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Chapter 6

  • He frowns, not understanding what I mean.
  • “I feel hungover from last night. I feel a little sick,” I clarify.
  • “Oh.” He smiles. “I see.” He opens the menu and peruses the choices, and I do the same. “What are you having?”
  • In order to feel better, I need full fat and double of everything. But then in order to get Rico to kiss me, I need to appear less pig-like.
  • “Maybe fruit?” I lie, testing the water. I’m so not getting fruit but I’ll ease into the conversation with that.
  • He frowns as he reads. “You should eat something hearty. It will make you feel better.”
  • “Okay.” Well, that plan worked fabulously. “If you insist.” I look over the choices. “What are you having?”
  • “Granola and fruit.”
  • “You know, I make a wonderful granola,” I say proudly. “I roast it myself.” I don’t make much, but I do make that.
  • “Do you?” He raises his brow. “Well, I hope that one day you will make it for me.”
  • I shrug casually, as if super-hot guys ask for my granola every day. “I’ll see what I can do.”
  • He chuckles, and his eyes linger on my face. Nerves dance in my stomach under his gaze. I’ve never spent time with a man who’s this good looking before. Enrico simply oozes sex appeal, and it’s not missionary style sex appeal, either. I’m talking bone-shattering, wet with perspiration, fuck you into oblivion kind of sex. The stuff you see on cable and think about for weeks.
  • “Can I take your order?” the waiter asks.
  • Rico gestures to me. Such a gentleman. “I will have the avocado and eggs, please.” I frown because I want something sweet, too.
  • The waiter looks to Rico. “And you, sir?”
  • “She’s not finished,” he mutters, unimpressed with the waiter dismissing me.
  • “Oh, apologies.” The waiter turns back to me. “Will that be all?”
  • I’m flustered that they’re both watching me. “I was just going to get something sweet, but it doesn’t matter.”
  • “Get the…” Rico quickly scans the menu. “The Maritozzo.”
  • I shrug. “Sure. Sounds good.”
  • “I’ll have the granola with a bowl of fruit on the side.” He folds the menus and gives them back to the waiter, and we watch as he disappears out of sight.
  • Rico sits back and rubs his pointer over his lips as he watches me. It’s as if he’s assessing me.
  • “What?” I smile.
  • “Nothing.” He sips his water. “Just admiring the scenery.”
  • I feel my cheeks flush with embarrassment, and I really want to ask him what he was imagining last night when he was pulling his dick. Of course, I won’t.
  • “Do you come here often?” I ask.
  • “First time. My apartment is on the other side of town. Old Rome.”
  • “It’s a beautiful city, isn’t it?”
  • “I love it here.”
  • “Do you live alone?”
  • “I do now. My brother Andrea and I used to live together but we haven’t for five or six years. He lives near the hospital now.”
  • “You have just the one brother?”
  • “No, I have another brother, Matteo. He lives in France at the moment. He’s a scientist and is working with a pharmaceutical company doing research.”
  • “Wow.” I smile. “A doctor, a scientist, and a policeman. Your parents must be proud.”
  • “I have a sister, too. Francesca. She’s only fifteen.” He smiles wistfully, and I can tell he has a soft spot for her.
  • “Three big brothers to protect her.” I widen my eyes. “Lucky girl.”
  • He chuckles as our drinks arrive. “Thank you,” Rico says to the waiter before he turns back to me. “Francesca doesn’t think so. Apparently, we’re the bane of her existence.”
  • I giggle, imagining being on the wrong side of Enrico. What a nightmare that would be.
  • “What about you? Where do you live?” he asks.
  • “I live in Sydney.”
  • “Who with?”
  • “Alone.”
  • His face falls. “You live alone?”
  • “Yes.”
  • “How old are you?”
  • “Twenty-seven. How old are you?”
  • “I’m thirty-two.”
  • “Old,” I say.
  • He chuckles and his eyes linger on my face again. “So, you…” He stops himself.
  • “Go ahead. Ask whatever you wanted to.”
  • “You have just come out of a relationship?”
  • I shrug. “Yes and no.”
  • “What does that mean?”
  • “I broke up with my childhood sweetheart when I was twenty-four, and then…” I pause, embarrassed. “Then I met my next boyfriend and I was with him for a couple of years. We broke up over a year ago.”
  • Our breakfast arrives. It looks amazing as the waiter puts it down in front of us. “Grazie.” I smile before we are left alone again.
  • Rico looks back up at me. “Why did you break up with the last boyfriend?”
  • “He wasn’t the one.”
  • “Who broke it off?”
  • “I did.”
  • He picks up his coffee and sips it, seemingly mollified.
  • “Why are you still single, Rico?”
  • “I haven’t had a serious girlfriend in years.”
  • “Why not?”
  • “I guess I wasn’t ready to settle down.” He pauses and then shrugs. “I don’t know.”
  • Alarm bells start to go off. Player.
  • Feeling brave, I blurt out, “Do you sleep around?”
  • He holds his cutlery mid-air, clearly surprised by my question. “Would it matter if I did?”
  • “Not really, but it would give me an indication as to who you are.”
  • “Do you think that the number of people you sleep with determines what kind of person you are?”
  • “Maybe.”
  • “In that case, how many men have you had sex with?”
  • “Two.”
  • He stares at me, and then blinks. Whether that’s in shock, horror, or awe, I can’t work out.
  • “Two?” he gasps.
  • I bite my bottom lip to stop myself from laughing. “Does that scare you?”