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The Heiress' Chief

The Heiress' Chief

Crazy Writer

Last update: 2023-06-14

Chapter 1 Beginning

  • Episode 1
  • Location: Chicago Time:- 5:30pm
  • EMMA P.O.V
  • Gosh! I can’t wait to get out of this office. Tomorrow is another day, I need to go enjoy myself.
  • A knock came on my door and I raised my head from my laptop.
  • “Come in,” I said. The door throw open and my secretary walked inside my office.
  • “Good evening Miss Maxwell” she greet with her head bow.
  • “How are you doing darling?” I asked putting on a perfect smile.
  • “I’m good ma, here is the last file you need to sign,” she said presenting a file to me.
  • I went through the file and put my signature to the places that need my signature.
  • “Can I go now?” She asked.
  • “Sure, but will you like to go to the club with me?” I asked.
  • “No ma, I’m not interested my boyfriend is outside waiting for me” she replied and I left out a smile.
  • “So you mean, you can’t go with me because of your boyfriend?” I asked and she nod her head.
  • “Alright, you can go!” I said and she walked out of the house.
  • I’m very sure this is her first love. My door throws open again.
  • This time I don’t need a soothsayer to tell me who just opened the door.
  • “Normalize barging into my office without knocking,” I said and she rolled my eyes at me before sitting down on the chair opposite mine.
  • “What’s the next thing?” She said and sat on the chair and cross her leg as if she owns my company
  • . “Clubbing!” I replied standing up from the chair.
  • “Let’s go!” I said and picked up my bag from the table.
  • “Hey see those lovers,” Brittany said pointing to my secretary Nadia, and I turned back to see Nadia kissing a guy. She quickly stopped the kîss when she saw me.
  • She rushed to my side and smiled at me. “Miss Maxwell that is my boyfriend,” she said pointing to the guy she was making out with.
  • “Oh he doesn’t look like a faithful guy” I replied.
  • “Miss Maxwell, he is a very good guy, he loves me so much, he’s the breath I breathe and I’m also the breathe he breath” she replied blushing hard.
  • “So you’re among who take men too important?” I asked and fold my hands under my bóóbs.
  • “Ma I know you don’t believe in true love, but true love exists, all you need to do, is to give men a chance in your life,” she said and I burst into laughter.
  • It’s very funny, how people think every woman needs men in their life.
  • “To you, your boyfriend loves you?” I asked with an evil smirk.
  • “Yes he does, and I also love him” she replied smiling and I look towards the direction the guy stood.
  • He was busy looking at his wristwatch pervert. “Can you give him a little test? To know if he truly loves you” I asked and she nod her head.
  • “very good, Go to him and slap him, then see his reaction” I said and she smiled at me.
  • “He can’t do anything” she replied with a smile. “One more thing, first ask him who’s the girl he went to the club with yesterday,” I said.
  • “Alright ma, I’ll do just that” she replied and walked away.
  • “Why did you do that?” Brittany asked with a frown etched to her face.
  • “I only want to help her get rid of that idîot she called a boyfriend, I saw him in the club last week Friday with two girls” I replied and my driver rushed to open the car door.
  • “Why can’t you just mind your business?” She asked angrily.
  • “Minding other people’s business gives me joy,” I said and giggled.
  • I was about to enter my car before she dragged me back.
  • “What’s your problem?” I half yelled.
  • “Look, he is beating her, he’s a woman beater” Brittany yelled shivering like a cat that fell inside water.
  • “Who does that?” I said and walked to the scene.
  • I kick the guy hard on his dîck and he fall on his bûtt immediately.
  • “How dare you lay your filthy hand on my staff” I yelled and pounce on him and my secretary also join me to beat him.
  • “Hey, that’s enough you guys are going to kîll him” Brittany shouted and rushed to drag me away from him.
  • “all men are scum!” I shouted and spat on his face.
  • “I told you to stop saying that, if all men are Scum your father is also a Scum,” she said.
  • Wait did I say all men are Scum? “All men aren’t scum, some men are Scum because my father is the best thing that has ever happened to me,” I said and Nadia roll her eyes.
  • “Miss Maxwell when are we going to the club?” I scoffed loudly and rolled my eye ball, when I was telling her to go to the club with me, she said no, now she wanna chill with me.
  • “My driver will come and pick you up, don’t think about him, he doesn’t deserve you” I said and she nod her head.
  • I moved closer to her and clean her tears with the back of my hand.
  • “Get inside the car, let me drop you off at your house” I said and she get inside the car immediately.
  • “You’re a bad influence!” Brittany said and rushed inside the car.
  • My driver drove the car to the mansion and I came down from the car.
  • Don’t be surprised I’m still staying with my parents.
  • But I’m planning to move out soon, because this people are making life miserable for me.
  • “Yeah, it’s time to party hard” I shouted and Brittany covered her ear with her hand.
  • As I walked inside the sitting room with a small smile on my face, I came to a halt at the sight of a shadow before me.
  • I take slow strides forward and my jaw drops.
  • Location:- Paris Time 6:00pm
  • Rowen removes his apron from his neck and sat down with his head bow.
  • He look at his ringing phone and shake his head negatively before switching off his phone.
  • “Hey Mr Hunt” someone shouted and Rowen raised his head up slowly.
  • “I have told you time without number to stop calling me Hunt” Rowen said, his voice came out soft, but harsh.
  • “I love your voice let’s get Marry!” Austin Rowen friend said.
  • “Get out!” Rowen said and walked away and Austin burst into laughter. “That’s the only one word he loves saying” Austin said.