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Chapter 2 Enemy Under Disguise

  • While Nicholas, Laverna, and Clarrisse were inside the car, the newly hired bodyguard couldn't help but exchange glances between the two strikingly similar women. Clarrisse, who was seated in the front, immediately noticed this and grinned before looking out of the car.
  • "Laverna, don't tell me you chose him because he's a drop dead gorgeous man," she teased.
  • Laverna chuckled. "What use is his pretty face if he's not skilled? And don't you dare flirt with him. I can see right through your intentions."
  • Clarrisse laughed, amused that her cousin quickly guessed what she had in mind. She couldn't help but be attracted to Nicholas' appearance. If only she had found him first, she would have made him her personal bodyguard long ago.
  • Nicholas remained silent, seemingly ignoring the words he heard. He felt like he was already being treated as a mere object that could be passed between the two women whenever they pleased. But that was nothing new, considering how people with power viewed those beneath them in such low regards. Suddenly, Laverna punched him in the chest.
  • He looked at her, his eyes widening at the almost green hue of her eyes.
  • "Flirting is not part of your job description, so if I catch you, not only will you lose your job, but your life as well." Laverna's gaze was sharp and her voice devoid of any humor.
  • "I understand, ma'am," Nicholas replied briefly.
  • "What's wrong, Laverna? He's not even on his first day of work, and you're already scaring him. Be careful, he might not last long with you," Clarrisse commented. "But, oh well, that would actually benefit me. If you don't want him, then he can be mine."
  • Laverna didn't respond and simply looked at her phone to check her schedule for the day. She still had plenty of time to prepare before the fashion show scheduled for that evening.
  • After almost half an hour, they arrived at Laverna's large mansion surrounded by towering trees that was a bit secluded from the city. Nicholas didn't expect that, as he thought Laverna lived in the main city. He silently followed his new employer inside, while Clarrisse went straight to the kitchen because she was hungry.
  • Laverna led him to a room on the second floor of the house. She opened the door and gestured for Nicholas to enter.
  • "This will be your room from now on. You have your own bathroom, so there's no need to go downstairs just to shower. As for your set of clothes, we'll take care of that later," Laverna guided him to another door adjacent to the bedroom. "Open it."
  • Nicholas obediently followed and, as he opened the door, he couldn't hide his awe and excitement. Inside the smaller room, a smirk formed on his lips. Who wouldn't be amazed? The room was filled with weapons, from daggers to swords, which he believed wouldn't be of much use to him. There were secret devices like listening devices and recording cameras, but what caught his attention the most was the complete set of guns displayed on the right wall of the room.
  • "Everything in here is yours. Whenever we go out, especially for casual outings, always carry one or two guns with you. You should also have an earpiece to be in contact with me. Your duty is not only to guard me but to be my right-hand man, especially during missions. Every order you receive from me should not be questioned. Do you understand?" Laverna explained.
  • "Yes, ma'am," Nicholas replied.
  • Laverna took a brand new cellphone from her bag and handed it to him.
  • "This is what you'll use to call and text me." She sat down on the sofa and looked at Nicholas sharply. "You don't have a girlfriend, do you?"
  • "No, ma'am," Nicholas lied. He actually had one, but their relationship was a secret.
  • "Or a wife?"
  • "No, ma'am."
  • Laverna nodded. "Good. Romantic relationships are prohibited. I despise anything that disrupts work. And, by the way, your every move is monitored here. So, if you plan on betraying me, think twice, because you might lose your life at the most unexpected time."
  • Nicholas nodded in response. Having said almost everything, Laverna stood up and walked out of the room, instructing him to wait for her in the living room before going to her own room.
  • Nicholas sat down and let out a deep sigh. He was still contemplating how he would execute his plan. His hand was itching to kill the woman who acted like she was the boss of everyone. But if he killed her right away, he would surely become the center of attention. For that reason, it would be better for him to gain Laverna's trust first, as well as the trust of the people around her.
  • Shaking his head, Nicholas stood up to prepare. He put on the earpiece and took a gun with him before leaving his room and heading to the living room, where Clarrisse was comfortably watching a movie.
  • "For now, feel at ease," the woman said. "Laverna might take a while, so stay with me here."
