards the bathroom. "Mother, how much longer until your friend arrives?" I shout from the gigantic bathroom at my disposal.
  • "Within fifteen minutes. You better come out in ten, or you'll have to deal with me," I hear her slam the door, and I shrink in my place.
  • I quickly shower and come out all wet. I search in a box for towels and dry myself off. I throw them out of sight and close my eyes, trying to remember where I left my dress.
  • Have you ever felt that the faster you do things, the worse they turn out or go wrong?
  • Well, this is one of those situations.
  • With my mind at stake, I remember the empty closet and immediately find my suit, I put on all my clothes and search for the scarce makeup I have to put on a little.
  • Something tells me that today is one of those days between good and bad.