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Chapter 12

  • Artemis Thaleia's POV
  • "Lord Sin's room is on the 6th floor. Kindly press the 6th button, my lady." My eyes went to scan the chateau's extravagant living room with its million-dollar worth of paintings porcelain vintage base; everything that my eyes laid to screams nothing but class and elegance.
  • I quickly turned my eyes to the elevator when I heard it ring. I marched my way towards it.
  • I was about to press that button when I saw the girl I was with standing in front of the elevator.
  • "What are you waiting for? Get in."
  • "We aren't allowed to be on the 6th floor if Lord Sin is in there, my lady," she answered.
  • I rolled my eyes and pressed the 6th button.
  • The elevator door opens, and eyes shift to the grand piano where the music is coming from.
  • "Sin," I called him nervously.
  • Sin suddenly laughed, then he stopped playing the piano and stood up before he turned to face me.
  • "There you are. I missed you, Mi Amor," he said. He trailed my jaws, wearing a manic smile.
  • I shove Sin's hand away from my face. His eyes spark in mischief.
  • "Did you just? Tell me you didn't—" He gasped and held his temple like I frustrated the hell out of him by rejecting his touches.
  • I quickly grabbed onto the grand piano to support myself when Sin suddenly strangled me with eyes burning in anger.
  • "S-Sin!" I voiced out even when it was hard for me to speak. I was almost running out of air. I had to free myself from his hands, or I'll die.
  • I tried to punch Sin in the face, but he easily caught my fist, as if he knew that kicking him was the second that I'd do to help myself. Sin caged both of my legs with his, not giving me a chance to fight back.
  • He crouched. "Nice try, but you are not allowed to do that, my beautiful lady. You can't disrespect me like that and push my button," he whispered.
  • The moment I managed to mask my fear. Sin let his grip of me loosen until he freed me completely.
  • Catching my breath and feeling the pain around my neck and hands, I stared at him and slowly redeemed myself.
  • "You said you wanted to talk to me," I said.
  • Sin closed the piano and sat on top of it.
  • "Who brought you here? Whose car did you ride with on your way here?"
  • "Are you serious? Are you seriously asking me that now, Sin?" Sin gave me a deadpan.
  • "It's Thayer. You left me, and your men didn't give me a ride, instead, they laughed at me like I was some sort of a joke! God, I was fucking disrespected!" I hissed.
  • Sin pulled me closer. I could feel his warm and minty breath fanning my face as he breathed. He moved his mouth to my ear. My eyes shut, and I get to feel a tingling sensation in my system. It feels as if he is blowing a breath on my ear.
  • "And you are telling me this because?" He asked.
  • "Mi Amor, you don't demand from someone respect and fear. If you want them to respect and be scared of you, make them. Do not ever expect that they'll bow down to you just because you are connected with me. It doesn't work that way. Don't expect me to soak my hands with someone else's blood just because they made fun of you; instead, soak yours and feel the warmth of their blood in your bare hands." Sin tucked a few strands of loose hair in my ear, and then his finger gently caressed my lips.
  • "If they're scared of you and respect you for who you are, then it will always remain that way even if I am not around, unlike respecting and being scared with you just because I was around to protect you from them. I know my men too well," He said meaningfully
  • "Do you understand me, Art?" He asked. I slowly nodded. The corner of his lips lifted.
  • "Say it, I wanna hear you say it, say it," Sin mumbled.
  • "Yes," I said calmly. He tilted my neck closer to him and gave me a shallow kiss.
  • "That's my girl, make Daddy proud."
  • ******
  • One of the things I didn't expect to see here was that the Miscreant heads ate together as if they were really a family.
  • All of the chairs on the long table were occupied, and I had nowhere to sit. I glanced at Sin, who was sitting comfortably on the left side of the table while sipping wine.
  • "I'm sorry, but there's no space in here for you, Doctor. Might as well eat your dinner in the kitchen with our maids," said the same man who closed the door of the SUV before I could get in earlier.
  • I've had enough of this disrespect.
  • I took the knife near his side. He looked up at me and arched his brow. I grinned widely.
  • "This looks sharp and shouldn't be played with because someone might get hurt." The man winced in pain. His voice echoed in the dining room as I stabbed his shoulder using the knife.
  • Before he could recover from my sudden stabbing. I pressed the knife harder on his shoulder and slowly twisted it a few times before I pulled it out.
  • I covered my mouth and acted as if I was surprised by what had happened.
  • "I'm sorry! I didn't mean it. It slipped from my hand and fell straight to your shoulder. God! I am so clumsy," I blurted out, smirking.
  • "You're bleeding," I muttered with a dramatic voice and tightly held his stab wound.
  • The same man winced in pain and was about to attack me when I quickly got the plate from the table and hit him on the head, which made him fall to the floor.
  • "Sorry, I became panicky. I mean, he'll hit me, that's why," I mumbled. I looked at them seriously and saw Kanoa's grimacing.
  • "What an appetizer," Mallory said with a smile, then gestured to me to the empty seat where the man used to sit.
  • "I get it now... why you brought her here, Sin," Mallory said, smirking.