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Chapter 2 Meet Logan Stewart

  • I pushed her against the wall, and her back crashed hard. Then, closing the door behind me, I turned to look at her.
  • "What are you up to? You've been harassing me for the past few weeks, and today you spilled a drink on me. Now you've followed me into the restroom. How shameless can you be?" I growled at her, and she flinched.
  • "No! I swear, I didn't even know you were here," she said with pleading eyes.
  • "Liar! You've been following me everywhere. You think I didn't notice?" I yelled at her.
  • "Yes, we meet everywhere, but it's all a coincidence. I never planned for those meetings to happen! For some strange reason, we just happen to be in the same place at the same time!" She tried to escape.
  • "But it can't keep on happening all the time! You think I'm a fool that I'll believe your silly lies?" I shouted as I closed in on her.
  • She tried to move but her back was against the wall and she had nowhere to go. I trapped her between my body and the wall, placing a hand over her head.
  • "I'm not lying. I haven't been following you," she protested.
  • "Quiet! I know girls like you and what they want from me. You better stop stalking me or you'll soon be in big trouble," I growled as my hands clenched into a fist.
  • "You're getting it all wrong. I didn't mean to harass you. We just bump into each other all the time," she said as she looked away from me.
  • Maybe it was a curse to be a young and sexy Alpha of a powerful pack. Girls never left me alone and this one, in particular, seemed to irritate me the most, especially considering she was a human.
  • Did she really think of becoming my Luna? She was not even a werewolf, yet she was trying so hard. Such behavior disgusted me.
  • I brought my lips near her left ear, making her flinch again.
  • "Stay within your boundaries. I won't be so merciful the next time you cross my path. You could even end up losing your job. So be very careful. You'll never get what you want from me, so you should stop trying," I warned in a low whisper.
  • I heard her heart thudding in her chest. That was enough for me to know that I had scared her. Maybe then she would go away from me.
  • I finally let go of her and headed for the bathroom mirror. I still had not cleaned the brown stain on my white shirt that had been formed because of the spilled drink. She might have spilled it intentionally, so we would meet there in the bathroom.
  • Besides, How did she have the nerve to blame it on chance? What a clever plan?
  • She could fool others with her innocent face, but I knew how cunning she was.
  • "So, since we always bump into each other, can I at least know your name?" she asked as she fidgeted with her fingers.
  • At first, I thought I heard it wrong. I meant, I just warned that girl, but there she was, still trying to get close to me.
  • I looked at her through the mirror, and I saw how she had her eyes fixed on my clothless body.
  • "You are really shameless. You just denied harassing me, and here you are now, trying to start a conversation with a half-naked man." I smirked at her shamelessness.
  • "Leave. Now!" I spoke calmly, trying hard not to lose my cool.
  • "No, it's not like that. I just want to know your name because..."
  • "I said leave!" I shouted before she could say her words, as her nasty attitude irritated me.
  • I could not believe her guts.
  • "Okay, I'm sorry. I'll go now," she said with a hint of sadness and headed for the door.
  • I sighed in relief as she left the bathroom and closed the door. I decided not to visit that restaurant from then on, so she would not have an excuse to approach me.
  • I heard the door open with a screeching sound and turned to see who it was again. It looked like no one knew to knock anymore.
  • I turned around and it surprised me to see her again. I gritted my teeth angrily. The girl was really something else!
  • "Sorry, I forgot to place this here," she said, holding up a large tissue roll.
  • I nodded my head and sighed softly, then turned back to the mirror. If I was not in a good mood that day, she would have lost her job.
  • I watched her through the mirror as she replaced the finished tissue roll, then strolled toward the door.
  • "It wouldn't hurt to tell me your name." She asked again, softly.
  • "Get out!" I shouted angrily, and she scurried away.
  • Why would a restaurant hire such a person? She had no shame.
  • She was so desperate to approach me just because I was Alpha. She was not the first one I knew who was like that, but she was the most persistent of them all. She was really brave.
  • ***
  • "Okay, thanks for the discount," I smiled at the woman, who was selling vegetables as she had been so kind to me.
  • I picked up the bag of vegetables and hurried out of her store. I walked out as I checked the bag to make sure I did not forget anything Mrs. Maggie had asked me to buy.
  • As I walked with my face in the bag, I ran into a wall. Wait, that was not exactly a wall.
  • I looked up to see what it was I bumped into and was blocking my path. The first thing that registered in my eyes was a broad chest. My hands had an urge to touch the chest of their own accord, and I felt strange sparks shooting up my arm and up my body. Those sparks made me feel dizzy.
  • I looked up, and my heart skipped a beat at that moment. It was him again. Why did we keep running into each other?
  • His white T-shirt was tight against his body and highlighted his manly chest and muscles. His dreamy blue eyes made me think of clouds. Only that they contained an invisible fire.
  • My mind clouded over, and my mouth closed. I tried to speak, but no words came out of my mouth.
  • His smell filled my nose, like one of the spices Mrs. Maggie used for making cakes. Suddenly, the air became hot and heavy. I backed up a few steps to get away from his intoxicating presence. I needed to regain my ability to think clearly.
  • "Hello." I finally found my tongue, but I was not sure it was the right word.
  • He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth as he turned red with anger.
  • "Sorry, it was my fault. I wasn't watching where I was going," I quickly added.
  • "I don't care if you have eyes or not! Why can't you just leave me alone? I thought I had strictly warned you not to stalk me again, but you still followed me here!" he shot back.
  • "What? No, that's not true," I gasped.
  • I could not believe he thought I had followed him. For God's sake, I went there to shop! I had no intention of stalking him.
  • "Shut up! We both know that's not true. You're always lurking around me, and I know exactly why you do it, but I'm telling you for the last time that you can't get it, so stop trying!" he shouted angrily.
  • People had already begun to stop and look at us. They did not mind their own fucking business. And him? Why did he enjoy embarrassing me? What did he think I wanted from him?
  • "I don't know what you think I want from you, but you're wrong and I'm not following you. I am here to buy some vegetables. Isn't it obvious?" I asked, holding up the bag containing the vegetables in front of his eyes.
  • He grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him. My body shuddered with fear and my heart pounded unceasingly.
  • "Vegetables, huh? This is a well-thought-out plan. I'm sure you're smart, but I'm smarter. Now I'll repeat myself for the last time. Stop harassing me!" he growled angrily.
  • He let go of my arm and turned back in the direction he came from. Then he walked away.
  • I ran after him immediately, and he stopped. He looked at me with an unhinged face.
  • He really needed to blow off some steam, but he could do that after we meet.
  • "Do I have to appease you before you leave me?" he yelled, and I flinched as I took a step back from him.
  • "Please, I just want to know your name. Is that too much to ask?" I begged him.
  • "Why? We're not friends, and I don't like you being around me, so why should I tell you my name?" he retorted.
  • "I'm just asking because...."
  • "Logan! Over here!" a voice interrupted me as I was about to explain to him and we both looked to the left.
  • He was a young man of about my age, standing next to a car.
  • "Finally," he muttered and crossed to the other side of the road.
  • I stood in place, watching him. So his name was Logan. I did not think I knew him, but that still did not explain why I felt so strange around him.
  • "Who was that girl?" I heard the other man ask him.
  • "Shut up, Blake, just take me home," he muttered and got into the car.
  • He looked in my direction once before the car moved. I sighed and walked away. I was already running late.
  • TBC!