  • After a couple of hours, Nicholas felt relieved when he heard footsteps approaching the stairs. He was getting tired of waiting for Laverna and couldn't bear Clarrisse's flirtatious attacks any longer.
  • "Let's go," Laverna said while walking straight towards the door.
  • Nicholas immediately stood up and followed his new boss. Meanwhile, Clarrisse was left behind since she didn't want to go out.
  • As they entered the car, Nicholas was aware that Laverna had changed her appearance once again. She now wore the face known to the public as 'The Public’s Angel.' Among all the faces she used, this one was the longest-lasting and seemed irreplaceable, unless he were to kill her as Laverna Hansley.
  • "Let's make a stop at Leaver Mall first," Laverna said. "We'll get you some clothes before heading to Eslinwood."
  • Throughout the drive, they didn't speak. It didn't bother Nicholas, considering it was his first day on the job, and he was certain he hadn't earned Laverna's complete trust yet. Perhaps as time goes on, she would open up about her thoughts.
  • After parking the car, Nicholas followed Laverna to a specific shop in the mall. Along the way, he noticed how she attracted people's attention as if she were a magnet. He also realized that she had suddenly changed her serious and intimidating personality. At that moment, she greeted people with an angelic smile.
  • "Oh. My. Gosh." A woman with fiery red hair exclaimed upon seeing Laverna and Nicholas enter her shop. She immediately approached Laverna and hugged her. "Congratulations! I thought you would never have a boyfriend with how cold you are, but you still managed to catch a handsome one."
  • "What boyfriend?" Laverna retorted. "He's my bodyguard. And we're here to buy him some clothes."
  • Disappointment immediately crossed Daisy's face as she pushed Laverna away.
  • "Guh. What a downer. Well, go ahead and do your thing. Call me if you need anything." Daisy turned around and returned to her post, greeting the incoming customers.
  • Laverna just shook her head before they walked towards the Men's Section.
  • In the Men's Section, Laverna kept selecting several clothes, making Nicholas try them on repeatedly. With each outfit, she gave him short but annoying comments.
  • "Not my style."
  • "Too plain."
  • "I dislike it."
  • "It's ugly."
  • These were a few of Laverna's irritating remarks for each change Nicholas made. To him, all the outfits looked good, and he couldn't understand why she wouldn't give him a compliment. After trying on ten different outfits and facing Laverna's constant rejection, Nicholas began to lose his patience.
  • "They all look good, actually. I just don't feel like complimenting you," Laverna finally commented, chuckling. She adjusted his necktie before taking his hand and placing a silver-colored watch on his wrist. "Take this as a congratulatory gift from me."
  • After putting on the watch, Laverna shifted her attention to Daisy, who quickly approached them.
  • "We will take all the ones he tried. Add some more in black and gray only. Then send them to my place," she ordered.
  • Daisy playfully saluted and replied, "Right away, madam!"
  • Once they were in the car, they immediately headed to Eslinwood where the fashion show would take place. After some time of keeping things to himself, Nicholas couldn't help but ask.
  • "I thought the earlier outfits were considered ugly?" He complained, already exhausted from the process.
  • "They all looked good, as I said. I just didn't feel like complimenting you," Laverna repeated. She was simply bored that time so she was not in the mood to say anything good. Only then, Nicholas didn't say anything more, and the rest of the drive passed in silence.
  • Upon arrival at Eslinwood, they headed to the backstage area. Nicholas maintained a blank expression, even though he was surrounded by numerous women. He wanted to wait outside and avoid the flirtatious glances he received, but it wasn't the order given to him.
  • As Laverna changed for the upcoming show, Nicholas noticed a beautiful model with blond hair stepping out of a dressing room adjacent to Laverna's. She was immediately greeted by a colleague.
  • "Laverna brought along a handsome guy," the colleague whispered. "But it's not Julius. It's someone else. Look behind you."
  • Nicholas and the model locked eyes and he couldn't help but widen his gaze. He wanted to call out her name, but he couldn't. He shouldn’t.
  • Nicholas clenched his fist upon seeing the shocked expression on his girlfriend's face, Liraz Johanssen. He never expected to see her there, and what made it worse was that he hadn't told her about his plan to become Laverna's bodyguard.