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Chapter 9 The Night When You Were Mine

  • “Giselle…”
  • I turned and was surprised that I didn’t even notice Caden was already at my back. I was a little embarrassed that he came into my room with my hair looking so messy. My body felt so exposed with my sheer see-through nightgown, and my cheeks were stained with tears.
  • “What are you doing here?” I asked, a little nervous, and quickly wiped my tears with the back of my hand.
  • It was that kind of day when I felt like I wanted to cry for no reason. Just wanted to release all the negative feelings as I stared outside the window while the weather was dark and heavy, just like my feelings were. There was a storm coming. The waves were crashing on the shore, and the far horizon of the ocean was gray with thick, hefty clouds, ready to pour out the madness they had been holding.
  • My heart was a storm. And I didn’t know how long I could suppress the feelings I had for Caden now that he was so near me. Now that we were living under the same roof.
  • For the baby.
  • Caden gave me an apologetic look and showed me something.
  • My mouth instantly watered when I saw what was in his hands.
  • It was my favorite! Dragon fruit!
  • “Where did you get that? I have been looking for this fruit everywhere. It is so rare in the city,” I exclaimed in surprise, smiling. God! I totally forgot I was mad at him! Grrr…. Hormones!
  • “I sent men to search for these,” he smiled at me and was glad that it made me happy. “I knew you were craving this. It's been your favorite since we were kids.”
  • “Yeah, you always used to bring me these whenever you visited home so that I wouldn’t nag you out the whole day while you and Greta have group studies,” I chuckled.
  • But then I realized something, and I froze, biting my lower lip.
  • “It’s fine. Don't worry about it anymore,” he whispered, and then placed the plate of fruit on my bedside table as he cleared his throat. I could tell he got uncomfortable when I mentioned my sister’s name.
  • “I want to know what plans you have for the baby, Caden. In three months, the baby will be here, and I still have no idea what to do—”
  • “Hey, hey…” He reached for my hand and squeezed it when he saw the panic in my eyes. “We will figure this out. We just have to make sure that you and the baby are healthy. And then we will discuss what to do next.”
  • Fear started to crawl on my chest as I caressed my growing belly. “There is no way we could hide it from my parents for too long. I-I never wanted you to be in trouble, Caden! Dad will kill you!”
  • “I know… but this is already out of our control, Giselle,” he murmured, gazing into my eyes. “If you wanted to, I could marry you.”
  • “Mom won’t buy that.” I scoffed at him. “What would I tell them? That we fell in love with each other after your massive heartbreak when Greta got engaged?”
  • Caden’s face suddenly turned red, and his jaw stiffened as he glared at me. “You really have that talent for making people angry, Giselle,” he fumed, and then shook his head before he marched towards the door and slammed the door shut behind him.
  • My eyes stayed on the closed door after Caden left. I felt so bitter and angry. Not of him but of myself. I couldn’t forgive myself for letting this thing happen between us. I blamed myself for making Caden's life complicated just because I failed to stop my feelings for him that night when we were both so weak and vulnerable. It was all my fault, and I didn’t know what to do.
  • I held him tight and made sure we both wouldn't fall to the floor while I opened the door to Caden's condominium unit.
  • He was so drunk that I had to help him walk from the parking lot up to the floor where he was staying. I hadn't been to his place before, and I thanked the goddess; he had his address in his wallet when I checked it from his pocket. I have never seen Caden so wasted like this before.
  • A loud grunt escaped from my throat after I tossed him on his king-sized bed as soon as we got in. The first thing I did was to explore his place. My eyes stared at every detail of it and wondered if he had some kind of OCD because his room was so organized and clean. Everything was in the perfect place.
  • "God, you pathetic, gorgeous thing," I sighed as I looked into his perfect face while he was sleeping. I had to take off his coat and tie and change his shirt so he could be more comfortable. First, I took off his shoes and then his socks. I got a little red as I saw his perfectly shaped and pale feet.
  • My fingers shivered as I slipped away his necktie and took off his coat. My breath went ragged when I unbuttoned his white shirt, exposing his hairy chest. It gave me a strange, warm feeling between my legs. It was embarrassing, but I couldn’t control it. The desire to touch his skin was so powerful that I couldn’t even breathe.
  • He groaned again when I started wiping his arm with a warm towel. It suddenly went warm inside his room, even though I had already turned on the air conditioner. Or was it just me? Or him?
  • I lay beside him, and while I stared longingly at his innocent sleeping face, I played my fingers with his dark raven hair and let my head fill with the amazing scent of his skin and the smell of the wine on his breath. I didn’t know how much wine I had at Greta’s engagement party, but I felt good and hot, and I wanted to kiss his supple, pinkish lips. My head told me it was not a good idea, but I wanted to. I needed to know how it felt to kiss a gorgeous Alpha like him.
  • And then his eyes opened.
  • Before I could even explain why I was on the bed with him, Caden had already pulled me into his arms and pressed his lips against mine. Deep, hard, and possessive, which made my heart skip a beat. I got scared. But when his tongue started exploring my mouth—tasting me, consuming me—I decided to succumb to the desire that I had been suppressing for a long time and kissed him back, as fervently as he did.
  • I gasped so loudly when he suddenly ripped my red dress and threw it on the floor. His kiss was so intoxicating, and the lust that we felt made me so dizzy. His taste and his touch were so addicting, I wanted more.
  • He pushed me onto the soft bed and pinned me against it. Oh, I wanted to moan his name so much, but I didn’t. I never wanted him to stop.
  • He took off his clothes in just a matter of minutes, and he pinned me back to bed before I could even have time to stare at his gorgeously sculpted body. My hands started to explore his amazing six-pack abs and the other one, his hard chest, as he kissed me so deliciously that moans escaped from my lips.
  • He was so d*mn hot, I couldn’t resist him when he started to part my legs. He groaned so loudly in my ear when he positioned himself between my thighs and felt the tip of his c*ck press into my wet p*ssy. I groaned when he started to thrust inside me, slowly, and yet the pain was so sharp and overwhelming that it made me grimace.
  • “F*ck…” Caden groaned and kissed me. His breath was so warm, so fast, and so rough as he started digging inside me, faster and faster, until I could no longer feel the pain. My back arched as I felt that delicious feeling as he slid inside me, filling me with his length. Our bodies rocked in one rhythm: faster... faster... faster...
  • “Oh, you’re so tight, love!” He snarled in my ears. I held tight to him when he bit me on my shoulder, and I felt his skin ripping under my fingernails.
  • “F*ck…I’m—I’m c*mming…”
  • I felt Caden’s body go stiff after he made one mind-blowing deep thrust as both of us reached our peak. He filled me with his c*m, so warm and amazing to feel.
  • Caden gazed into my eyes, and he touched his forehead against mine before he rolled to his back and quickly fell asleep beside me. I stared at the ceiling, still tasting the amazing feeling I felt in Caden’s arms, until I didn’t realize I had already fallen asleep as well.
  • And that one wonderful night I shared with him started the chaos that changed both of our lives forever…